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Newt Gingrich the New Front-runner
TheRealVille Wrote:While I don't consider serving/not serving an issue when it comes to being President, draft dodging is a big issue.

The only bonafide Draft Dodger in presidential history is Bill Clinton. If you're old enough to remember his run up to the presidency you will recall the discussions about that. Newt was classified 2S for the normal 4 year period, while he was in undergraduate school. Now tell us all again how going to school for four years with govenmental encouragement is draft dodging?

By definition DEAD BEAT DADS are guys that run out on their family and don't provide financial support for their children. You're actually trying to say the 'Speaker of The House' didn't pay child support?
TheRealThing Wrote:The only bonafide Draft Dodger in presidential history is Bill Clinton. If you're old enough to remember his run up to the presidency you will recall the discussions about that. Newt was classified 2S for the normal 4 year period, while he was in undergraduate school. Now tell us all again how going to school for four years with govenmental encouragement is draft dodging?

By definition DEAD BEAT DADS are guys that run out on their family and don't provide financial support for their children. You're actually trying to say the 'Speaker of The House' didn't pay child support?
His wife had to take him to court to help pay bills that he was required to pay after the divorce, which was to benefit his kids. So yes, he didn't pay all of his child support.
Anything is better than what is in the White House now. Gingrich or Romney will beat Obama and then we won't have to listen to all this Daily Kos, Ed Schultz crap out of RV.:flush::flush:
jetpilot Wrote:Anything is better than what is in the White House now. Gingrich or Romney will beat Obama and then we won't have to listen to all this Daily Kos, Ed Schultz crap out of RV.:flush::flush:
We shall see. There's a good chance you'll be eating crow. I'll try to have some condiments ready. The way you talk all the time, it really makes me wonder if you are even any more than 14 years old.

Edit: I'm sorry if I offended any 14 year olds by saying JP acted like you all.
TheRealVille Wrote:We shall see. There's a good chance you'll be eating crow. I'll try to have some condiments ready. The way you talk all the time, it really makes me wonder if you are even any more than 14 years old.

Edit: I'm sorry if I offended any 14 year olds by saying JP acted like you all.

Older than 14 with zero tolerance for people who are full of crap.
jetpilot Wrote:Older than 14 with zero tolerance for people who are full of crap.
As long as I'm alive and voting, you might as well get used to my liberal "crap". If you don't like to hear it, you don't have to be here. That's the beauty of America, you have the right to make choices.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yep. Did school deferments.

Well, thousands did that. They were going to college. I thought you meant he ripped his draft card up and ran or went to Canada, lol.
vundy33 Wrote:Well, thousands did that. They were going to college. I thought you meant he ripped his draft card up and ran or went to Canada, lol.
I know thousands did that, but most did it to stay out of Vietnam.
^I went to college, then I went to Viet Nam. I guess you must like to get most of your info from the man in the moon during your regular visits there. You couldn't be more off base with your remarks about Viet Nam era draft classification and a college education.

With regard to Newt, you are no doubt talking about the time Newt's ex took him to court to increase the amount of support money, stating the amount she was receiving was not enough. I know it's more convenient to just make this stuff up as you go. That way you can make people look far worse than they really are. Thusly, verifing my assertion that liberals know no low, that is TOO low to stoop, in order to wrongly influence people's opinion as negatively as possible regarding ANY conservative, in public office or any candidate for public office.
TheRealThing Wrote:^I went to college, then I went to Viet Nam. I guess you must like to get most of your info from the man in the moon during your regular visits there. You couldn't be more off base with your remarks about Viet Nam era draft classification and a college education.

With regard to Newt, you are no doubt talking about the time Newt's ex took him to court to[B] increase the amount of support money, stating the amount she was receiving was not enough.[/B] I know it's more convenient to just make this stuff up as you go. That way you can make people look far worse than they really are. Thusly, verifing my assertion that liberals know no low, that is TOO low to stoop, in order to wrongly influence people's opinion as negatively as possible regarding ANY conservative, in public office or any candidate for public office.
No, she took him to court because he wasn't paying his part of the bills.
TheRealVille Wrote:I know thousands did that, but most did it to stay out of Vietnam.

So nobody wanted a college education back then like millions do now huh...and you know what was inside Newt's mind, he didn't care about education...

More drivel from an ultralib that fools no one with an IQ over 6 or doesn't want free stuff.:flush:
TheRealVille Wrote:No, she took him to court because he wasn't paying his part of the bills.

Please provide a link to prove it isn't your usual ultraliberal drivel.
jetpilot Wrote:So nobody wanted a college education back then like millions do now huh...and you know what was inside Newt's mind, he didn't care about education...

More drivel from an ultralib that fools no one with an IQ over 6 or doesn't want free stuff.:flush:
"Ultralib"....or a far right wing "fleabagger", just two opposite ends of the scale. :Thumbs:
jetpilot Wrote:Please provide a link to prove it isn't your usual ultraliberal drivel.

Quote:"The most notorious incident in Gingrich's marriage ... was when he cornered Jackie in her hospital room where she was recovering from uterine cancer surgery and insisted on discussing the terms of the divorce he was seeking. Shortly after that infamous encounter, Gingrich refused to pay his alimony and child-support payments. The First Baptist Church in his hometown had to take up a collection to support the family Gingrich had deserted. Six months after divorcing Jackie, Gingrich married a younger woman, Marianne, with whom he had been having an affair."
Source: Stephen Talbot. "Newt's Glass House." 8/28/1998.
Most did it to get out of Vietnam, yes...but it was a different time. Still, I don't think that highly of those people. I think every man should have to serve unless they have certain conditions...either have the choice to get their commission and be an officer after college, or enlist and then go to college after they're out. Our country would have 10x better quality of citizens if everyone was required to serve 2 or 3 years, like Israel and a bunch of other countries.

I just don't see how one would not want the honor of fighting for their people...if not for your country, for your friends, when in the 60's, EVERYONE had friends that were drafted and went to war. Those that try to get out of their service are the lowest pieces of life in my opinion.
TheRealVille Wrote:
You were asked to provide a link from an unbiased source and you responded with a link to a Salon column. :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You were asked to provide a link from an unbiased source and you responded with a link to a Salon column. :lmao:
I think your reading ability is low this morning. I don't see unbiased anywhere in the "provide a link" post. Then, I just posted from Sure, it reverts back to, but that is just one of many articles that say the same thing. So which one was the one that actually printed it? Another thing, even if it is a liberal biased rag, does that mean it posted false information about Newt? The records are all over the internet where she took him to court for child support. It's hard to find a conservative rag that will tell her story. Your beef isn't with me if you think they are lying on Newt, it's with his wife Jackie, she is the one who said it.
TheRealVille Wrote:I think your reading ability is low this morning. I don't see unbiased anywhere in the "provide a link" post. Then, I just posted from Sure, it reverts back to, but that is just one of many articles that say the same thing. So which one was the one that actually printed it? Another thing, even if it is a liberal biased rag, does that mean it posted false information about Newt? The records are all over the internet where she took him to court for child support. It's hard to find a conservative rag that will tell her story. Your beef isn't with me if you think they are lying on Newt, it's with his wife Jackie, she is the one who said it.
Salon was started by Clinton apologists specifically to defend Bill Clinton and smear his critics. You could not find a more biased source if you tried, and given your reading habits, not much effort is required to find all the good left wing propaganda mills. Clinton even plugged Salon during at least one official press conference, just weeks after it was launched by his supporters.

I am still waiting for you to criticize Barack Obama for one single action or policy. Just one. You are a hack.

Given that you have so much time on your hands, you should be able to make a positive case for reelecting the socialist in the White House instead of digging up old columns from to smear his opponents.

BTW, is the government paying you to stay home and smear the GOP field?

I love how liberals wrap themselves in the flag and attack Republican candidates as "draft dodgers" after giving their full support to Bill Clinton, who was a real life, bona-fide, authentic, certified draft dodger. :hilarious:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Salon was started by Clinton apologists specifically to defend Bill Clinton and smear his critics. You could not find a more biased source if you tried, and given your reading habits, not much effort is required to find all the good left wing propaganda mills. Clinton even plugged Salon during at least one official press conference, just weeks after it was launched by his supporters.

I am still waiting for you to criticize Barack Obama for one single action or policy. Just one. You are a hack.

Given that you have so much time on your hands, you should be able to make a positive case for reelecting the socialist in the White House instead of digging up old columns from to smear his opponents.

BTW, is the government paying you to stay home and smear the GOP field?

I love how liberals wrap themselves in the flag and attack Republican candidates as "draft dodgers" after giving their full support to Bill Clinton, who was a real life, bona-fide, authentic, certified draft dodger. :hilarious:
Ok. I guess since it's not from the media that you deem worthy, it's not true. Defend your dead beat dad and adulterer if you want. :please:

No, the government isn't paying me to stay home, and you already know this.
TheRealVille Wrote:Ok. I guess since it's not from the media that you deem worthy, it's not true. Defend your dead beat dad and adulterer if you want. :please:

No, the government isn't paying me to stay home, and you already know this.
I thought that you were currently unemployed. Most unemployed liberals collect government checks between elections. Newt's daughter works on his campaign. She says that Newt never abandoned his family but you are obviously much better informed about her childhood than she is.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I thought that you were currently unemployed. Most unemployed liberals collect government checks between elections. Newt's daughter works on his campaign. She says that Newt never abandoned his family but you are obviously much better informed about her childhood than she is.
I don't collect government checks. We don't need to go down that road anymore. No need for you to bring up Bill Clinton to me, I didn't vote for him either time. If his daughter works for Newt's campaign, why wouldn't she say it didn't happen? But, Jackie says it did happen. She would probably know more about it than you. Maybe he didn't "abandon" them, but he certainly didn't pay all of his child support bills, that much is in court records.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't collect government checks. We don't need to go down that road anymore. No need for you to bring up Bill Clinton to me, I didn't vote for him either time. If his daughter works for Newt's campaign, why wouldn't she say it didn't happen? But, Jackie says it did happen. She would probably know more about it than you. Maybe he didn't "abandon" them, but he certainly didn't pay all of his child support bills, that much is on record.
She has said that he did not abandon her, yet you keep referring to him as a "deadbeat dad." Why are you lying in such an obvious way? Is getting a socialist president a second term that important too you?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:She has said that he did not abandon her, yet you keep referring to him as a "deadbeat dad." Why are you lying in such an obvious way? Is getting a socialist president a second term that important too you?
Court records and the mother said it did happen. The daughter might not consider it abandonment, but if he wasn't paying his bills, whether he saw the kids or not, he is still a deadbeat dad.
TheRealVille Wrote:Court records and the mother said it did happen. The daughter might not consider it abandonment, but if he wasn't paying his bills, whether he saw the kids or not, he is still a deadbeat dad.
Courts decide disputes over child support levels all the time during divorces when children are involved. If you have evidence that Gingrich violated the terms of his divorce, then produce it. Otherwise, everybody will just assume that you are willfully lying when you continue to refer to Newt as a deadbeat dad, the same as you have done by describing him as a draft dodger.

Where do you think commissioned officers for our armed services come from anyway? Student deferments were not permanent exemptions from the draft and many people who received deferments became commissioned officers after getting their degrees. Refresh my memory, where did Obama serve?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Salon was started by Clinton apologists specifically to defend Bill Clinton and smear his critics. You could not find a more biased source if you tried, and given your reading habits, not much effort is required to find all the good left wing propaganda mills. Clinton even plugged Salon during at least one official press conference, just weeks after it was launched by his supporters.

I am still waiting for you to criticize Barack Obama for one single action or policy. Just one. You are a hack.

Given that you have so much time on your hands, you should be able to make a positive case for reelecting the socialist in the White House instead of digging up old columns from to smear his opponents.

BTW, is the government paying you to stay home and smear the GOP field?

I love how liberals wrap themselves in the flag and attack Republican candidates as "draft dodgers" after giving their full support to Bill Clinton, who was a real life, bona-fide, authentic, certified draft dodger. :hilarious:

Sums him up perfectly in one word. A hack. No more, no less.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Courts decide disputes over child support levels all the time during divorces when children are involved. If you have evidence that Gingrich violated the terms of his divorce, then produce it. Otherwise, everybody will just assume that you are willfully lying when you continue to refer to Newt as a deadbeat dad, the same as you have done by describing him as a draft dodger.

Where do you think commissioned officers for our armed services come from anyway? Student deferments were not permanent exemptions from the draft and many people who received deferments became commissioned officers after getting their degrees. Refresh my memory, where did Obama serve?
I'm just reporting that his wife took him to court to have him pay bills that he wasn't paying. Take it or leave it, it's up to you. If she took him to court to have him pay bills that he was supposed to, and wasn't, he is considered a deadbeat dad.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm just reporting that his wife took him to court to have him pay bills that he wasn't paying. Take it or leave it, it's up to you. If she took him to court to have him pay bills that he was supposed to, and wasn't, he is considered a deadbeat dad.

Just because someone takes a person to court, does not mean that person is guilty or a criminal or deadbeat. No surprise that you would make a horrible judge.
jetpilot Wrote:Just because someone takes a person to court, does not mean that person is guilty or a criminal or deadbeat. No surprise that you would make a horrible judge.
I love how you so called "moral" people take up for some immoral people, yet condemn the others. Nothing is new in the "fleabagger" party.
TheRealVille Wrote:I love how you so called "moral" people take up for some immoral people, yet condemn the others. Nothing is new in the "fleabagger" party.

I'm not taking up for anyone. I'm just pointing out that your hackish drivel has proved once again that you are ignorant of any facts in what the heck you are talking about. You don't have a clue about this Gingrinch thing, only that his wife took him to court. I really really don't know of a more ignorant person on earth than you RV. Please give me something better than a guy's wife or ex-wife took him to court one time. If your ex-wife says you are an idiot, do I automatically believe it? Yes, but not because she says so, but because I read your posts.
jetpilot Wrote:I'm not taking up for anyone. I'm just pointing out that your hackish drivel has proved once again that you are ignorant of any facts in what the heck you are talking about. You don't have a clue about this Gingrinch thing, only that his wife took him to court. I really really don't know of a more ignorant person on earth than you RV. Please give me something better than a guy's wife or ex-wife took him to court one time. If your ex-wife says you are an idiot, do I automatically believe it? Yes, but not because she says so, but because I read your posts.
I merely posted the link, you beef is with them, not me. If you think it's a lie, go tell it to them. You and Hoot can only ad hominem when you don't have a clue about anything else. You and Hoot calling me a hack? Now that's some funny shit right there. I don't care who you are, that's funny.

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