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Royal Rumble Card
Steel Cage Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Daniel Bryan © vs. Mark Henry vs. Big Show

WWE Championship
CM Punk © vs. Dolph Ziggler

John Cena vs. Kane

30-Man Royal Rumble Match - #1 entrant is Miz
Kofi Kingston and Brodus Clay are the two names that are being decided on to be number 2 in the Royal Rumble match and start with The Miz.
I'm sayin that Takercomes in at 30
^ He has to be close to arriving in the WWE
Bryan falls from the Big Shows grip from the top of the cage to sneak one by again. Bryan retains
Yeah, if they are planning on using Takerin WM then he hasto come back soon. Word is that Orton is coming back tonight as well?
Bryan celebrates with his title on the outside after the match. He’s up pretty quickly after splatting down on that mat on the floor. The crowd has a pretty mixed reaction toward Bryan winning.
Cole says that if Bryan survives Elimination Chamber next month, he could main event WrestleMania. This leads us right into and Elimination Chamber promo.
We get a bit of hype for John Cena vs. The Rock, since the Road to WrestleMania has begun tonight. This leads us into a video package letting us know a little bit more about this mystery man John Cena, who really is an enigma
All joking aside, the package is really well put together, and an interesting look at fans talking about why they like or dislike Cena. It’s also mixed with footage of a young Cena. For filler, it’s pretty good, and I would expect they’ll play a similar package about the Rock later in the show.
Beth Phoenix, Natalya & The Bella Twins vs Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, Tamina & Eve Torres
Natalya takes Tamina down with a headlock then stands back up and Tamina throws her into the ropes and tries to bodyslam her but Natalya slides out. They trade a few punches before Tamina knocks her down and tags Eve, then she hits a Booty Pop moonsault but Natalya runs her into the corner and tags Beth. Eve counters a backdrop and knocks Beth down, but she goes for a cartwheel legdrop and Beth gets her knees up. She tags Brie and she chokes Eve on the ropes then tags Nikki, and she applies a chinlock but Eve gets to her feet and breaks the hold.
Eve avoids a punch and tags Alicia, and she chokes Nikki in the corner, but Brie jumps in and switches places when the ref's back is turned and throws Alicia headfirst into the turnbuckle. Brie tries to pull her up but Alicia takes her down with an armdrag, then Kelly tags in and knocks her down with a spinning headscissors takedown. Kelly slams her down then Nikki breaks up a pin attempt and all the girls end up fighting at ringside until Kelly dives off the top rope. She knocks everyone down with a flying splash, then rolls Brie in but Beth jumps on the apron and slaps her hard on the back. Beth tells her to get out of her ring, then Beth hits Kelly with a Glam Slam and makes the cover.
Winners - Beth Phoenix, Natalya & The Bella Twins
Zack Ryder shows up in a wheel chair and a cast over his midsection. John Laurinaitis shows him to his very own dressing room. Does the "woo, woo, woo, you know it" line. Eve shows up and starts spitting some big words and tells Laurinaitis she hopes he gets fired tomorrow.

"That's gratitude for ya," Laurinaitis replies.
John Cena vs. Kane: Cena out first and St. Louis is very much reacting to him like a heel. Heavy boos for him.
HHH on Raw tomorrow night
Kane doesn't get much of a reaction at all but he still looks awesome with the two masks gimmick he uses to walk to the ring with now.

They immediately get rolling and Booker T delivers his usual awesome commentary -- "A fight just broke out, dog!" Here come the dueling chants. "Let's go Cena!" "CENA SUCKS!"

They continue brawling to the outside. Once they get back in, Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but falls over like he can't handle the weight. Which is funny because he's held up around 700-pounds before.
They do the back and forth punches for the crowd to get into the "boo-yeah" schtick but Kane ends it with a big clothesline. Cena selling pretty big for Kane here.

Cena battled back and went for a bulldog but Kane just tossed him aside, to the point that Cena nearly fell out of the ring. They do a spot with a rack on the ropes and now Kane is going for the choke glove. Cena blocks it at first but Kane takes over and locks it in. Cena reverses into the crossface but Kane powers out. Up they go and Kane hits a sidewalk slam.

Uh-oh, Kane going for the top rope. Hits the clothesline. Now he's calling for the choke slam. Cena ducks under, of course, and here comes the five moves of doom. Shoulder block, slam, you can't see him. But wait! Kane grabs him for the chokeslam as Cena bends down. Cena pops out of the choke slam but gets hit with a big boot for his trouble
Ensuing pinfall gets two.

They head for the top rope and Kane gets knocked off. Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle off the top rope. I hope that becomes a thing because it looks far less cheesy.

Cena picks up Kane for the AA but Kane elbows his way out. They go back and forth with counters and now Kane sends Cena out of the ring. Now they're brawling to the outside with the referee counting. He's up to nine and they're doing a double countout. Terrible finish to a terrible match.
John Cena and Kane go to a double countout.

They continue brawling all over the arena. Now they're in the back and Kane keeps smashing Cena. It just so happens he runs into Zack Ryder's dressing room. He breaks the door down and there's Ryder in his wheel chair. Choke glove!

Cena is laid out on the floor and Kane starts wheeling poor little Ryder out to the arena.


These are truly hateful actions, ladies and gentlemen. Kane gets all the way to the ring and dumps Ryder out of his chair. Got a nice pop for that. Throws Ryder into the ring. Here comes Eve and she's begging Kane not to hurt her man any further.

Kane picks him up and gives him the tombstone right in front of her, looking at her the whole time. The crowd cheered all this.

Kane turns his attention to Eve but here comes Cena, just in time to make the save. He runs into a chokeslam, though, and the crowd cheers that! This crowd is awesome. Kane laughs as he heads for the back with Cena and Ryder both laid out and Eve checking on Ryder.

They've got medical personal in the ring and it's time for another stretcher job. They should absolutely not waste this much time on stretcher jobs on pay-per-views. I didn't pay $45 to watch Ryder get carried out like this.
Now it's time to run a promo for The Rock. The build to WrestleMania begins tonight, indeed.
Really a bust of a show so far. Not very entertaining.
Drew McIntyre vs Brodus Clay

Brodus shakes his hips and Drew says something to one of the Funkettes and sucker punches Brodus, but he shakes it off and shoves Drew to the mat. Brodus hits a release suplex, then runs the ropes and hits What The Funk for the win and dances after the bell.

Winner - Brodus Clay
now - CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler

Daniel Bryan def. Big Show and Mark Henry to retain world heavyweight championship
John Cena and Kane go to a double countout
Brodus Clay def. Drew McIntyre
John Laurinaitis comes out first and says he wants to remain impartial so he will supervise the match from ringside and appoints a WWE referee to have control of the match. Both participants make their entrances and John sends Vickie to the back, and Punk locks up with Dolph then they break near the ropes and Punk drops him with a right hand. Dolph runs the ropes and knocks Punk down and taunts him, then Punk leapfrogs him and tries to roll him up then goes for an Anaconda Vice. Dolph makes it to the ropes and Punk applies a waistlock, then turns it into an abdominal stretch and punches him in the kidneys. Punk suplexes him and throws him on the ropes, then Dolph lands on the floor so Punk runs the ropes and hits a suicide dive at the bottom of the ramp.
Punk rolls him back in and goes up top, but Dolph runs over and sweeps his legs and Punk snaps his head on the ropes then Dolph hits a neckbreaker. He follows up with a bunch of elbow drops and gets a two count, then puts Punk in a headlock but Punk makes it back to his feet and hits a side suplex to break the hold. They trade punches when they get up then Punk chops Dolph and runs the ropes, but Dolph ducks and counters with a sleeperhold then avoids an Anaconda Vice attempt. Dolph dropkicks him for a two count then goes for a legdrop bulldog, but Punk counters with a spinning powerbomb for a two count then hits some clotheslines. He follows with a neckbreaker and a running knee, and hits a bulldog and calls for a GTS but Dolph slides out and slingshots him into the corner. (
Punk lands on the turnbuckles and goes for a springboard elbow but Dolph counters with a near fall rollup, then Punk comes right back with a stnading crescent kick. He bodyslams Dolph near the corner and starts to climb the turnbuckle, then hits a flying elbow drop for two
Punk rolls through and tries to pin him but John is still not paying attention, and he helps the ref in the ring and Punk gets in his face and yells at him. Dolph tries to hit Punk again but he counters and hits a GTS but ends up swinging Dolph into John in the process and John gets out of the ring and says in was on purpose. Punk says it wasn't and goes for another GTS but Dolph counters and gets a two count, then Punk hits him and continues to argue with John. He slingshots Dolph into the corner then hits another GTS, then John rolls in the ring and counts with the referee, then hands the title to him and leaves and lets Punk continue to celebrate.

Winner - CM Punk

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