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Hold Backs
I still think it is funny that the BUS was asked three or four times if he even thought if you got held back if so many kids would be doing it. I never got an answer on any of them. It seems to me that getting held back is becoming more and more popular, but it also seems to be a bigger problem at some schools than others.

So what about it BUS? Do you think that kids would be so willing to be held back if they had to sit out the second year in the same grade?
There are more kids that do not get heldback than there is that do but the list that BUS posted did illustrate a point. LOTS of those boys have been great athletes. I don't think that the hold back gave them a size advantage (John Johnson it did) but it just gave them more experience under their belt and more practice. It proved to be good moves though. It was strictly for athletics IMO but it does happen and always will until there are rules against it. I say the thing should be passed about if a player gets held back then they sit out that year and stuff like that. It can be proved that it was for athletics if you just look at their grades. If they have the grades to stay on the team then they have the grades to pass in school..simple.
I don't think it should be allowed. But then again there some of these schools who have middle school super stars that are 15 and 16 years old. in that case i dont think the schools with kids that have been held back should be allowed to compete in tournaments. I dont have nothing against provate schools but if you notice most of these private schools have the kids taht have been held back!
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:Answer those two quesitons up there BUS ^^ One other point to make on the hold backs. The two best players in this area, Landon Slone, and Clark Stepp, neither are hold backs. They are standing out in high school, not just the middle school level. Another name you will be hearing about in a couple years in the high school level will be Clint Stepp. And before you ask, no he isnt a hold back either.

Clark is a hold back along with his other team mate Tate. Both of these boys were held back in middle school. Clark is suppose to be a junior while tate is suppose to be a sophmore. and tate is only in the 8th grade!
nothing wrong with with holdbacks
"Bo Duke" Wrote:nothing wrong with with holdbacks
Amen brother, amen!!!:wenumber1 :theman: Bo Duke
I agree with it, from personal experience (lets not get too harsh on me for holding back) it helped me in numerous ways. MAINLY it makes school easier, helps greatly with you GPA and how well you understand your schoolwork, you graduate at a much more mature age and are more prepared to take on college or the workforce. I look at it that it doesn't cost anything and ANYONE can do it. And when you first do it, it is a sacrafice a lot of your friend move on but gives you the opportunity to make new ones. An unfair advantage is having or doing something that others don't have the privelege or opportunity to do, that is why holding back is not unfair. Anyone that wants to can do so.
i like hold backs
"Grizzly" Wrote:I agree with it, from personal experience (lets not get too harsh on me for holding back) it helped me in numerous ways. MAINLY it makes school easier, helps greatly with you GPA and how well you understand your schoolwork, you graduate at a much more mature age and are more prepared to take on college or the workforce. I look at it that it doesn't cost anything and ANYONE can do it. And when you first do it, it is a sacrafice a lot of your friend move on but gives you the opportunity to make new ones. An unfair advantage is having or doing something that others don't have the privelege or opportunity to do, that is why holding back is not unfair. Anyone that wants to can do so.
So, you think it is ok to hold back someone just for sports? You have to have at least a 2.0 to be able to play sports at all in school. So it doesnt matter that some kids that are honor roll students gets held back for a game?
Floyd County requires a 2.5 gpa for middle school players.
Well i was held back in elementary school for other reasons, but if it does help the child out in the end, meaning more mature for college, better grades through school then i agree with it. If a kid does have a 3.0 gpa and it helps him to get a 3.5 gpa then progress was made. If sports are taken out of the picture it is still better for a child to graduate at 18 or 19 opposed to 16 or 17. Everyone has their own opinion but I am speaking from experience and I know that it did greatly help me on the court but more importantly off the court. Whether a child is help back for the wrong reasons or the right ones in will still benefit them.
Would you have been held back if it ment losing a year of playing in the high school level? And how can it be justified holding back a kid that has a 3.0 GPA in hopes of getting a 3.5? Would that make any difference at all when you start high school?

Alot of people say they get held back for maturity reasons. How does that help someone in the long run? Do the parents say, "thats ok son, you are not ready for high school stay back a year and play another year of sports then you will be."? What if they STILL are not mature enough, and yes, alot of sophmore, juniors and seniors are not mature enough for there age. If maturity is the reason, I guess it helps to put a older kid in a room full of younger ones for a role model on imaturity. Why not hold them back when they are freshman? Just to see if the summer will help them any? Because you lose a year of playing, so it all goes down to the same thing. It isnt a hold back for maturity, it is a hold back for another year of playing sports. School is for education, not for playing a game.
I've never known of any college requesting a copy of a students elementary/middle school transcripts.
"WOW" Wrote:I've never known of any college requesting a copy of a students elementary/middle school transcripts.
LOL, that is what I was getting at WOW... I can see a college not letting a high school senior in because that D they got there 7th grade year in English.
I know a family in the 15th region who held both their sons back for sports. They made no bones about- they were straight up about it. As a Freshmen the oldest son started Varsity. He went on to receive a D1 scholarship for basketball- he didn't return to school after the 1st semester. He came back and went on to ALC to play a few semesters before going on to MSU and completing his degree. He did not play basketball at MSU. The younger son also started Varsity as a Freshmen- he went on to quit during his senior year just prior to the disctrict tournament starting. I don't see what good "holding back" did either of these boys. Both were A students in elementary/middle school also.
Disagree, it is unfair to toher students if a kid stays back
Kids who are strugling in the classrooms should be held back.Weather they play sports or not. Boy or girl. After all education is what rely matters.
"M.V.P." Wrote:Disagree, it is unfair to toher students if a kid stays back

Couldn't the other students stay back also?
"basketballjones" Wrote:Couldn't the other students stay back also?

Most parents wouldn't want to hold their child back unless they were struggling in school. There are players staying back who have 3.5 gpa's and higher.
To me this is a personal decision with the parties involved and if they choose to hold back then it is their business and their business only. Everyone has the same choice to make and that is fair.
"WOW" Wrote:Most parents wouldn't want to hold their child back unless they were struggling in school. There are players staying back who have 3.5 gpa's and higher.
Everyone is entitled to one year to hold back. It is their job to determine whether or not they'll hold back.
I disagree with holding kids back, but if they are they should do it before they start school for maturity reasons, not when they are up in grades and are just wanting to be a little more dominate in their class.
Dont ya love it though when they say kids are held back for maturity reasons, then they play high school ball anyways? If they are not mature enough for them to be in high school, why play them?
"m00se" Wrote:Everyone is entitled to one year to hold back. It is their job to determine whether or not they'll hold back.

I agree with m00se. Parents and students alike are free to choose that route if they so desire. That is one of the things that makes this country free. Don't knock kids who have chosen to hold back just because you don't agree with it. You haven't lived their lives so you don't know their reasons for it.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:Dont ya love it though when they say kids are held back for maturity reasons, then they play high school ball anyways? If they are not mature enough for them to be in high school, why play them?

Good point.
I think the maturity part would be when they graduate high school. I know some kids that graduate when they are 17 and that is too young.
So... parents can tell how mature there kids will be 4 years into the future? Most insurance will cover children untill their 18th birthday unless they are in school. Why not let them graduate high school at 17, then 4 years of college will have them graduating college at 21 when they are off there parents insurance and got a job of their own so they keep coverage.
What if they don't want to go to college? Then at 17 they can't get a full time job.
Most kids who graduate at 17 will turn 18 within just a few months. Most likely before October 1 of that same year. How many kids go to work full time within 4-5 months of graduation (regardless of being 17 or 18)?
"WOW" Wrote:Most kids who graduate at 17 will turn 18 within just a few months. Most likely before October 1 of that same year. How many kids go to work full time within 4-5 months of graduation (regardless of being 17 or 18)?
Shoot, I am 40, I STILL dont want to work full time!!!
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