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Iran Nuclear Scientist killed in car bomb blast
TheRealVille Wrote:Have they ever helped us in a war?

They helped us resolve the Suez crisis. In Vietnam they were in the middle of their own wars. In Desert Storm we had to keep them from going and wiping out all of Iraq. We try to keep Israel out of these conflicts because it will only make tensions worse in the region, and because Israel doesn't care to wipe the Arab League off the face of the Earth.
Stardust Wrote:Upright! No nation in the history of the world has been through more aggressive attacks on their people. With what has appeared to be a quest to destroy this nation, for them to still exist is testament enough to me. Bible or no bible, this nation has withstood more than any other, especially for its size, and has never failed to prevail. You said they have lost wars, I'd contend that they have lost battles, because the WAR has been waged on them for 10,000 years and they have not lost!

Excellent point.
RoShamBo Wrote:They helped us resolve the Suez crisis. In Vietnam they were in the middle of their own wars. In Desert Storm we had to keep them from going and wiping out all of Iraq. We try to keep Israel out of these conflicts because it will only make tensions worse in the region, and because Israel doesn't care to wipe the Arab League off the face of the Earth.
I wish to hell they would hurry up and do it, if they are that powerful.
Israel is the sole nuclear power in the Middle East and the reason that there are "occupied territories" is that Israel won the 1967 war against several Islamic countries that attacked them in a very short and violent war. If Israel decides to destroy the Iranian threat, it will be done. They have the best trained and equipped military force in the region.
^Exactly. The only reason they don't flex their muscles more often is because we keep them in check to protect our economic interests in the region.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Israel is the sole nuclear power in the Middle East and the reason that there are "occupied territories" is that Israel won the 1967 war against several Islamic countries that attacked them in a very short and violent war. If Israel decides to destroy the Iranian threat, it will be done. They have the best trained and equipped military force in the region.

Maybe not equipped, but one could argue that they are the best trained in the world. That is certainly not a knock, especially on our service-men and women, but they may offer the best military training in the world. They have helped train the US Military in assassination squads for years now.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Israel is the sole nuclear power in the Middle East and the reason that there are "occupied territories" is that Israel won the 1967 war against several Islamic countries that attacked them in a very short and violent war. If Israel decides to destroy the Iranian threat, it will be done. They have the best trained and equipped military force in the region.

Maybe not equipped, but one could argue that they are the best trained in the world. That is certainly not a knock, especially on our service-men and women, but they may offer the best military training in the world. They have helped train the US Military in assassination squads for years now.
^ Without question, the world has not known a pure military society on the level of Israel's since the Soviets wiped out the Cossacks. They are definitely the most well equipped military in the ME also though.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Israel is the sole nuclear power in the Middle East and the reason that there are "occupied territories" is that Israel won the 1967 war against several Islamic countries that attacked them in a very short and violent war. If Israel decides to destroy the Iranian threat, it will be done. They have the best trained and equipped military force in the region.

Jordan also has nukes...
We are the best trained military on earth, but Israel isn't far behind. It's just a different military environment. The might of their military really depends on their reserves...they have so many, pretty much the entire country, that can mobilize and be ready in just a few days.

But, we are without question the best trained military in the world. Especially since we've got the experience of being at war for the last 10 years. We had an Israeli team come over and be attached to our unit for a year until we was fun, really liked those guys. One big difference is that the U.S. cares MUCH more about the civilian population of whatever country we're in than Israel does. They pretty much say screw them, lol.

In the last few years we've done alot of training with Israel..Iraq was the exact scenario that Israel wants to train for, and our experience has helped them shape their military strategies for the future. I think Israel could dominate nearly anyone in a ground war, and have plenty of air and naval power to go with it.

The question about them helping us out in wars pretty much explains itself though..they can't get involved in Muslim countries or the shit would hit the fan. Hell, doesn't really matter though..the Taliban think we're all Jews anyway, lol.
vundy33 Wrote:Jordan also has nukes...
Jordan has uranium and they have expressed an interest in building a nuclear power plant but I don't think that they have nuclear weapons. They are hoping to have a nuclear reactor on line by 2020.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Jordan has uranium and they have expressed an interest in building a nuclear power plant but I don't think that they have nuclear weapons. They are hoping to have a nuclear reactor on line by 2020.

Yep, you're right. Could of swore that they had them though...

Regardless, they are friends with Israel, and have a pretty strong military. Jordan is definitely one of the best, most stable countries in the Middle East right now for sure.
vundy33 Wrote:.the Taliban think we're all Jews anyway, lol.

I know my Italian father-in-law is!!!!:biggrin:
vundy33 Wrote:We are the best trained military on earth, but Israel isn't far behind. It's just a different military environment. The might of their military really depends on their reserves...they have so many, pretty much the entire country, that can mobilize and be ready in just a few days.

But, we are without question the best trained military in the world. Especially since we've got the experience of being at war for the last 10 years. We had an Israeli team come over and be attached to our unit for a year until we was fun, really liked those guys. One big difference is that the U.S. cares MUCH more about the civilian population of whatever country we're in than Israel does. They pretty much say screw them, lol.

In the last few years we've done alot of training with Israel..Iraq was the exact scenario that Israel wants to train for, and our experience has helped them shape their military strategies for the future. I think Israel could dominate nearly anyone in a ground war, and have plenty of air and naval power to go with it.

The question about them helping us out in wars pretty much explains itself though..they can't get involved in Muslim countries or the shit would hit the fan. Hell, doesn't really matter though..the Taliban think we're all Jews anyway, lol.

You are exactly right vundy, if we didn't keep them in check in '82 during the first Lebanese war they would not have stopped until they wiped out the entire Palestinean population. Beirut is still a ticking time bomb because of the Israeli treatment of Lebanese and Palestinean civilians during the war (see Sabra and Shatilla). I would liken Israel to that one friend that people have that just doesn't give an eff. He is good to have on your side whenever something pops off, but as soon as you turn him loose shit is going to get crazy.
Haha, great post man. And I agree, they go a bit far..but I don't really blame them.
I agree, if a quarter of the world population had been trying to exterminate me and my people for thousands of years I would probably be a little bitter as well.

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