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JJ Jude Verbally Commits To EKU
Westside Wrote:There's a couple people on here that know the story behind what I typed. I had no problem with you until you got on here acting like you knew exactly why I typed what I did when apparently did not. You jumped to conclusions without knowing the facts as have others. It was directed at Bobby Kimball. There's a reason he was banned under a different name. He know's exactly why I did it. That's all that matters.

"He know's exactly why I did it". Your exact words contradict yourself. You exactly did it just after you posted it was a mistake. Which is it?

Congrats J.J. Hope the state's all-time leading rusher has a great college career.

By the way, the name's JUDE.
Bob Seger Wrote:B.S. Westside!!! OTH I and grew up here together and have a friendship history that goes way way back. You may buffalo many on here with this big line of Bull (innocent, my hind end) :eyeroll: , but he knows full well I would not steer him in the wrong direction on anything. As I said, you and I have never had any discussion on anything before, during, or since. Shame he eliminated the other thread so everybody could be refreshed on what really happened and was said. My previous post offered many questions, I think one of them was just answered.

I would hope he was smart enough to think for himself with out needing your help. How many people on here do you steer?
^ LOL, so you still contend that it was done purposefully? Well, you would have to go back and find one proof of evidence that would lead to a reason why it would have been done. The track record would indicate every post ever made was positive, and even in defense of the young man (EVERY POST). So, if there was malicious intent, it sure would have manifested itself somewhere in another post now wouldn't. So the logic of just all of a sudden taking a 180o and purposefully disparaging an individual that had never ONCE been disparaged before would seem completely out of charecter. I challenged you before to find one negative comment to prove I would have done it purposefully, which is why I rebuffed the comments from anyone who all of a sudden thought that I was saying something negative about the young man (who needs neither one of us to defend him) as ludicrous and laughable. But for you, to make it "Your fight", because you wanted to stand up for the innocent, ha, pretty funny stuff!
Bob Seger Wrote:You or someone else, it doesn't matter. The truth is, the "Real truth" has been eliminated from view.

Besides an honest mistake is an honest mistake. Nobody holds anyone accountable for an "honest" one. We both know/knew that was not the case in this one?

Which one?
Stardust Wrote:^ LOL, so you still contend that it was done purposefully? Well, you would have to go back and find one proof of evidence that would lead to a reason why it would have been done. The track record would indicate every post ever made was positive, and even in defense of the young man (EVERY POST). So, if there was malicious intent, it sure would have manifested itself somewhere in another post now wouldn't. So the logic of just all of a sudden taking a 180o and purposefully disparaging an individual that had never ONCE been disparaged before would seem completely out of charecter. I challenged you before to find one negative comment to prove I would have done it purposefully, which is why I rebuffed the comments from anyone who all of a sudden thought that I was saying something negative about the young man (who needs neither one of us to defend him) as ludicrous and laughable. But for you, to make it "Your fight", because you wanted to stand up for the innocent, ha, pretty funny stuff!

LOL, Dusty.. You are so intent on being everyone's "hero" and being the center of attention on here that I think you would do anything to hide or spin the real truth if you thought it was going to damage your appeal.. As I said the only real evidence to what you said and done has been eliminated. That is the sad part.

You were challenged by many members at that time on your comment to please retract or at least modify it yet you refused, and basicly told everyone to "go get screwed". And before you go with the I was being defiant crap. You were asked very nicley by others, and I distinctly remember asking you nicley why you would pull this Jeckle/Hyde stunt. It was intentional on your part and you know it.
Bob Seger Wrote:LOL, Dusty.. You are so intent on being everyone's "hero" and being the center of attention on here that I think you would do anything to hide or spin the real truth if you thought it was going to damage your appeal.. As I said the only real evidence to what you said and done has been eliminated. That is the sad part.

You were challanged by many members at that time on your comment to please retract or at least modify it yet you refused, and basicly told everyone to "go get screwed". And before you go with the I was being defiant crap. You were asked very nicley by others. It was intentional on your part and you know it.

So, do you have any proof from any previous post on this site that I would have purposefully disparaged this young man? I'm asking for the third time.

As for my reputation of being a hero, that's laughable. As I have said many times, I'm confident that I would lead the "disliked" post category, because I Bob, just like you, don't care to say what I have to say if I truly believe it. Thus, for this lunacy that I disparaged the kid would in no way be something that I would retract on if I did it on purpose. I've never retracted from anything on here in the four years that I have been on here, and I have been blasted aplenty - so the positive pats on the back has hardly been something that I have strived for:dontthink
Westside Wrote:I would hope he was smart enough to think for himself with out needing your help. How many people on here do you steer?

That would aply to you telling him your line of Bull too, wouldn't it?
Westside Wrote:There's a couple people on here that know the story behind what I typed. I had no problem with you until you got on here acting like you knew exactly why I typed what I did when apparently did not. You jumped to conclusions without knowing the facts as have others. It was directed at Bobby Kimball. There's a reason he was banned under a different name. He know's exactly why I did it. That's all that matters.

Here is the other one.

If you wanna call someone out. Fine. Just don't do it at the expense of a young man's name that has nothing to do with your little game.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Stardust Wrote:So, do you have any proof from any previous post on this site that I would have purposefully disparaged this young man? I'm asking for the third time.

As for my reputation of being a hero, that's laughable. As I have said many times, I'm confident that I would lead the "disliked" post category, because I Bob, just like you, don't care to say what I have to say if I truly believe it. Thus, for this lunacy that I disparaged the kid would in no way be something that I would retract on if I did it on purpose. I've never retracted from anything on here in the four years that I have been on here, and I have been blasted aplenty - so the positive pats on the back has hardly been something that I have strived for:dontthink

I'm going to leave it like this Dusty. You posted a confidential and sensitive comment of a personal nature the other day concerning yourself, and I have taken a lot of time to consider what you posted in a sympathetic manner. Seriously I have, I have thought about it a lot. I have tried very hard to take into consideration on why a grown man does the things that you do on here and why you strive for so much attention. For the sake of this getting even more out of hand than the last thread, I am going to bow out of this silly conversation (that I was needlessly brought into to begin with) and just say I understand, and I'm sorry. I really am. Have at it what you will. Sadly and unfortunatly I guess you cant help it.
OffTheHook Wrote:Here is the other one.

If you wanna call someone out. Fine. Just don't do it at the expense of a young man's name that has nothing to do with your little game.

Exactly, whatever differences that Dusty and I had on any conversation(that was almost 3 months ago and hasn't been brought up since) has no reason to be applied to where an innocent kid gets caught in the crossfire, "AGAIN". Like I have said many times, Westside and I have never at any time ever had a discussion, or debate on any subject in the history of this website. This was orchestrated by influence from the word go and is pointless, other than for some sort of ridiculous revenge motive.
THOMCAT Wrote:"He know's exactly why I did it". Your exact words contradict yourself. You exactly did it just after you posted it was a mistake. Which is it?

Congrats J.J. Hope the state's all-time leading rusher has a great college career.

By the way, the name's JUDE.

I don't recall ever saying it was a mistake. I just said it was not intended as an attack on Jude.
Bob Seger Wrote:That would aply to you telling him your line of Bull too, wouldn't it?

The only bull being spewed on here is by you Bobby.
OffTheHook Wrote:Here is the other one.

If you wanna call someone out. Fine. Just don't do it at the expense of a young man's name that has nothing to do with your little game.

Yea and you need to get your facts straight and not accuse people of things when you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Bob Seger Wrote:Exactly, whatever differences that Dusty and I had on any conversation(that was almost 3 months ago and hasn't been brought up since) has no reason to be applied to where an innocent kid gets caught in the crossfire, "AGAIN". Like I have said many times, Westside and I have never at any time ever had a discussion, or debate on any subject in the history of this website. This was orchestrated by influence from the word go and is pointless, other than for some sort of ridiculous revenge motive.

Yea, an innocent kid like Dusty's son that you brought into the mix and he had nothing to do with anything.
Bob Seger Wrote:Exactly, whatever differences that Dusty and I had on any conversation(that was almost 3 months ago and hasn't been brought up since) has no reason to be applied to where an innocent kid gets caught in the crossfire, "AGAIN". Like I have said many times, Westside and I have never at any time ever had a discussion, or debate on any subject in the history of this website. This was orchestrated by influence from the word go and is pointless, other than for some sort of ridiculous revenge motive.

For the record this thread was orchestrated and influenced as you say by one person: me, myself, and I.
Westside Wrote:There's a couple people on here that know the story behind what I typed. I had no problem with you until you got on here acting like you knew exactly why I typed what I did when apparently did not. You jumped to conclusions without knowing the facts as have others. It was directed at Bobby Kimball. There's a reason he was banned under a different name. He know's exactly why I did it. That's all that matters.

Westside Wrote:Yea and you need to get your facts straight and not accuse people of things when you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

My facts are straight. You purposely mispelled a young kids name for your silly game. Which isn't fair to the kid what so ever. Like I said earlier. Call out who you want. Just don't use a innocent kids name. It's not right.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
OffTheHook Wrote:My facts are straight. You purposely mispelled a young kids name for your silly game. Which isn't fair to the kid what so ever. Like I said earlier. Call out who you want. Just don't use a innocent kids name. It's not right.

No, your facts are not straight. You said my intent was to hurt Jude when it was not.
Westside Wrote:No, your facts are not straight. You said my intent was to hurt Jude when it was not.

Get yours straight. NOT one post I made said that. Go re-read them. My beaf is the "fact" that you were mispelling his name purposely.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
OffTheHook Wrote:BS.....If you respect JUDE. Then type his name right. It's JUDE not "Rude". The way you opened the thread says it all. Everyone on here knows what you intent was.

OffTheHook Wrote:Get yours straight. NOT one post I made said that. Go re-read them. My beaf is the "fact" that you were mispelling his name purposely.

Westside Wrote:No Bob. I respect JJ and am a JJ fan. You are once again over estimating your intelligence. It was intended for you because of your very classless post. My apologies to Mr Jude.

Here you go. I said my post was not meant to disrespect Jude. You said BS, everyone knows what your intent was.
Westside Wrote:Here you go. I said my post was not meant to disrespect Jude. You said BS, everyone knows what your intent was.

I accidently put them in the wrong order but anyone can go back and see it in plain black and white.
^Dude...WTF I told you what my beaf was. YouDID disrepect JJ by purposely mispelling his name. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! I NEVER said you tried to hurt him in ANY post as you said. I have told you my beaf and that's it. Feel like I'm spatting with a 4 year old. I'm gone from this for good. Have fun by yourself.

BUT, let me say this one more time......You DID disrepect Jude and his name when you purposely mispelled his name (more than once). Do me a favor though. If you ever get a chance to meet the kid. Call him JJ "Rude". Then after you untie yourself and pick yourself up off the ground. Let me know if he felt that you were disrespectful of him. :wink:

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
OffTheHook Wrote:^Dude...WTF I told you what my beaf was. YouDID disrepect JJ by purposely mispelling his name. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! I NEVER said you tried to hurt him in ANY post as you said. I have told you my beaf and that's it. Feel like I'm spatting with a 4 year old. I'm gone from this for good. Have fun by yourself.

BUT, let me say this one more time......You DID disrepect Jude and his name when you purposely mispelled his name (more than once). Do me a favor though. If you ever get a chance to meet the kid. Call him JJ "Rude". Then after you untie yourself and pick yourself up off the ground. Let me know if he felt that you were disrespectful of him. :wink:

I said I did not intent to disrespect Jude. You said I did intend to respect Jude. So there you go buddy.
Westside Wrote:I said I did not intent to disrespect Jude. You said I did intend to respect Jude. So there you go buddy.

For some reason you keep trying to change and omit words because you know you're wrong. Take your time and reread the posts and comprehend them this time.
Westside Wrote:No Bob. I respect JJ and am a JJ fan. You are once again over estimating your intelligence. It was intended for you because of your very classless post. My apologies to Mr Jude.

OffTheHook Wrote:BS.....If you respect JUDE. Then type his name right. It's JUDE not "Rude". The way you opened the thread says it all. Everyone on here knows what you intent was.

There's the magical word.
Westside Wrote:For the record this thread was orchestrated and influenced as you say by one person: me, myself, and I.

And like I have said, I have never had one word of correspondence in the history of this board with you, so I really just dont get it here. Whatever beef I had with Dusty(3 months ago) is probably between me and Dusty, I would think?? I dont see why the need you had to stick your nose in it. Apparently you dont think Dusty is a big enough boy to handle his own battles. I'd just as soon stay out of this stuff (as I was called out into it for no apparent reason that I can see), but if you want a scrap , I'm more than happy to accomodate you.
Bob Seger Wrote:Ah but he did zaga.:biggrin::biggrin: Not going to bring up the details of an earlier thread that got real nasty and personal, but there is more to this than what you apparently know. Westside knew exactly what he was doing and there was absolutely no point to it..
ah boys...
I usually stay out of Johnson Central threads.
Unless Perry Central beats tham Smile

But congrats to JJ.
EKU picks up one of the best RBs in Kentuciy HS football history.
If i would have started reading this from the newest post back I wouldn't have posted again lol
Bob Seger Wrote:And like I have said, I have never had one word of correspondence in the history of this board with you, so I really just dont get it here. Whatever beef I had with Dusty(3 months ago) is probably between me and Dusty, I would think?? I dont see why the need you had to stick your nose in it. Apparently you dont think Dusty is a big enough boy to handle his own battles. I'd just as soon stay out of this stuff (as I was called out into it for no apparent reason that I can see), but if you want a scrap , I'm more than happy to accomodate you.

Dusty can handle his self. This was my doing.
zaga_fan Wrote:ah boys...
I usually stay out of Johnson Central threads.
Unless Perry Central beats tham Smile

But congrats to JJ.
EKU picks up one of the best RBs in Kentuciy HS football history.

Westside Wrote:Dusty can handle his self. This was my doing.

Well good for you. It sure is a special thang that you've accomplished.TongueirateSho

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