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Republican Gingrich out of Virginia primary election
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Gingrich scares liberals to death. Both parties attempt to create an environment that favors certain candidates. Gingrich's mistakes were made before he decided to run for president. He put himself in a hole by alienating conservatives by making some political blunders like cozying up to Nancy Pelosi and openly opposing a popular conservative candidate in a campaign in upstate New York.

Funny that you should criticize Gingrich for his choice of vacations but you have never criticized Obama for his expensive, taxpayer financed vacations to equally snobby locations. Funny but not surprising.

However, I agree that Newt is an arrogant man - almost as arrogant as Barack Obama.
It's not about criticizing one or the other. I see nothing wrong with him taking a Greek cruise. His campaign staff did though, and it might possibly cost him the GOP nomination. He went on the cruise after he announced his run. Obama got his signatures, and got them correct. The point is, that if Gingrich truly is worried about getting the Presidential nomination, he should have steered away from a vacation that cost him nearly all of his staff.

You keep comparing Obama. I know that you can't help it but, this thread isn't about Obama. It's about Gingrich, and his blunders on his way to trying to get the Presidential bid. Obama already has his nomination sowed up.
TheRealVille Wrote:It's not about criticizing one or the other. I see nothing wrong with him taking a Greek cruise. His campaign staff did though, and it might possibly cost him the GOP nomination. He went on the cruise after he announced his run. Obama got his signatures, and got them correct. The point is, that if Gingrich truly is worried about getting the Presidential nomination, he should have steered away from a vacation that cost him nearly all of his staff.

You keep comparing Obama. I know that you can't help it but, this thread isn't about Obama. It's about Gingrich, and his blunders on his way to trying to get the Presidential bid. Obama already has his nomination sowed up.
This is a political campaign and there is nothing wrong with comparing and contrasting Gingrich to the man that he hopes to replace. So far, Obama does not have any money issues in part because taxpayers are paying for his campaign trips and his Canadian built bus. I am not here to defend Gingrich - I just like to point out how hypocritical your attacks on Republican candidates are. Your inability to make similar criticisms of Obama just reminds everybody of your extreme bias.
TheRealVille Wrote:So, you are saying that your "mothership" wants Romney to get the nomination so Obama can beat him? Even they say that he is the only one that can beat Obama. Do you want to beat Obama, or put a candidate up for the nomination that can't beat Obama? I'm not debating you, I'm just trying to figure where you are coming from.
Before I say anything I want to make it clear that I don't have a link to back it up...It's what I believe.

The republican "mothership" indeed wants Romney as their nominee. They may "think" Romney will win, but I don't think it will be easy.

I consider myself to be conservative. In my opinion, the republican establishment, along with Romney, are only conservative when it sounds good...A moment every now and then at best.

Is Gingrich someone I consider conservative? No, but more conservative than Romney.

The media (including Fox) and pundits are made up of centrists and those that lean left of where I am. Big business, book writers, columnists, congressman, lobbyists and pork seekers will feel much more comfortable with Romney than with Newt or Paul.

All of the above like a little control over the POTUS. Controlling Gingrich or Paul won't be near as easy.

In my humble opinion, our government needs to take a sharp turn. With Romney behind the wheel it will veer back and forth a little but never steer towards the real change we need. And that's just fine with both sides of the aisle right now. A real president that's interested in the constitution, term limits, collaring the fed, ending insider trading, putting journalism in it's place and making legislatures accountable ain't on many of our inept politicians list right now.

If I have to vote for Romney, I'll be holding my nose...Just like the last election. Scary.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Before I say anything I want to make it clear that I don't have a link to back it up...It's what I believe.

The republican "mothership" indeed wants Romney as their nominee. They may "think" Romney will win, but I don't think it will be easy.

I consider myself to be conservative. In my opinion, the republican establishment, along with Romney, are only conservative when it sounds good...A moment every now and then at best.

Is Gingrich someone I consider conservative? No, but more conservative than Romney.

The media (including Fox) and pundits are made up of centrists and those that lean left of where I am. Big business, book writers, columnists, congressman, lobbyists and pork seekers will feel much more comfortable with Romney than with Newt or Paul.

All of the above like a little control over the POTUS. Controlling Gingrich or Paul won't be near as easy.

In my humble opinion, our government needs to take a sharp turn. With Romney behind the wheel it will veer back and forth a little but never steer towards the real change we need. And that's just fine with both side of the aisle right now. A real president that's interested in the constitution, term limits, collaring the fed, ending insider trading, putting journalism in it's place and making legislatures accountable ain't on many of our inept politicians list right now.

If I have to vote for Romney, I'll be holding my nose...Just like the last election. Scary.
Well said, SP. Romney is not my first choice either but he will make a far better candidate than John McCain did. And Barack Obama will be a much weaker candidate in 2012 than we was in 2008 before he had a record to defend.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Well said, SP. Romney is not my first choice either but he will make a far better candidate than John McCain did. And Barack Obama will be a much weaker candidate in 2012 than we was in 2008 before he had a record to defend.
Believe it or not Hoot, I'm taking a closer look at Ron Paul. I know, I know he sounds dingy now and then. I have been sort of researching his national defense policy lately and oddly enough, a whole lot of it makes sense. Google Ron Paul national defense and see what you think. If there's ever been a time we need to lean on our constitution it's now. Paul will lean on it more than the rest in the race.

Can he win? Who knows? I'm getting tired of trying to come up with someone that can beat Obama. If any in the race can't beat him, IMO, none of them can. I'm going to lean towards the best candidate, win or lose.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is a political campaign and there is nothing wrong with comparing and contrasting Gingrich to the man that he hopes to replace. So far, Obama does not have any money issues in part because taxpayers are paying for his campaign trips and his Canadian built bus. I am not here to defend Gingrich - I just like to point out how hypocritical your attacks on Republican candidates are. Your inability to make similar criticisms of Obama just reminds everybody of your extreme bias.
I'm not attacking Gingrich. I'm just pointing out that it doesn't look like he's too interested in getting his parties nomination, or he would have planned for the public eye looking at him over these things, whether right or wrong, and planned accordingly. I also just pointed out that he didn't plan well, or he would have gotten the correct signatures, instead of just trying to get to 11,000. He knew the rules, and if he was able to get 11,000 signatures, he surely could have done it correctly. No Hoot, what you do is try to change the thread over to Obama when all I say about Newt is true.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not attacking Gingrich. I'm just pointing out that it doesn't look like he's too interested in getting his parties nomination, or he would have planned for the public eye looking at him over these things, whether right or wrong, and planned accordingly. I also just pointed out that he didn't plan well, or he would have gotten the correct signatures, instead of just trying to get to 11,000. He knew the rules, and if he was able to get 11,000 signatures, he surely could have done it correctly. No Hoot, what you do is try to change the thread over to Obama when all I say about Newt is true.
You have attacked every Republican frontrunner while claiming not to support Obama and refusing to criticize him one single time. The way that the GOP has scheduled its primaries and caucuses, candidates with limited resources are forced to focus on states like Iowa and New Hampshire. It does not take much imagination to point out after the fact that Newt should have collected more than 11,000 signatures in Virginia but if Gingrich does not make a good showing in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, then Virginia will not matter. People who do not have the taxpayers financing campaign trips and who are not extremely wealthy have to prioritize their efforts and expenditures carefully. If Gingrich wins Iowa and New Hampshire, then he can afford to sit out Virginia. The danger for Gingrich is that voters in states like Iowa and New Hampshire will be convinced that Romney is the inevitable nominee.

Despite his shortcomings, Newt Gingrich is proud to be an American and he artticulates why we should all be proud to be Americans as well as any poltician alive. Obama? Not so much. He is our first Blame America First president.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You have attacked every Republican frontrunner while claiming not to support Obama and refusing to criticize him one single time. The way that the GOP has scheduled its primaries and caucuses, candidates with limited resources are forced to focus on states like Iowa and New Hampshire. It does not take much imagination to point out after the fact that Newt should have collected more than 11,000 signatures in Virginia but if Gingrich does not make a good showing in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, then Virginia will not matter. People who do not have the taxpayers financing campaign trips and who are not extremely wealthy have to prioritize their efforts and expenditures carefully. If Gingrich wins Iowa and New Hampshire, then he can afford to sit out Virginia. The danger for Gingrich is that voters in states like Iowa and New Hampshire will be convinced that Romney is the inevitable nominee.

Despite his shortcomings, Newt Gingrich is proud to be an American and he artticulates why we should all be proud to be Americans as well as any poltician alive. Obama? Not so much. He is our first Blame America First president.
I guess you don't understand the difference in attacking someone, and posting articles about stuff they do on their own. I don't attack them, I just post articles of news that is relevant to the campaign. I don't see you criticizing all of Newts shortcomings, which is a very long list. Why should I post links about Obama? I don't see you posting links about the blunders of your parties people.
TheRealVille Wrote:I guess you don't understand the difference in attacking someone, and posting articles about stuff they do on their own. I don't attack them, I just post articles of news that is relevant to the campaign. I don't see you criticizing all of Newts shortcomings, which is a very long list. Why should I post links about Obama? I don't see you posting links about the blunders of your parties people.
In this thread alone, I have criticized Newt more than you have criticized Obama in all of your posts combined. That is what makes you a liberal hack and why you have no credibility. You are right about Newt - he has made his share of political blunders but his list of accomplishments towers over those of Obama - and many of his biggest accomplishments were made while Bill Clinton was in the White House.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:In this thread alone, I have criticized Newt more than you have criticized Obama in all of your posts combined. That is what makes you a liberal hack and why you have no credibility. You are right about Newt - he has made his share of political blunders but his list of accomplishments towers over those of Obama - and many of his biggest accomplishments were made while Bill Clinton was in the White House.
And you being a conservative hack makes you better how?
TheRealVille Wrote:And you being a conservative hack makes you better how?
Glad to see you finally acknowledging that you are a liberal hack. You are halfway to recovery. Hacks refuse to acknowledge that their own guys have some warts. That shoe fits you, not me. I am very conservative politically but I do not hesitate to criticize conservative politicians when they disappoint me.

Since Newt left Congress, he has been a disappointment to me. He worked as a consultant to Fannie Mae, which paid him more than $1 million in fees. I would like to see him return that money to the taxpaying citizens o this country. Newt did a public "service" commercial with Nancy Pelosi during which he urged action to fight global warming. He also endorsed a Republican candidate in NY who was more liberal than her Democratic opponent when a conservative Repubican was running as an independent. These are real issues that Gingrich needs to address in a more straightforward manner than he has done to date.

Nobody who has followed Gingrich's career could possibly believe that he lacks the organizational skills to be president. He orchestrated one of the most successful political campaigns in American history when Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives. The Contract with America was Gingrich's brainchild and dozens of Republican Congressmen rode it to victory.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Glad to see you finally acknowledging that you are a liberal hack. You are halfway to recovery. Hacks refuse to acknowledge that their own guys have some warts. That shoe fits you, not me. I am very conservative politically but I do not hesitate to criticize conservative politicians when they disappoint me.

Since Newt left Congress, he has been a disappointment to me. He worked as a consultant to Fannie Mae, which paid him more than $1 million in fees. I would like to see him return that money to the taxpaying citizens o this country. Newt did a public "service" commercial with Nancy Pelosi during which he urged action to fight global warming. He also endorsed a Republican candidate in NY who was more liberal than her Democratic opponent when a conservative Repubican was running as an independent. These are real issues that Gingrich needs to address in a more straightforward manner than he has done to date.

Nobody who has followed Gingrich's career could possibly believe that he lacks the organizational skills to be president. He orchestrated one of the most successful political campaigns in American history when Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives. The Contract with America was Gingrich's brainchild and dozens of Republican Congressmen rode it to victory.
You are a hack of the highest order sir. Like it or not. You might criticize him, but if it comes down to voting for Newt or any democrat, even if they are more conservative than him, money says you pick Newt, even with all of his faults. You've already stated this before, that you would never vote for a democrat at the national level. That makes you a hack.
Let's remember, Newt famously dumped wife #1 for wife #2 while wife #1 was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. As in literally went to the hospital to present her with divorce papers while she was recovering from surgery for uterine cancer.
He eventually dumped wife #2 for wife #3 shortly after wife #2 was diagnosed with MS back in 1999. And he was having the affair on wife #2 with wife #3 while he was turning the country upside down trying to drive Bill Clinton from office over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
TheRealVille Wrote:You are a hack of the highest order sir. Like it or not. You might criticize him, but if it comes down to voting for Newt or any democrat, even if they are more conservative than him, money says you pick Newt, even with all of his faults. You've already stated this before, that you would never vote for a democrat at the national level. That makes you a hack.
After looking up the definition of a political hack, I owe you an apology, RV. The term "political flunky" is a more accurate description of the service that you provide the Democratic Party and your union bosses. You would need a series of promotions to reach the level of a political hack and I think that you have risen to your potential already.

If you want to be accurate, what I have said is that I will vote for any Republican who runs against Barack Obama who has a pulse. If no Republican qualifies for the ballot, then I will vote for a third-party candidate. That doesn't make me a hack, it just demonstrates my patriotism and common sense. This country's economy may continue to go down in flames but I refuse to pour gasoline on the fire.

My reasons for voting against Democrats at the national level is that all Democrats, regardless of how conservative they are, will help install liberals like Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi into top leadership positions with their very first vote in Washington. Conservative Democrats are a nearly extinct species and they have zero influence on the national Democratic legislative agenda. The most important vote that a member of the House of Representatives casts is the one to select a new Speaker of the House.
vector Wrote:Let's remember, Newt famously dumped wife #1 for wife #2 while wife #1 was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. As in literally went to the hospital to present her with divorce papers while she was recovering from surgery for uterine cancer.
He eventually dumped wife #2 for wife #3 shortly after wife #2 was diagnosed with MS back in 1999. And he was having the affair on wife #2 with wife #3 while he was turning the country upside down trying to drive Bill Clinton from office over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
I see that the clones have been called in. It is amazing how you show up when RV is sinking for the third time in a debate. Too bad for him you come armed with boat anchors instead of life lines. Your posts are riddled with more bias and mistakes than his are - if that is even possible. :biglmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I see that the clones have been called in. It is amazing how you show up when RV is sinking for the third time in a debate. Too bad for him you come armed with boat anchors instead of life lines. Your posts are riddled with more bias and mistakes than his are - if that is even possible. :biglmao:
Sinking by the almighty Hoot's standards? That's laughable. I don't see a debate here. It's just a thread pointing out Newt's failure to qualify for a primary. That's not debatable, it's fact. If you call a debate you coming into a thread and to start your usual name calling, yea you win.
TheRealVille Wrote:Sinking by the almighty Hoot's standards? That's laughable. I don't see a debate here. It's just a thread pointing out Newt's failure to qualify for a primary. That's not debatable, it's fact. If you call a debate you coming into a thread and to start your usual name calling, yea you win.
OK, now it's vector's turn to vent. :lmao:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Just curious, does this mean he will not be able to get any votes from virginia in the primary?
Yes, this means Hoot can't vote for Newt in the primary, RIUTG.
On Jan. 17, 1997, the full committee held nearly six hours of televised hearings, then voted 7 to 1 to accept the subcommittee’s recommendation. The full House went on to pass the ethics report 395 to 28, with 196 Republicans voting for it and 26 voting against it.

Gingrich paid off the fine in installments, according to contemporaneous news accounts. At one point he was even going to borrow money from former Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan. But by the end of 1998 Gingrich had finished paying the fine without Dole’s help.

Not everyone remembers headlines from 1998. In the case of Gingrich’s ethics fine, the Super PAC Restore Our Future has its history correct. Gingrich was fined $300,000 for ethics violations, and we rate the statement True.
He has flip-flopped on whether the government should impose an individual mandate to buy health insurance or not. In June 2007 he said, “Personal responsibility extends to the purchase of health insurance. Citizens should not be able to cheat their neighbors by not buying health insurance, particularly when they can afford it, and expect others to pay for their care when they need it.” By spring of 2011, his tune completely changed. “I am against any effort to impose a federal mandate on anyone because it is fundamentally wrong and I believe unconstitutional,” he said.*
Gingrich was a member of the Sierra Club, the left-leaning environmental advocacy group, from 1984 to 1990 – the years when he publicly opposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Later, in a 2008 book entitled Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less, Gingrich supported opening ANWR to drilling, as well as other parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.*
Quote:Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich stepped into controversy Christmas weekend as he compared his exclusion from the Virginia primary ballot to the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

“Newt and I agreed that the analogy is December 1941: We have experienced an unexpected setback, but we will re-group and re-focus with increased determination, commitment and positive action,” Campaign Director Michael Krull wrote on Gingrich’s official Facebook page on Saturday.

Offering what appeared to be an FDR-inspired rallying cry, Krull continued: “Throughout the next months there will be ups and downs; there will be successes and failures; there will be easy victories and difficult days -- but in the end, we will stand victorious.”

The attack on Pearl Harbor, which killed more than 2,300 Americans and led to the United States entry into World War II, may not be very analagous to some.

For one, Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. Gingrich has known for months about the Dec. 22 deadline to file. Secondly, Pearl Harbor was extremely deadly while failing to qualify in Virginia doesn’t quite carry the same consequence.

“If the comparison doesn't automatically make sense … and you have to explain your comparison, then you probably shouldn't have made that comparison in the first place,” said former White House Press Secretary and Fox News contributor Dana Perino.

The Republican Party of Virginia announced early Saturday that Gingrich would not be on the state’s March 6 primary ballot after he failed to gain the required 10,000 signatures, including 400 from each of the state’s 11 congressional districts.

Gingrich’s campaign initially responded in a written statement that "only a failed system excludes four out of the six major candidates seeking access to the ballot" and it would “pursue an aggressive write-in campaign.”

Virginia law forbids write-in candidates in primary elections.

Read more:
Between 1999 and 2007, Gingrich collected at least $1.5 million in consulting fees from Freddie Mac, according to a former official from the mortgage giant. His consulting group, The Gingrich Group LLC, and a health policy center he started called the Center for Health Transformation, together grossed $55 million between 2001 and 2010. According to disclosure documents, his net worth at the end of last year was at least $6.7 million. *
In 1981, Gingrich co-sponsored a bill with Barney Frank (D-Mass.) to legalize medical marijuana nationally, which failed. He now calls legalizing medical marijuana a “terrible idea.”
Vector and TheRealVille...together again. :hilarious:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Vector and TheRealVille...together again. :hilarious:
Is anything posted here untrue?

Newt is so out of touch, even your mothership has turned on him.
Hell no:biglmao::biglmao::biglmao:
In case you Einstein(s) missed it, I am not a Newt supporter except for the fact that I will support anybody who the GOP runs against Obama. Unlike you guy(s), I do not take attacks on politicians personally. I always feel like I am voting for the lesser of two evils in national elections, and anybody and everybody running for president in 2012 will be less of an evil than Obama.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:In case you Einstein(s) missed it, I am not a Newt supporter except for the fact that I will support anybody who the GOP runs against Obama. Unlike you guy(s), I do not take attacks on politicians personally. I always feel like I am voting for the lesser of two evils in national elections, and anybody and everybody running for president in 2012 will be less of an evil than Obama.
Neither do I. I do take personal slams personal, though.

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