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Will IU show up today?
UK remains everyone's Superbowl as Cal says, but since
OSU has been ruling the Big10 a couple of seasons now,
will IU summon the gumption to get up and play with a
little heart against them? They certainly failed to put
in an appearance in East Lansing the other day when
they embarassed themselves and the state of Indiana
with their total lack of effort againt Sparta.

Certainly would be nice to see them replicate the game
they put in against UK, which would be more than sufficient
to take down OSU.
Hmm...this puts me in a tough position. I really hate both teams, and want neither to win. Also, I don't want to move up in the rankings. I'm comfortable with just chilling at #3, we don't need the added pressure.

So, I'm going to hope that they don't show up today...we won't play IU again this year, but we very likely meet up with OSU, and if we do I'm confident we can beat matter their record or ranking.
vundy33 Wrote:Hmm...this puts me in a tough position. I really hate both teams, and want neither to win. Also, I don't want to move up in the rankings. I'm comfortable with just chilling at #3, we don't need the added pressure.

So, I'm going to hope that they don't show up today...we won't play IU again this year, but we very likely meet up with OSU, and if we do I'm confident we can beat matter their record or ranking.

Different ways of looking at it, but I always prefer to see played
opponents prevail over potential opponents. Unless it's scum
like a Duke or a UNC.(and NO Dusty, I'm not saying we played
Duke, just offering them as vile example)
Say what you want but the Big ten is solid this season and Indiana, who has already taken down the Kentucky has the talent to hang with anyone in the big ten.
DSRfan Wrote:Different ways of looking at it, but I always prefer to see played
opponents prevail over potential opponents. Unless it's scum
like a Duke or a UNC.(and NO Dusty, I'm not saying we played
Duke, just offering them as vile example)

I feel you...haha, like I said, it's a tough decision for me. I'll probably change my mind on it a few more times today. It's just that the wounds from the IU game are still open...and how our fans were treated up there..just makes me want to beat the hell out of every IU fan I can find.
Different ways at looking at it for sure. But my view is similar to vundys. I like neither team, but I want Ohio State to win because any team that beats us I do not like to see win another game.. lol And rankings don't really matter to me as long as we're in the top 5 and winning.
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I hate both teams, IU more, but I'm rooting for them. I want UK to be ranked #1 again. I want them to have that target on their back. The best always do. Which we are. Might as well embrace it.
I hate Indiana. I hope they lose big. Indiana is like Louisville's ugly twin.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Yes they showed up.
NEWARKCATHOLICFAN Wrote:Say what you want but the Big ten is solid this season and Indiana, who has already taken down the Kentucky has the talent to hang with anyone in the big ten.

Say what you want, but it looks like the Big 10 is pretty weak again.
OSU is back on top, and a national contender. IU is miles above
where they were last year, but as this week showed, dreadfully
inconsistent. Beyond that, it's slim pickings. The last couple
of years, for some reason the national media has noticed how
bad teh SEC has been, but totally overlooked how equally
wretched the Big 10 was. And the B10 doesn't have any team
outised of IU that has done much to improve on that.
Aslan Wrote:I hate both teams, IU more, but I'm rooting for them. I want UK to be ranked #1 again. I want them to have that target on their back. The best always do. Which we are. Might as well embrace it.

Me, I kind of like IU and U of L. I certainly see them as our rivals,
but strong programs SHOULD have strong rivals. And unlike
some ACC programs that could be named, IU and U of L have
to EARN what they get like UK. They don't get a free propoganda
machine in a Sports network. And they don't get preferred
seating for the NCAA dance regardless of resume.

Of course that makes me an oddity in a UK fan, but what
they hey. Just can't see why anyone would be for OSU
over a team that beat us, when it helps out rankings.
Yeah rankings don't matter, blah blah blah. When
the real truth is told, UK fans want UK ranked #1.
lol, like I said, I don't want to be #1 and you won't find a more emotional and crazy UK fan than myself. I just don't want the target. It's big enough as #3, and we all know we're the best team in the country anyway, don't we?
vundy33 Wrote:lol, like I said, I don't want to be #1 and you won't find a more emotional and crazy UK fan than myself. I just don't want the target. It's big enough as #3, and we all know we're the best team in the country anyway, don't we?

UK is THE BIGGEST target on everyone's schedule, EVERY game.
Being #1 or not doesn't change that. The ONLY time that UK is
not someone's biggest game of the year, is when SEC East
teams play us in Rupp. Then it's the 2nd biggest of the year,
with the game at ther home being the biggest.
DSRfan Wrote:Me, I kind of like IU and U of L. I certainly see them as our rivals,
but strong programs SHOULD have strong rivals. And unlike
some ACC programs that could be named, IU and U of L have
to EARN what they get like UK. They don't get a free propoganda
machine in a Sports network. And they don't get preferred
seating for the NCAA dance regardless of resume.

Of course that makes me an oddity in a UK fan, but what
they hey. Just can't see why anyone would be for OSU
over a team that beat us, when it helps out rankings.
Yeah rankings don't matter, blah blah blah. When
the real truth is told, UK fans want UK ranked #1.

I root for UL when they're not playing UK.
IU has been irrelevant the last few years and I've not cared enough to hate them like the Bobby Knight days. After that heart breaker, and ending my awesome 40-0 prediction, I once again hate them.
Aslan Wrote:The best should want that target on their back.

The best know better than that, they know that it only takes a second for it to all be over. No need in making yourself a bigger target..the point is to win, not to be #1 and want more pressure. That's the last thing they need, especially when we put the amount of pressure that we do on them.

I agree the UK is most teams biggest game of the year, but, being #1, or #2 really, amplifies that even more, no matter who we are.
Having the pressure and the target of #1 better prepares them for the NCAA Tournament. Because those games are more pressure packed than any regular season game, no matter your ranking.

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