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EKY--What Is the Opinion Of NKY . . . .
Okay--not a sports question--

What do people from EKY think of people from NKY. I am not looking to start an argument, but what is the general opinion? Do you think we are arrogant, rude, nasty, nice, too "citified", etc.

The mining situation has given me a different amount of respect for EKY (not just that).

But I am interested (again--without argument--but don't hold back either).
From personal exp. I have never had a problem with people from northern Ky.. I have had problems with people who go from EKY to NKY then move back to EKY.. They think that because they have lived there they are the shit.. But all in all NKY is tame compared to places like Northern ohio and massachusettes, adn the new england states..
I have only dealt with a handful and 3 out of the five were kinda of rude but not to bad and the other two were cool about everything.
Like CTD said, when people move away to really anywhere out of eastern Kentucky then they come back and think that they are the absolute shit and that's not cool.

I don't have any problems with northern Kentucky people.

Some seem to be a bit rude at times BUT you will find that type of people ANYWHERE you go.

It's all good from my end.
Personally, I dont think there is a difference in "Eastern KY" and "Northern Ky" people. I'm sure there is a perception that we are different...that is a stereotype and some people like to live up to their stereotype I guess. We also learn how to act and if someone tells us that we are better or different then we are going to think that..well some will and some are more aware of what really is and don't care one way or the other.

I'm just wondering where that magic line is drawn to where you are one or the other? Someone enlighten me...we are all in KY right?

Anyway, I dont think differently of anyone from any part of the state..I think there are good and bad people everywhere...there are rich and poor everywhere, there are educated and uneducated everywhere...
BlueGrassGirl Wrote:Personally, I dont think there is a difference in "Eastern KY" and "Northern Ky" people. I'm sure there is a perception that we are different...that is a stereotype and some people like to live up to their stereotype I guess. We also learn how to act and if someone tells us that we are better or different then we are going to think that..well some will and some are more aware of what really is and don't care one way or the other.

I'm just wondering where that magic line is drawn to where you are one or the other? Someone enlighten me...we are all in KY right?

Anyway, I dont think differently of anyone from any part of the state..I think there are good and bad people everywhere...there are rich and poor everywhere, there are educated and uneducated everywhere...

BlueGrassGirl Wrote:Personally, I dont think there is a difference in "Eastern KY" and "Northern Ky" people. I'm sure there is a perception that we are different...that is a stereotype and some people like to live up to their stereotype I guess. We also learn how to act and if someone tells us that we are better or different then we are going to think that..well some will and some are more aware of what really is and don't care one way or the other.

I'm just wondering where that magic line is drawn to where you are one or the other? Someone enlighten me...we are all in KY right?

Anyway, I dont think differently of anyone from any part of the state..I think there are good and bad people everywhere...there are rich and poor everywhere, there are educated and uneducated everywhere...

Interesting point of view.

I can tell you that I look at things in this manner--but it wouldn't surprise me that some of the knuckleheads up here don't feel that way.

And to a certain extent, even though I would like to hope that I don't think of people differently--there are times where I do.

For instance--whenever I go to Pikeville--I think to myself "wow--people (from up here) may think that Pikeville is a little hick town--but there are more classy people (whether it be personality-wise or even appearance-wise) than anywhere else that I have ever been" (And it isn't like they are trying to keep up--it is more like elegance--which is something that doesn't happen here).

There is a completely different way of dealing with things up here--which usually means to avoid them completely.

Another example: (this is my personal opinion)

NKY: my perception is that people work to buy fancy things
EKY: people work to provide their families

Now, I know that I am casting a broad net--but the deteroriation of morals, standards, doing things the right way--lives and breathes here. (As I am sure that people feel the same way there). But I really think people are different.

After the mining deal--(and I know there are difference between EKY and WV), people here generally felt sorry for those people because they HAD to work in a mine to support their families--as opposed to seeing it as an honorable profession. Again--not everyone is like that--but I have heard it said often.
NKY is one of my favorite parts of the state...very nice area. My roommate for 3 years went to Ryle and I met A LOT of friends thru him that went to Ryle and other schools in the NKY area. I had a few that would come in the house with a little arrogance towards the eastern part of the state but once they got to know me and all of my friends from Pikeville they changed....NKY is a great area with great people from my experiences.
I'm happy anywhere I go. If one talked to me on the phone that might automatically assume I'm and uneducated hick because of my deep southern accent. But when reality I am very educated. I'm proud to be from Kentucky. Whether it be EKY, WKY or NKY. To me its just great to be from Kentucky. I'm not ashamed of who I am or where I come from. I make friends everywhere ago regardless of accent/location. I lived in Michigan awhile and made some good friends. Sure they loved to hear my accent and thought it was funny. At the same time I thought their accent was funny. For example. Here in EKY people call thier moms "mom" up in Michigan people called thier moms, "mim" But we all got along just fine.
Same thing in Lexington. They have more of the northern accent compared to Eky people. But to me that doesn't matter. I don't change or fake my voice for them or anyone. I wouldn't expect anyone to do the same for me. I respect people for who they are as a whole, not how they talk or dress.

Like BGG said, there is really no difference in people as whole . No matter where you go thier will be the good, the bad, and the ugly. Just the way life is.

People that think they are better than someone else based merely on location or how much they are worth are the ones with the problems.

I don't think I am better than anyone. We all were created by God and each of us are unique. Being unique is a good thing. This world would be a boring place if everyone went around talking and acting the same.

Stereotypes are just that, they are stereotypes. Alot people may assume EKY people are less educated, poorer or whatever. While some assume the NKY are stuck up. When in reality there are just as many people in EKY that are stuck and they are just as many non educated people and poor people in NKY as in EKY.
NICE post QQ!

Preach it bub. lol
When UK was playing several years ago in the NCAA at St. Pete, there were many Kentucky fans there very early waiting for them to open the building. I overheard one person ask a guy sharing his shady spot if he was from Kentucky and his reply was "I'm from NORTHERN Kentucky" as if it were another state or something??!?? I just found that to be an interesting answer and, whether he meant it that way or not, I took it as an insult to other parts of the state.

One of my few personal experiences with NKY people was when Bell High played Covington Catholic in the playoffs back in the 80's. It was on a Saturday afternoon, of course, since CC has no lights. I found the students (all boys, of course) to be rude and arrogant and not friendly at all to the visitors. I wondered if the purpose of having no lights was so that the CC fans could congregate in the backyards of the houses that bordered the football field to watch the game without paying admission while enjoying BYOB.
LudlowBushmat Wrote:When UK was playing several years ago in the NCAA at St. Pete, there were many Kentucky fans there very early waiting for them to open the building. I overheard one person ask a guy sharing his shady spot if he was from Kentucky and his reply was "I'm from NORTHERN Kentucky" as if it were another state or something??!?? I just found that to be an interesting answer and, whether he meant it that way or not, I took it as an insult to other parts of the state.

One of my few personal experiences with NKY people was when Bell High played Covington Catholic in the playoffs back in the 80's. It was on a Saturday afternoon, of course, since CC has no lights. I found the students (all boys, of course) to be rude and arrogant and not friendly at all to the visitors. I wondered if the purpose of having no lights was so that the CC fans could congregate in the backyards of the houses that bordered the football field to watch the game without paying admission while enjoying BYOB.

Interesting post, Ludlow.

I wouldn't worry about Cov Cath too much--even the NKY people think the same thoughts that you do about them.

I always remember that they are an "all boys" school. Therefore--they can't help but let their true colors show at times (ha, ha--just messing around).

I am not surprised that people from up here came off in that manner. Some people may think you were taking things too literally--but I have heard that tone myself before--and it was embarrassing.
I think that woter tower that says "Y'all" make them folks from the South side of Cincy look a tad bit backard?
Old Gravey legs Wrote:I think that woter tower that says "Y'all" make them folks from the South side of Cincy look a tad bit backard?

To a certain extent--I agree.

But that water tower sits on the former site of a very large farm (as does the vast majority of NKY), there was probably a time where "Y'all" fit (especially to those jokers from the other side of the river).
an to be frank with ya i havent seen a hill up there?
I have found that you find trailer trash state wide and good people state wide
Wky eky and nky all are ok
lexington and the ville are diffwernt
torQQue Wrote:If one talked to me on the phone that might automatically assume I'm and uneducated hick because of my deep southern accent.
Does your wife think this??? Smile

I have nothing wrong with NKY people, I mean hell, I've got to put up with Northerners every day at school. People are people. Old/young, rich/poor, black/white......they are everywhere!!

The only problem that I have witl NKY is Beechwood....I mean hell, they beat Pikeville out all the time :boo:..... :lmao: All people are good!! esp KY people!!! :Thumbs:

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