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Any news on Jaysean Paige?
ekff Wrote:You know tho... Those kids are Chester's family so they actually HAD a reason to come to Hazard. Because they had family.... When someone comes from another State with no ties to the County, City, or State everyone knows its for sports. Which is against the rules.

But hey I know Jaysean and I do want the kid to play ball somewhere because he can play College Basketball. And if he missed his senior year it will kill his chances....

I just know if it was Hazard doing this everyone would be talking shit.

HAve you missed out on all the other threads?
ekff Wrote:You know tho... Those kids are Chester's family so they actually HAD a reason to come to Hazard. Because they had family.... When someone comes from another State with no ties to the County, City, or State everyone knows its for sports. Which is against the rules.

But hey I know Jaysean and I do want the kid to play ball somewhere because he can play College Basketball. And if he missed his senior year it will kill his chances....

I just know if it was Hazard doing this everyone would be talking shit.

So you feel the need to talk shit because it's Perry?
So which statements are true? Did he get eligible, not eligible, or did he move? Will someone who has this answer please post!!
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king360 Wrote:HAve you missed out on all the other threads?

Yeah... I don't read many basketball threads because a lot of people don't know anything about basketball on here.
ekff Wrote:Yeah... I don't read many basketball threads because a lot of people don't know anything about basketball on here.

Beg to differ my friend.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
^ not saying all... But most..
I heard he left for oakhill lastnite, I will have to check on that and make sure though. If so, i wish him well and hope he does great.
ballstar Wrote:I heard he left for oakhill lastnite, I will have to check on that and make sure though. If so, i wish him well and hope he does great.

I sure hope this is
^ If it's not, he's wrong. He was at school today.
Now that the lockout looks to be over soon, straight to the NBA?
^ Lol. What?
Why is it taking so long??

Can't someone at the KHSAA make a decision and get on with it! A KHSAA hearing judge has already rendered their decision. Why can't Julian either say "We agree/ disagree", or "Eligible/Not Eligible"?

This is taking longer than the Watergate investigation.
From what I hear from everyone I know, we won't know nothing about him being eligible until sometime in January, after Christmas break. But have been told it looks real good for Jaysean
I would tend to disagree with that...if it takes til january then i would think that's a red flag of some sort that would result in him being ineligible. JMO.
Crazy Horse Wrote:From what I hear from everyone I know, we won't know nothing about him being eligible until sometime in January, after Christmas break. But have been told it looks real good for Jaysean

Why? Why would it take that long? That's wayyyy past the allotted 15 days. This is just getting outrageous, the KHSAA is a real piece of work.
If they are not ruling until January then it looks bad. If a kid is eligible they try to get everything done asap. If he is ineligible then no need to hurry on the final ruling as they have already made the previous ineligible ruling.
I would bet money he will be ruled ineligible.
It shouldnt have taken this long.
Crazy Horse Wrote:From what I hear from everyone I know, we won't know nothing about him being eligible until sometime in January, after Christmas break. But have been told it looks real good for Jaysean

Still don't understand why it should take so long. Why January? Why not now, or last week? The KHSAA have the same info that was available to the hearing judge. They need to quit acting like the NCAA, who's as slow as a snail (it took them forever to rule on Kanter), and let this young man and his family know what the verdict is. If he can't play then he might be able to get in another school somewhere, maybe a prep school. This nonsense isn't fair to Paige.

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