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Please Pray for me and my family.
I waited a long time to post this and you will understand why in just a few. Me and my wife are expecting our second child next month. I didn't post it because last November we miscarried and really was devastated. She will be 33 weeks tomorrow, and I just now got the courage to post this on BGR. Please remember me and my family. Last Christmas was bad for my wife, but I think this Christamas is a little bit better. God Bless You All!!
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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My prayers go out to ya. Hope you & yours have a very Merry Christmas.
Will do. I've been through that before. Good luck to you.
Sure thing man.
I have been through the exact same situation. My heart goes out to your family. It was a struggle with my wife when she miscarried. We tried again and are now blessed with two beautiful girls. May the Lord reach down and touch your wife and child with a mighty hand. I pray that your family is blessed abundantly with health and happiness. That He will give her peace with the lose and give her understanding. I believe with all the faith and heart of my spirit that God will touch your house and use your children for great and wonderful things. He has many blessings instore for them and He is going to use them for his Glory. May you all have a Merry Christmas and wonderful new years to come. God Bless.
Praying buddy!
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Well said crossbones.

You and yours have my prayers. You stand up for the Lord on here, he will stand with you through this time.
Thanks to all for those kinds words.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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Good luck buddy!
we'll do bud. Merry Christmas to you and your family
God bless you buddy, especially during this time of year, I pray your gift is precious to you and your wife.
^ :Thumbs:
I told her that I didn't want anything for Christmas because my gift lord willing will be here in January.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

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Praying for you and your family CPo8!
Praying. God bless you and your family and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.
Praying for you and your family... Merry Christmas
Praying, good luck man.
Prayers go out for you brother.
Prayers, good thoughts and wishes to you cougarpride. Only 6 more weeks!!
Merry Christmas everyone! And a peaceful happy New Year.
I always include anyone who is in my life in any form in my prayers at night, so you and your are covered.

Best wishes.
Just a quick update to you guys. If everything goes alright, she sees the doctor Monday making her 39 weeks. Her Beta Strip test turned out positive, and for those of you who don't know what that means, it means she has positive bacteria in her birth canal. They are going to check her to see if she has dilated any, and then admit her Monday night to give her antibiotics through the night, and induce her Tuesday morning. Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. I am worried because she is so tired. I cleaned the whole house, and done two loads of cloths to get caught up. I will update later this week.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Hang in there
Lots of us are sending prayers and good wishes to you!!
I'll keep praying for ya buddy. Keep up the house work for that woman so she can rest. Good luck with everything.
My prayer is that the Lord may be with you and your family. Remember what Jesus said: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
DANIEL ISAIAH FIELDS Born 1-31-12 at 12:45. 8lbs 5oz 20in long. Mother and baby are doing fine. Thanks every for there prayers!!! I have a new cougar in the den! heheheh. Smile
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]

I firmly believe that prayer is a strong tool. This only serves to confirm that belief.

Nice size young 'un. He'll be in a football uniform before you know it!!
cougarpride08 Wrote:DANIEL ISAIAH FIELDS Born 1-31-12 at 12:45. 8lbs 5oz 20in long. Mother and baby are doing fine. Thanks every for there prayers!!! I have a new cougar in the den! heheheh. Smile

Honestly, one of, if not THE, greatest post on BGR in my time here.
Conratulations. Go ahead and register him a member and post for him up until he can post himself. Smile

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