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Rockcastle County Rockets 2012
Predictions, Starters, Studs, Suprises to look for what's the schedule look like
Gonna be a year for rebuilding. A 9-3 team that overachieved midway through the year when the primary school record holding running back gets hurt and is out for the remainder of the season.
The defense will be gutted and some young players will have to step up. We'll know more when we see if all of the kids that play come back this next season. They lose four defensive linemen, one linebacker and two in the secondary. Returning will be one defensive lineman, one linebacker and two secondary players. The offense will return three starting o linemen, the tight end, the quarterback, one receiver and one back if I have things figured out right.
I think they will be able to fill the secondary up fine, the linebacker position should be ok, the defensive line will probably be the question mark this next season. This position has been the most experienced spot for Rockcastle for the past several years with the secondary being the weakness. Getting two defensive ends to step up to fill the shoes of the departed will be a tough task. I think I know of one who will be able to handle one side...the other is up in the air. The down linemen job will also be anchored by only one kid with substantial experience.
The offense is not in that bad of shape. Problem is.....the kid that will probably be the work horse carrying the ball on offense is the same kid who in my mind will probably be filling the linebacker spot on defense. The offensive line gaps will have one sure bet to be filled and the other will be a kid that will have to step up and show his stuff this next summer.
All in all...Rockcastle will be rebuilding and the season will hinge on how well the younger kids step up to play and how quickly they can get "weathered" in. The defensive line and the running back positions are the question marks to me this next year.
I think the schedule will be about the same as this past year except for the opening bowl game and of course the team will "flip" home and away.
^I see probably a 5-5 or 6-4 kind of season. Every team in the district will be better except Rock. (Clay has to be better, Russell County loses nothing, and Knox Central keeps a couple of stars)

I lean towards the 6 win season more than I do the 5.
The Rock is going to be rebuilding next year but my question is why? This was the first decent season in the last couple of years and they are no where near ready to compete with Lex Cat and Highlands. I'm in no way putting the Rock down because it's a program who has earned respect. I am wondering why after 1 year they have to rebuild? What has happened to their feeder program? I have heard a lot of good things about their 7th grade class but should it be that big of a space between talent? Also their numbers have seemed to decrease over the past couple of years. I believe they dressed 40 players including freshman this year. In the 90's and into the mid 2000, Rock was very competitive year in and year out. The easy thing would be to say Larkey, but anyone who has ever been around the Rock knows that coach Tony Saylor is the heart and soul of Rockcastle football! I mean no disrespect to the program just puzzled on what has happened over there.
According to Rusty. Rock will be a force to be recon with this upcoming season. He has them above tier with LexCath, Boyle, Highlands and CovCath. You all say 5- 6 win rebuilding season. Did I miss something?
^I will admit that I am not as close to the program as I used to be. I do not watch practices or go to scrimmages as much as I used to. The gap has finally came where I do not personally know all the players, as I used to. I have been out of the county for about 1.5 years and do not go back and forth that much.

With all of that said, I look at the roster and I see what is being lost. They only retain 1 defensive lineman! The offensive line will probably be okay, but the dominating line that they had will not there this season. Ben Lake will be missed more than people realize.

One thing that will help though is that Corey McPhetridge will have another year of experience under his belt.

Another thing I am basing my predictions on is the DISTRICT. I believe each team will get better. Russell County will be even better because they lose NOTHING. They have, I believe 20 returning starters. That's insane! I believe that Canady and the QB will be back for Knox Central as well, I could be wrong.

Basically, Rock was 9-3 this season, they lose a lot, and the district will be better. If Rock has the same schedule, how can they be as good or better? I do not think they can.
The Rock wins 8 games

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