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Boyd County Coach?
Heard a rumor that Boyd County has hired a coach. Can someone down that way confirm?
I've heard so many rumors I couldn't even to begin to say who it would be. I just hope they found one who will put them back on the map, I miss the days when they were well respected around the state.
Brent Terry was hired...not sure who that is or his resume, but that's what I was told
Who is Brent Terry, give us some background?
I don't think I know him, but I hope he does a good job. Thanks for the info Fanman.
Always A Lion, I am only familiar with what Boyd Conty has produced in football in the recent past (last 10 years) so I am not sure when they were respected state wide. I have heard that they had a few good teams in the 70's with 2 good running backs, but I dont know much about them other than that and what I have read on this site. Can you or someone from Boyd give some specifics about the Boyd tradition or even just some of their better years. What is their overall record in the last 20 to 30 years, how many winning seasons, district chamionships, etc...? I know they have struggled in the last few years, but Boyd fans are always talking about the old tradition and I just wonder what that tradition is. In my opinion there are only a few schools in EKY with tradition, programs like Belfry, Pikeville, Ashland, Russell (I know there are others, I only named a few).
They were very good in the 80's with a solid running game and a very stingy defense. In 86 they managed to make it to #1 in the A.P. polls for 4A, then spent most of 87 at #2 behind Boone County. In 88 they found it hard to win. and never really recovered. In the early 70's they had Terry Keelin and company that had them as a strong 2A contender. Boyd County was a good program through the 70's and 80's with a team who always had alot of size and very strong with good speed...not great sppeed ,but good. Those teams played very physical football. I remeber standing by the press box and hearing the hits that the teams were laying on eachother about every down. If you've been to a game at Lions Stadium then you understand that is no small feat. That press box is a long way off the field. When I go now, I turn to say something to a friend not realizing I just missed 2 plays.
I have no idea what happened in 1988 that Boyd County never really recovered from, I just hope the new coach can get them back on the football map.
no hires yet per comittee member
Always: can you confirm the hiring of Coach Terry as new Head Coach at Boyd County? I haven't heard or seen anything else regarding this hire.
Always_A_Lion Wrote:They were very good in the 80's with a solid running game and a very stingy defense. In 86 they managed to make it to #1 in the A.P. polls for 4A, then spent most of 87 at #2 behind Boone County. In 88 they found it hard to win. and never really recovered. In the early 70's they had Terry Keelin and company that had them as a strong 2A contender. Boyd County was a good program through the 70's and 80's with a team who always had alot of size and very strong with good speed...not great sppeed ,but good. Those teams played very physical football. I remeber standing by the press box and hearing the hits that the teams were laying on eachother about every down. If you've been to a game at Lions Stadium then you understand that is no small feat. That press box is a long way off the field. When I go now, I turn to say something to a friend not realizing I just missed 2 plays.
Terry Keelin was a very good back, but he was not the feature back. He was the stable mate of another very good running back. The stud for Boyd Co. back then was Robin Chaney. I think that Chaney was Mr. Football in '74 and later went on to play at UK and ultimately was the defensive captain for the Wildcats in his senior season.

2A??? I'm thinkling that Boyd Co. was a 4A school back then. Boyd Co. also played in the state championship game in '73. They had a very good program at that time.
Always or Bob, I ask you then: Has the problem over the last 30 years been coaching, caliber of athlete Boyd has, or a lack of importance being placed on football (not just school admin. but also the community as a whole)? To be this bad for this long there has to be a true issue with football in general. I know they have not had much success in basketball either in the recent past so my initial thought is the caliber of athlete they have had has been relatively low.

Have they hired a coach yet?
Boyd was a force in the 70's and 80's and still I think had some solid teams in the 90's. It would be good to see them get back up to that level again and be a competitive force in 4A. That district with them playing well combined with Johnson Central and Ashland would be tough for anybody.
Best of luck to the new coach at Boyd. Havent seen them play in the last year or so. Hope he does well.
Bob Seger Wrote:Terry Keelin was a very good back, but he was not the feature back. He was the stable mate of another very good running back. The stud for Boyd Co. back then was Robin Chaney. I think that Chaney was Mr. Football in '74 and later went on to play at UK and ultimately was the defensive captain for the Wildcats in his senior season.

2A??? I'm thinkling that Boyd Co. was a 4A school back then. Boyd Co. also played in the state championship game in '73. They had a very good program at that time.

Boyd County played 2A then as there was only 3 classes. I believe 1975 was the 1st year for 4A, but I have been wrong before.
IceQB Wrote:Always or Bob, I ask you then: Has the problem over the last 30 years been coaching, caliber of athlete Boyd has, or a lack of importance being placed on football (not just school admin. but also the community as a whole)? To be this bad for this long there has to be a true issue with football in general. I know they have not had much success in basketball either in the recent past so my initial thought is the caliber of athlete they have had has been relatively low.

Have they hired a coach yet?

There have been several factors, coaching being a major part of it. Not knocking all the coaches they've had since the 80's. When a good coach comes to a school and leaves after 1 or 2 seasons what can truly be acomplished. We had a few coaches stay for a little longer and they had some good, not great, but good teams to show for it. I believe it was Dane Damron who went to Log Mountain in 2003 and pulled a big upset. They were good then. They have had Lee Evans for 6 years and got progressively worse. Lee had almost no talent in 2010, his talent in this past season was there but very young. He needed to run the boys more and get them in the weight room. I have been told he didn't listen to assistants, but as I was not on the sidelines I can not confirm that, but an assistant coach was the source and is the only reason I'm repeating it here. As for his talent over the first 4 years, it would be a slap in the face for some of the players to say he had no talent then. He had Zach Wilson, Ryan Crisp, and Justin Selby on the same team along with a large line. If Boyd County is going to ever do anything again they need a good hire for head coach and let him stay and build the program. This is just my oppinion and will get picked apart by many I'm sure, but I don't get on here to just agree with everyone.
So I am still trying to figure out, did they hire a coach yet?? I have heard some high caliber people applied.
This team can do better but who ever it is they hire they must get the youth league and middle school under their control
zebraman Wrote:So I am still trying to figure out, did they hire a coach yet?? I have heard some high caliber people applied.

As of this past Friday a coach still has not been hired. From what I'm hearing they have sveral good applicants, but no official word on who they like at this point.
Who are some of the applicants?
I've been hearing conflicting stories on that, so that is why I haven't mentioned it here. One I've heard was Randy Vanderhoof, but I was told he may have withdrew his name. The way I got it confirmed that the hire hasn't happened yet is by talking to someone from the commitee that has to vote on the hire. He said he;s not in on the selecting of who they vote on just who is suggested by another group who is going through the applicants. He said he would let me know if he heard anything worth mentioning, but for now they're still combing the applications and doing interviews. I think I'm going to wait to read it in the paper at this point but will say if I hear anything with some substance to it. I don't want say something before I confirm it. Too many times the rumors turn out to be false.
Boyd County posted their job again on the KHSAA website. They also posted it on the Tennessee High School Athletic Association website. That tells me they didn't get the type of candidate they wanted in the first go round so they are opening it back up. Best of luck to them in finding the right guy.
They need to get a good coach. The only way it will turn around is to get a proven coach.
Gentleman, I know exactly why Boyd County Football declined from 1988 at least thru maybe the mid 2000's. And if you thought about it a minute, you would too. Football was prohibited from getting the best athletes. Jody Hamilton and Roger Zornes made sure of that. If you played baseball or basketball for these two cats you were a one sport man. God help you if you bucked either one of them and played football.
Soccer hurt them more than basketball and baseball together, but the one sport rule didn't help.
Soccer did not hurt them in the early nineties it was definately the other, but the reality is if you are breeding success in your program you should be able to overcome the other sports issue, even though I don't believe any child should have to chose one or the other. I mean how many NBA or MLB players does Boyd county have? Still no word on a coach? I noticed they have posted it on several job boards, what are they looking for, is the pool of applicants not that good, etc.?
If memory serves me correct, Boyd County hasn't been a top 10 program since soccer started out there. However they were a fairly consistent top 10 team right up to the beggining of soccer. I don't have a problem with that myself. If the boys rather play soccer then that's their choice, but the soccer season and football season are both played at the same time. We lost alot of skill posistion players to them. I don't know about later on, but when I was out there no basketball players wanted to play football and as for baseball, there were some who played both, but that was just prior to coach Hamilton cracking down on his boys playing football. None of theses other sports hurt our line, I have no idea what happenned there. Don't get me wrong, they were still good at the line, just got alot smaller for a few years, not sure why. I guess that just happens from time to time.
I heard last night that Ray brooks got the job. I don't know him or much about him. Word today was more about this rumor being true, if so then best of luck coach Brooks.
Any more news on this hire? Who is he and where did he come from?

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