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We Owe Herman Cain Our Sincere Gratitude
Herman Cain's campaign has greatly contributed to the revealing of truth.
He has proven beyond any legitimate doubt that the "mainstream media" has an agenda based upon an all-consuming liberal bias.

Example 1:

If anyone opposes Obama in any manner, he/she is immediately labeled a "racist". No one can opposse him in any manner without incurring the immediate wrath of the media.

Cain, on the other hand, is fair game. He is crucified daily (hourly on MSNBC) by the print and broadcast media. Only those who suggest that some of the attacks on Cain are racially motivated are labeled as "racists".

Esample 2:

Clinton received a pass from the "mainstream media" in regard to his "indiscretions" although the evidence was prime and his accusers were publically open with their accusations and evidence. The media claimed that the allegations were immaterial and did not make Clinton any less qualified to be president.

Cain, on the other hand, is, again, fair game. He is continually ridiculed in the media and deemed to be unfit to be president. He has been tried, convicted, and condemned to death by the media although the proof of his indiscretions not yet proven by legitimate evidence.

All in all, Cain, if nothing else, has exposed the "mainstream media" to be biased and dishonest. And, for that, we owe him our thanks.
We all know this, lol. The Liberal's do too, they just won't admit it of course.
Right on the money. Mainstream media only has credibility with numb skulls and/or people who want free stuff.
Couldn't have been more on the money.

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