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A Million Little Pieces
Who has or is reading it?

It is the new craze in books.

It's Oprah's book of the month and everywhere I look someone has a copy of it out reading away.

I am around halfway finished.

Just share some thoughts.
Not heard of it, or maybe I have is this about that guy who was on drugs really bad?
It IS about the guy that was on drugs really bad.

It's the true story of his 6 weeks in rehab.
I just finished reading the book. It is sooo sad and soooo gross at the same time. his attention to detail of every injury, every vomitting episode is amazing. this book is not a waste of time to read
You all know that he is giving money back to everyone that wants it that got the book, somone one researched it and found out some of it wasnt true..
I havent read the book but if some of the people that are on drugs so bad around here could have a chance to experience thoes feelings maybe they would see the light but then again probly not
james frey is willing to back up it all and thesmokinggun is the organization trying to discredit him. he is willing to sue as well.

On a better note, he has a second book called My Friend Leonard that is supposed to be a continuation of A Million Little Pieces. I havent read it yet but hope to in the near future.
I don't read
Haven't read it. I like the cover though, and I've only read bits and pieces at a glance between naps.

It's interesting though, and if I can get a hold of it I might read it, not a big reader though, I have a really annoying eye problem where I read from 3 lines at a time and I can't focus, (but I do have some pretty funny word combo's that I can share). I can't remember what those are called.
Theres was just an interview on CNN about this book. The author denied the rumors that some of the parts aren't true and oprah was called and she said she supported the book and everything.
The joker also back tracked on it being a "true" story. He said it was a memoir--and that he have "remembered" things differently than what really happened.

I small a rat. He didn't come off as being very truthful to me.
I don't know anything about the book, just watched some of the interview on CNN.
ok he was on detox drugs that mess with your head. The book is a collection of his journals that he wrote in while going through detox. half of the stuff could have been hallucinations from the detox. so who cares if he lied. its his **** life. Even if the book was totally fiction, it is still an awesome book that could teach alot of people lessons they wouldnt learn otherwise. i know it had a profound effect on me. I think everyone needs to get off his case.
I just finished the book last night. I had alot going on and couldn't seem to get it all read.

The book was great. I printed off all the pages that wrote about it and read them right after I finished the book.

It was a good book regardless if it was a lie or not. I enjoyed it.

I can't really take a side and say that he lied or if he said stuff because of the drugs because I don't know the truth. In my opinion though, I think that he made it up to add an effect to his book. I support that though. It's his book, his life. It was supposed to be true, but hell just put the book in the fiction section now, no harm done.

If he wrote about six weeks in rehab then you know events aren't going to happen everyday to make it excited. So he didn't get arrested that many times, who cares? I enjoyed the book and if he's a liar well then he's a **** good liar.

I intend to buy his second book, My Friend Leonard as well.
thetribe Wrote:I just finished the book last night. I had alot going on and couldn't seem to get it all read.

The book was great. I printed off all the pages that wrote about it and read them right after I finished the book.

It was a good book regardless if it was a lie or not. I enjoyed it.

I can't really take a side and say that he lied or if he said stuff because of the drugs because I don't know the truth. In my opinion though, I think that he made it up to add an effect to his book. I support that though. It's his book, his life. It was supposed to be true, but hell just put the book in the fiction section now, no harm done.

If he wrote about six weeks in rehab then you know events aren't going to happen everyday to make it excited. So he didn't get arrested that many times, who cares? I enjoyed the book and if he's a liar well then he's a **** good liar.

I intend to buy his second book, My Friend Leonard as well.

tribe--your posts are well informed (as always)--but there are a couple things that I disagree with. .

As far as the truthfulness of the book--I, for one, care. I think that it is pathetic that a person markets a product one way, and then people start to buy into the idea only to find out that they have been had. I look at this as blatant fraud.

Does that mean that it is a bad book? No.

But it does mean that this guy may have intentionally snowed us to make more money. And on the topic of Oprah--I would have to wonder whether this would have ended up on her "list". And if it wouldn't have--how many of us would have known about it. I can't stand her to start with--but she does some of these jokers a service by recognizing her product. I think it shows her true character that she continues to back this joker.
I know what you mean KH.

Looking at it from the point of view that he marketed it as a memoir, did interviews and promotions, and said that the events depicted were truthful then it does bother me. I understand why he would add the fluff that he did to the book but he should have wrote it as fiction and informed the public that some of the happenings were true. That would have saved the controversy that it is now created.

I would have read the book anyway and he would not have his ass on the line now. His reputation is being ruined because of this. Everyone thinks that he is a liar and that's fair.

I think that lie that really bothers me the most is him saying that he was at fault for his friend's death. Exaggerating arrest was done in order to make himself look like a hardcore criminal, he wanted to feel tough and feared and probably praised for such an amazing recovery but lieing about the role that you played in someone's life does not sit well with me.

Before I even go into that, some names, dates, and locations in the book was changed with no disclaimer. The name one of TWO girls that passed away in the train accident (he didn't tell the truth about hardly ANY of it) was even changed.

Now for my rant about the accident.. Nov. 15th, 1986 that train hit a car driven by DEAN SPERLIK not James Frey. Jane Hall (not even mentioned in the book) and Melissa Sanders (referred to as Michelle) were killed. The movie scenario did not happen. "Michelle's" father never drove James and her to the movies, he wasn't covering for her while she went out on a date..she was heading out with Dean from a party and at the time, Dean was drunk. The train hit the car, killed the two girls, Dean was unharmed. James Frey even manipulated the time that the accident took place. He said that he was 12 and it was 6 months after he had moved there, well the accident took place when he was 17 years old. James was never taken in for questioning, his name never even appeared on any police report or account about it. He had NOTHING to do with it.

Was he trying to make himself look better once again by talking to her in the shower and going on about how he loved her? Maybe he had admired her from afar, perhaps they were even friends. They may have rode the same bus in school but they weren't as close as he lets on and he had zero involvement in the accident.
Second post.
Reply to the Oprah part of the situation.

She held him achieve his level of success. No doubt about that. He has made so much money by selling over 1.77 million copies of his book. Oprah pushed him up to that level. I don't know if she would have put the book out there like she did if she knew that he had lied number one and number two, if it had been a fictional book. Who knows?!?
never heard of it
thetribe Wrote:I know what you mean KH.

Looking at it from the point of view that he marketed it as a memoir, did interviews and promotions, and said that the events depicted were truthful then it does bother me. I understand why he would add the fluff that he did to the book but he should have wrote it as fiction and informed the public that some of the happenings were true. That would have saved the controversy that it is now created.

I would have read the book anyway and he would not have his ass on the line now. His reputation is being ruined because of this. Everyone thinks that he is a liar and that's fair.

I think that lie that really bothers me the most is him saying that he was at fault for his friend's death. Exaggerating arrest was done in order to make himself look like a hardcore criminal, he wanted to feel tough and feared and probably praised for such an amazing recovery but lieing about the role that you played in someone's life does not sit well with me.

Before I even go into that, some names, dates, and locations in the book was changed with no disclaimer. The name one of TWO girls that passed away in the train accident (he didn't tell the truth about hardly ANY of it) was even changed.

Now for my rant about the accident.. Nov. 15th, 1986 that train hit a car driven by DEAN SPERLIK not James Frey. Jane Hall (not even mentioned in the book) and Melissa Sanders (referred to as Michelle) were killed. The movie scenario did not happen. "Michelle's" father never drove James and her to the movies, he wasn't covering for her while she went out on a date..she was heading out with Dean from a party and at the time, Dean was drunk. The train hit the car, killed the two girls, Dean was unharmed. James Frey even manipulated the time that the accident took place. He said that he was 12 and it was 6 months after he had moved there, well the accident took place when he was 17 years old. James was never taken in for questioning, his name never even appeared on any police report or account about it. He had NOTHING to do with it.

Was he trying to make himself look better once again by talking to her in the shower and going on about how he loved her? Maybe he had admired her from afar, perhaps they were even friends. They may have rode the same bus in school but they weren't as close as he lets on and he had zero involvement in the accident.

did anyone stop to think that he might have convinced himself that he was at fault? that he felt he could have done something to save his friend? People grieve differently, and since she held such an important place for him in his childhood that he felt he could have prevented it. I know people who have had the same kind of guilt-like feelings from a friends death.

No one even mentioned that he MIGHT have changed names and the situation to protect the family and those killed. I know if i wrote a memoir, i would want to save the memory of a friend.

NO ONE except James Frey knows what really happened. It was HIS choice what to write in HIS book. Unless someone was injured or harmed from the book, they are the only people who have the right to be mad about this.

Essentially it comes down to this. If he had told the whole truth, the family of the girl would have been mad. If he lied about it, the press would get him. It was a lose/lose situation. Everytime someone makes alot of money someone has to stomp in and ruin it. Happens everytime

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