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Harlan vs Barbourville (13th Region All "A" Classic Finals)
From pineville

Championship game winner advances to the Touchstone Energy All "A" Classic State Tournament
Barbourville by 6
Stardust Wrote:Barbourville by 6

No way this isn't the boys. Harlan by alot.
Stardust Wrote:Barbourville by 6

If Barbourville wins this game, I will be convinced that you're a Las Vegas oddsmaker because I'm not sure there's anyone else in SE Kentucky that would pick Barbourville over Harlan.

Harlan is the two time defending champion of this event, they have a senior dominated ball club and I really feel that they can make a run once they get to the state's capital.

It is Friday the 13th and stranger things have happened, but as for me, I'll come down from the stars and into reality with my prediction.

Harlan 52
Barbourville 36
Harlan should win this game by 10 or more but they are 2-3 at neutral sites. Barbourville is good enough to make a game of it if Harlan comes out slow. Harlan 52-38.

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