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Rowan County 59 Ashland 56
Nice win by Rowan
Thanks I was confused when you said "all were declared eligible"
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Perception and interpretation are too often in the eyes of the beholder and therefore the true meaning is usually lost. There is no reason for bitterness on my part because all is well. Can you say the same?

Other than the fact I wasn't at the top of my government school class everything is great in my world. How could it be perceived or interpreted any other way?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:As I said earlier, there would be no need for anyone transferring before the ninth grade to be declared eligible by KHSAA unless there was a question of recruiting made by the old school against the new school. I did not insinuate that recruiting took place although Leaping Lee seemed to think so. I really have no way of knowing since I'm not associated with any of the schools involved. My information is usually second or third hand although the "hands" are pretty reliable and close to the action.
If the former school raised the question of recruiting, KHSAA would have a duty to look into it. I understand that Rose Hill did not oppose the transfers. On the other hand, I have also heard that KHSAA expressed displeasure with Rose Hill for never opposing any transfers. I was told that these transfers in question involved two schools and girls as well as boys. If that is the case, it can be assumed that KHSAA sensed that a review was needed. Since Rose Hill wouldn't contest the transfers or file a formal complaint, KHSAA could do nothing.

Harry, did you just deny ever insinuating that recruiting took place in one sentence and then explain why you think recruiting took place in the next sentence and the paragraph that follows?
Leaping Lee Wrote:Harry, did you just deny ever insinuating that recruiting took place in one sentence and then explain why you think recruiting took place in the next sentence and the paragraph that follows?

Leaping Lee, apparently the difference between explaining a process and using examples to do so and making allegations of recruiting is beyond your grasp. I realize that I have touched a nerve but I do not understand how or your overreaction. I personally have no direct information that any of the six were recruited. Do you? Assuming you don't or, at least, won't divulge it, lets just conclude that all is well and move on. For the 64th District, the season ended again at Morehead. the district hasn't advanced since 2003 when Rose Hill and Mayo won. It is time for all fans of the district and 16th Region to focus on backing its repeat champion, the green and white of Rowan County.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Leaping Lee, apparently the difference between explaining a process and using examples to do so and making allegations of recruiting is beyond your grasp. I realize that I have touched a nerve but I do not understand how or your overreaction. I personally have no direct information that any of the six were recruited. Do you? Assuming you don't or, at least, won't divulge it, lets just conclude that all is well and move on. For the 64th District, the season ended again at Morehead. the district hasn't advanced since 2003 when Rose Hill and Mayo won. It is time for all fans of the district and 16th Region to focus on backing its repeat champion, the green and white of Rowan County.

Harry, you know I posted on this thread to discuss the final play of the game a game that I watched objectively and without bias and if you bothered to read you would see that my post reflect that. I don't know the young men in question personally but I believe you do. Therefore, your childish, cheap shot toward KIDS did strike a nerve. Even more offensive is you sighting a book of the Bible to support your personal attack on innocent children. If you don't see how wrong that is then heaven help you.

With that said, I believe the other poster on this thread are seeing right through you. For example, you saying that you were not personally involved at Rose Hill is a complete lie, not a stretch of the truth but a lie. There is no way you could know that much about the inner workings of an organization without being closely involved. So I may not be able to grasp much and I may have graduated at the back of my class but I'm savey enough to sniff out a lie.

Just keep double talking and cheap shooting kids because its what you do best.
Leaping Lee, I must admit that you have a fine ability to battle windmills (Don Quixote by Cervantes). You also apparently have access to a real crystal ball from which you glean your flawed assumptions and conclusions (possibly a bit if Alice in Wonderland by Carroll). You pretend "offense" when I cite the Holy Scriptures. I suggest you exhibit strong traits of the Man from La Mancha and Alice on the Yellow Brick Road. Of course, your baseless shots and unsubstantiated innuendo suggest the traits of a political underling doing the bidding of the machine in south Chicago.

And, you seem unable to read and understand my posts preferring, instead, to make them say what you want rather than displaying the ability to comprehend the actual content. To be blunt, the meaning of my posts is apparently over your head because you aren't remotely in the ballpark. Now that is a shame for both of us. However, when I post on a subject, I try to become educated on the facts before doing so. You should give it a try.

I hesitate to incur your wrath by again saying that all is well but will do so anyway. Get over your whining and show your region loyalty by climbing on the Rowan County bandwagon. The green and white have a chance to be in Lexington and to play on Saturday again. That should be your focus instead of windmills and yellow brick roads.
I feel like I ate a magic mushroom.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Leaping Lee, I must admit that you have a fine ability to battle windmills (Don Quixote by Cervantes). You also apparently have access to a real crystal ball from which you glean your flawed assumptions and conclusions (possibly a bit if Alice in Wonderland by Carroll). You pretend "offense" when I cite the Holy Scriptures. I suggest you exhibit strong traits of the Man from La Mancha and Alice on the Yellow Brick Road. Of course, your baseless shots and unsubstantiated innuendo suggest the traits of a political underling doing the bidding of the machine in south Chicago.

And, you seem unable to read and understand my posts preferring, instead, to make them say what you want rather than displaying the ability to comprehend the actual content. To be blunt, the meaning of my posts is apparently over your head because you aren't remotely in the ballpark. Now that is a shame for both of us. However, when I post on a subject, I try to become educated on the facts before doing so. You should give it a try.

I hesitate to incur your wrath by again saying that all is well but will do so anyway. Get over your whining and show your region loyalty by climbing on the Rowan County bandwagon. The green and white have a chance to be in Lexington and to play on Saturday again. That should be your focus instead of windmills and yellow brick roads.

Harry, I want to shoot straight with you. As I read your most recent ramblings it occured to me that you are either a liberial politician, an attorney, or an attorney who wanted a more honest profession so he went into politics.

So I took your and advise and educated myself about Harry Rex Vonner. According to Wikipedia Harry Rex Vonner is a sleazy divorce attorney in the John Grisham novels A Time to Kill and The Last Juror. In the film version of A Time to Kill Vonner was portrayed by Oliver Platt, who is in my opinion a very underated actor. I really enjoyed that movie because everytime they Ashley Judd or Sandra Bullock were shown they were in a pretty good sweat. Oh to be Matthew McConaughey. But I regress, Wikipedia also states that "A Time to Kill" is also a quote from "Ecclesiastes" which is interesting.

Anyway I put 2 and 2 together and came to the conclusion that with your tendancy to side step the truth, not answer direct questions, talk to others in a condensending matter, and ramble on about much of nothing that you are obviously an attorney or should we say a former attorney.

Now when you couple that with your close associations I know who you are. How it feel to be disbarred?
Well we covered literature, math and the history of film. Sound like a list of my electives from college.

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