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Obama apologizes again
Can any of you Obama supporters explain in a meaningful way why your boy apologized to the Muslims again? I can't imagine any other president, with the exception of Carter, who would have lowered himself to that level. Obama makes a habit of it. He is seen by our international foes as dangerously weak and no one can deny it.
Truth Wrote:Can any of you Obama supporters explain in a meaningful way why your boy apologized to the Muslims again? I can't imagine any other president, with the exception of Carter, who would have lowered himself to that level. Obama makes a habit of it. He is seen by our international foes as dangerously weak and no one can deny it.

I missed that one truth. Is the apology available anywhere? I'd like to hear it. Demonstrates a point I made in another thread, Obama is leveling the playing field. He has said he believes we Americans consume too much of the world's energy resources. Imagine one man believing himself to be so brilliant he is qualified to completely redefine every walk of life for every American. Now imagine one man being willing to try to impose those beliefs on the entire nation.
I found it.

NBC - Barack Obama has written a letter formally apologizing for the burning of copies of the Quran at a coalition military base in Afghanistan, the Afghan president’s office said Thursday, amid reports that two American troops had been shot dead.

A man dressed as an Afghan government soldier killed the soldiers and wounded four others during a protest about the burning of Islamic holy books that had been used by detainees held at the Bagram military base, a police officer and a provincial Afghan official told NBC News.

There have been violent protests every day since the news of the Quran desecrations emerged on Tuesday in what has become a public relations disaster for foreign forces in Afghanistan.

A statement from President Hamid Karzai’s office said the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan had delivered the letter from Obama Thursday.

In the letter, which is quoted in the statement, the U.S. president expresses his “deep regret for the reported incident” and offers his “sincere apologies.”

According to the statement, Obama wrote: “The error was inadvertent; I assure you that we will take the appropriate steps to avoid any recurrence, to include holding accountable those responsible.”

The deputy police of Khogayani district in Nangarhar province, Haji Mohammad Hassan, told NBC News Thursday that American soldiers had starting firing at protesters who were attacking their base.

He said that an Afghan soldier then turned his weapon on them, shooting six, killing two and injuring four.

Obviously, two murdered Americans and 4 more having been shot is not recompense enough. A formal apology from the leader of the free world, signed in his own hand, and promising punishment for any soldiers caught doing anything like this again must be offered. Wonder how much blood money (tax payer funded settlement) is in the offing. This is how Mr Obama balances a man's worth. Three books versus the lives of two American soldiers.
TheRealThing Wrote:I found it.

NBC - Barack Obama has written a letter formally apologizing for the burning of copies of the Quran at a coalition military base in Afghanistan, the Afghan president’s office said Thursday, amid reports that two American troops had been shot dead.

A man dressed as an Afghan government soldier killed the soldiers and wounded four others during a protest about the burning of Islamic holy books that had been used by detainees held at the Bagram military base, a police officer and a provincial Afghan official told NBC News.

There have been violent protests every day since the news of the Quran desecrations emerged on Tuesday in what has become a public relations disaster for foreign forces in Afghanistan.

A statement from President Hamid Karzai’s office said the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan had delivered the letter from Obama Thursday.

In the letter, which is quoted in the statement, the U.S. president expresses his “deep regret for the reported incident” and offers his “sincere apologies.”

According to the statement, Obama wrote: “The error was inadvertent; I assure you that we will take the appropriate steps to avoid any recurrence, to include holding accountable those responsible.”

The deputy police of Khogayani district in Nangarhar province, Haji Mohammad Hassan, told NBC News Thursday that American soldiers had starting firing at protesters who were attacking their base.

He said that an Afghan soldier then turned his weapon on them, shooting six, killing two and injuring four.

Obviously, two murdered Americans and 4 more having been shot is not recompense enough. A formal apology from the leader of the free world, signed in his own hand, and promising punishment for any guilty soldiers caught doing anything like this again must be offered. Wonder how much blood money (tax payer funded settlement) is in the offing. This is how Mr Obama balances a man's worth. Three books versus the lives of two American soldiers.
I'm just going by reading this post above, so I can't offer an opinion. That being said, what should he do about our people being in their country burning their "holy" book? That is their "bible", and we are on their land. Are we at war with the whole country, or just the terrorists?
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm just going by reading this post above, so I can't offer an opinion. That being said, what should he do about our people being in their country burning their "holy" book? That is their "bible", and we are on their land. Are we at war with the whole country, or just the terrorists?

Possibly he should first ask for an apology from the Muslims for persecuting Christians. These Muslim terrorists have killed Christians for attempting to practice their faith. There is no tolerance of any outward display of beliefs other than Muslim beliefs.

Of course, we all know that Obama's support of Christians is nonexistent.

What should he do? Nothing. He is a weakling. He is a disgrace to the White House. He and Carter have much in common. However, Carter differs from BO in that he at least believes in preserving American ideals. BO obviously doesn't. He is dangerous.
I have studied and taught on Islam before, and am familiar with some of the teachings. I know we are used to apologies being sincere and in OUR culture, we look to it as something respectable and look to correct the situation. We all have had situations with our loved ones, with friends, at work, etc. where sometimes those things happen and apologies are necessary.

However, it is not the same in Middle Eastern Islamic culture. When obama makes an apology to these people, they aren't going to think, "That's awful nice of him for doing that! We understand and respect that you cared enough to apologize to us." They are going to be like, "Gosh that guy is weak! We can run him over!" I would think being in the position that he is in as President of the United States that obama would know enough to be able to understand that. Evidently, he does not.

And Truth, I take it you were around for the Jimmy Carter era. I wasn't born until a few years later. Did you ever think you would be typing good things about Jimmy Carter? LOL
WideRight05 Wrote:I have studied and taught on Islam before, and am familiar with some of the teachings. I know we are used to apologies being sincere and in OUR culture, we look to it as something respectable and look to correct the situation. We all have had situations with our loved ones, with friends, at work, etc. where sometimes those things happen and apologies are necessary.

However, it is not the same in Middle Eastern Islamic culture. When obama makes an apology to these people, they aren't going to think, "That's awful nice of him for doing that! We understand and respect that you cared enough to apologize to us." They are going to be like, "Gosh that guy is weak! We can run him over!" I would think being in the position that he is in as President of the United States that obama would know enough to be able to understand that. Evidently, he does not.

And Truth, I take it you were around for the Jimmy Carter era. I wasn't born until a few years later. Did you ever think you would be typing good things about Jimmy Carter? LOL

No. Although I always figured he was, most likely, a fairly decent peanut farmer. Of course being a peanut farmer qualifies one to be president about as much as being a public agitator. In each case zero equals zero.
Truth Wrote:No. Although I always figured he was, most likely, a fairly decent peanut farmer. Of course being a peanut farmer qualifies one to be president about as much as being a public agitator. In each case zero equals zero.
Although Carter left with a 34% approval rating, 52% of the voters of that era look back and view him favorably, and wished they had voted for him for a 2nd term. It's kind of like the 60-70's, if you don't remember, you weren't there. Little known fact: On the way to Reagan's inauguration, he was on the phone to the Iranians about releasing the hostages. They were released later that day.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm just going by reading this post above, so I can't offer an opinion. That being said, what should he do about our people being in their country burning their "holy" book? That is their "bible", and we are on their land. Are we at war with the whole country, or just the terrorists?

I guess I must be overvaluing a human life. Let's see one book vs one human life. We, they, anybody can go out and buy as many copies of the Quran as they would want. I'm saying the symbolism of US troops burning the Quran may well be offensive to the citizens of Afghanistan. But, two men have been murdered and four more have been shot with the intent to kill. You're likely talking about guys too young to have a clue they did anything all that bad. Late teens, early twenties, they could care less about that kind of stuff.

I took this quote from an article in the Morris Daily Herald written by Laura King with the LA Times. (I like to peruse the Herald due to my days as a resident of that fair city while working at the Desden Nuclear Power facility)

Those who kill an infidel shall not be put into hellfire with him,” the statement said. “The killing of a warring infidel earns one a place in paradise.”

This is the true face of the Islamic extremist. They don't value any life but the one who follows Islam. If they could kill every last infidel in the United States they would do it with a big grin on their face. That's the kind of people I want my president bowing down to (literally) and apologizing to boy!
Its okay when they do it, but we must apologize?

Seriously how can anyone, even dems respect this joke?
And before one of you Liberal nuts get on here talking about how we are wrong and all this "love" shit, your own president that you love so much is being shown in effigies and being burned.....



And people call someone like Ron Paul crazy for pretty much saying he'd like to leave these people to thereselves and who gives a shit what happens to them....
TheRealVille Wrote:Although Carter left with a 34% approval rating, 52% of the voters of that era look back and view him favorably, and wished they had voted for him for a 2nd term. It's kind of like the 60-70's, if you don't remember, you weren't there. Little known fact: On the way to Reagan's inauguration, he was on the phone to the Iranians about releasing the hostages. They were released later that day.

They were released that day because they knew Reagan would bomb them back into the Stone Age once he became President if they weren't released. And you stopped just short of saying people now wish Jimmy Carter would have been re-elected. That might be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I don't know one person left on Earth who will admit they voted for Jimmy Carter EITHER time. You're kind of my buddy now RV but I will still call you out haha...
jetpilot Wrote:They were released that day because they knew Reagan would bomb them back into the Stone Age once he became President if they weren't released. And you stopped just short of saying people now wish Jimmy Carter would have been re-elected. That might be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I don't know one person left on Earth who will admit they voted for Jimmy Carter EITHER time. You're kind of my buddy now RV but I will still call you out haha...
That was just out of my time. I just heard that statistic on the TV the other day, don't know if it's true or not. I'm not taking up for them, I dislike those people, and their book. I don't discriminate on religions. I just didn't know what anybody thought Obama should do in that position. I would like nothing more than to get our kids out of there and flatten that place out, and have said that for several years.
TheRealVille Wrote:That was just out of my time. I just heard that statistic on the TV the other day, don't know if it's true or not. I'm not taking up for them, I dislike those people, and their book. I don't discriminate on religions. I just didn't know what anybody thought Obama should do in that position. I would like nothing more than to get our kids out of there and flatten that place out, and have said that for several years.

Read jetpilot's post if you want reality. The Iranians were scared of Reagan. They saw Carter as a weakling. History does repeat itself because our foes, particularly the Muslim countries, see BO as a weakling. They were right about Carter and they are right about BO.

What should BO have done "in that position"? For once, he should have shown some strength and loyalty to this country. A little less singing with fading musicians and a little leadership would be good,

In the meantime, in this age of apologizing and weakness, I see that two more Americans were murdered. Do you suppose BO will find a way to apologize for this, too?

If, as you say, you really want to see a hard line taken, there is no way you can support the weakling in the White House (or on the golf course or singing with BB King).

It is time to get rid of this fraud before he destroys our way of life. By the way, it is now reported that 49.5% of our citizens (BO voters overwhelmingly) pay less than zero income taxes (remember all those welfare credits they receive). Just what is their "fair share"?
Truth Wrote:Read jetpilot's post if you want reality. The Iranians were scared of Reagan. They saw Carter as a weakling. History does repeat itself because our foes, particularly the Muslim countries, see BO as a weakling. They were right about Carter and they are right about BO.

What should BO have done "in that position"? For once, he should have shown some strength and loyalty to this country. A little less singing with fading musicians and a little leadership would be good,

In the meantime, in this age of apologizing and weakness, I see that two more Americans were murdered. Do you suppose BO will find a way to apologize for this, too?

If, as you say, you really want to see a hard line taken, there is no way you can support the weakling in the White House (or on the golf course or singing with BB King).

It is time to get rid of this fraud before he destroys our way of life. By the way, it is now reported that 49.5% of our citizens (BO voters overwhelmingly) pay less than zero income taxes (remember all those welfare credits they receive). Just what is their "fair share"?
How could they be scared of him at that point? He was just a movie actor as far as they knew. After the first four years they might have been scared, but not before. At least give credit where credit is due. Carter worked his butt off to get the hostages released, right up until his last minutes in office, on the way to Reagan's inauguration. Reagan reaped the benefit of Carter's work, in that case.

I didn't notice that two soldiers had gotten killed in the first post, until this morning. I have said all along to get our kids out of there, and let the idiots kill themselves. But, when I name that, like I did with Iraq, everybody said that we had to be in Iraq, because Saddamn was killing his own people. I think it's about time we quit worrying about that place over there, and let them take care of themselves.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:And before one of you Liberal nuts get on here talking about how we are wrong and all this "love" shit, your own president that you love so much is being shown in effigies and being burned.....



And people call someone like Ron Paul crazy for pretty much saying he'd like to leave these people to thereselves and who gives a shit what happens to them....

I totally understand what you are saying. The intelligence community has said over and over that if we were not fighting these thugs over in the middle east, we would be facing much more in the way of terrorist attacks over here. At least over there it's somewhat of a war zone, albeit a guerilla war zone. The idea is it's better to take them on where we can at least pit them against our trained military as opposed to exposing innocent civilians trying to get to work in the morning or kids at school, to their murderous schemings.

I for one can easily believe that to be the case in light of this and George W's administration's lack of will, when it comes to border/immigration control. America's new god, tolerance, dictates every move we make. Preserving the dignity of the diverse groups of the world is more important than our next breath in the minds of the politically correct watch dogs of our society. Hence, we dare not profile arabs at customs, airline bording points, (airlines are their weapon of mass destruction of choice and we wouldn't want to deny them the opportunity to arm themselves) or border crossings.

If we could simply withdraw and let them bomb themselves into oblivion I say let them go for it. The problem is they are driven by hate for Israel and America, who they call the "great satan". You know they're never going to be satified just killing themselves, they will export as much mayhem to our shores as they possibly can. Having troops on the ground in the middle eastern countries gives us an enormous advantage in our efforts to keep up with their efforts to procure a nuke. This is the main concern of those that have the responsiblity of defending our land, the threat that these guys will one day get their hands on a nuke small enough to smuggle into one of our major cities and lay waste to it. There's that anti-profiling and porous border problem popping up again. I guess in lieu of a viable customs policy, we can all just hope real hard that things will turn out alright. It just wouldn't be right to put the Islamic extremist coming and going at will across our borders through the humiliation of a thorough luggage search and a pat down. We reserve that for the likes Donald Rumsfeld and grandmothers etc.
Well, we fulfilled BO's promise and withdrew from Afghanistan. Now, only a few months later, all legitimate reports indicate that the Taliban is returning Afghanistan to how it was prior to out intervention. Too bad for rights in general and for women in particular. Is anyone really surprised?

I believe we should quit fighting these politically correct wars. Either go in to win completely or keep out. Use whatever level of force it takes to win or stay home. After all, our foes, particularly these wild-eyed, terrorist Muslims would destroy all of us in a minute if the could do so. BO's policy of appeasement doesn't impress any of them one iota. All it does is further weaken our country.

Does anyone think our trained and experienced military leaders agree with BO? They are trained to follow orders regardless of the stupidity of those orders. Too bad they don't have freedom of speech as do our retired military leaders who continually condemn BO for his ineptness and weakness.
I was always told that you can often measure a man by the way he throws a baseball. After watching BO do so on a couple of occasions, I believe that statement is solid fact.
TheRealVille Wrote:How could they be scared of him at that point? He was just a movie actor as far as they knew. After the first four years they might have been scared, but not before. At least give credit where credit is due. Carter worked his butt off to get the hostages released, right up until his last minutes in office, on the way to Reagan's inauguration. Reagan reaped the benefit of Carter's work, in that case.

I didn't notice that two soldiers had gotten killed in the first post, until this morning. I have said all along to get our kids out of there, and let the idiots kill themselves. But, when I name that, like I did with Iraq, everybody said that we had to be in Iraq, because Saddamn was killing his own people. I think it's about time we quit worrying about that place over there, and let them take care of themselves.
If Carter was indeed working to get the hostages released right up the last few minutes before Reagan was inaugurated, he was most likely telling them Reagan would handle the situation completely different than he would. They released them so they would not have to "deal" with Reagan IMO. The only thing Reagan "reaped" from the Carter presidency was the abstract incompetency displayed in those four years.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:If Carter was indeed working to get the hostages released right up the last few minutes before Reagan was inaugurated, he was most likely telling them Reagan would handle the situation completely different than he would. They released them so they would not have to "deal" with Reagan IMO. The only thing Reagan "reaped" from the Carter presidency was the abstract incompetency displayed in those four years.
OK. They were afraid of the cowboy actor. :Thumbs:
Truth Wrote:I was always told that you can often measure a man by the way he throws a baseball. After watching BO do so on a couple of occasions, I believe that statement is solid fact.

Wasn't that about the most sissified and pitiful thing you ever saw?
I am not a Carter fan, but I have to agree with TRV. Ronald Reagan didn't scare anyone on day 1.
LWC Wrote:I am not a Carter fan, but I have to agree with TRV. Ronald Reagan didn't scare anyone on day 1.
Me either. But, he was as good as Reagan.
Carter sat on his butt for 444 days while Iran held the Americanians hostage, in no way did he work his butt off to free these people.
TheRealVille Wrote:Me either. But, he was as good as Reagan.


Why do the liberals keep talking about Reagan and not Carter, if Carter was just as good.
LWC Wrote:I am not a Carter fan, but I have to agree with TRV. Ronald Reagan didn't scare anyone on day 1.

Ah come on LWC, you may have read something about it somewhere, but I believe that 1980 (and Carter and Reagan) was just a little before your time, wasn't it?
Old School Wrote::biglmao:

Why do the liberals keep talking about Reagan and not Carter, if Carter was just as good.

Yeah they all claim they are Ronald Reagans now, don't they?:biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:OK. They were afraid of the cowboy actor. :Thumbs:
He was much more feared than the peanut farmer ever was. But who really cares? The cowboy actor and peanut farmer are the least of our worries right now. We gotta get these republicans to cooperate with BO so he can get manufacturing back on track and all the unemployed back to work. Plus BO and the democrats could balance the budget within weeks while providing every US citizen with their own personal physician if those republicans would shut their mouths. If we didn't have republicans, the whole world would love us and there would be no more wars or pollution. Nixon, Ford, Reagan and those Bushes are to blame for this mess. Darn those republicans!
SKINNYPIG Wrote:He was much more feared than the peanut farmer ever was. But who really cares? The cowboy actor and peanut farmer are the least of our worries right now. We gotta get these republicans to cooperate with BO so he can get manufacturing back on track and all the unemployed back to work. Plus BO and the democrats could balance the budget within weeks while providing every US citizen with their own personal physician if those republicans would shut their mouths. If we didn't have republicans, the whole world would love us and there would be no more wars or pollution. Nixon, Ford, Reagan and those Bushes are to blame for this mess. Darn those republicans!
I'm glad you are finally seeing that it would be a much better world if they would just cooperate, and quit being the party of "no". They would rather see this country go down in flames before they would work with the other side. The next congressional elections will prove that.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm glad you are finally seeing that it would be a much better world if they would just cooperate, and quit being the party of "no". They would rather see this country go down in flames before they would work with the other side. The next congressional elections will prove that.
I hope you recognize extreme sarcasm when you read it. Maybe you were being sarcastic too huh?

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