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Shelby Valley transfer
Anyone heard anything about SV getting a transfer from the "Ridge"?
yes , someone did transfer but i dont have the name yet ,
Nothing new!
Not yet still at ER! Go Warriors!
So Mr or Mrs alittlerusty it is a fact or what....
was*told yesterday by several people at SC panorama that Breanna Fraley transferred to Shelby Valley. If that is the case then they could be the team to beat in the 15th region.
Jed Clampett Wrote:was*told yesterday by several people at SC panorama that Breanna Fraley transferred to Shelby Valley. If that is the case then they could be the team to beat in the 15th region.

They will be better, but not the team to beat. Has she moved, don't think the KHSAA will let her just change schools and start playing.
East Ridge's Breanna Fraley and Alyssa Fraley transfered to Shelby Valley, this will be an interestin year for the Wildcats!!!
Just because a good player transfers into a young but decent program does not mean they instantly become the team to beat. We must wait and see what this does to the team's chemistry. I hear she is good friends with some of the SV girls, but it is still to be determined what her role will be there and if she and the other team members can transition into the changes. If anyone can make this a smooth transition, Coach Rowe can! Go Ladycats and good luck this season!
Lleyton21 Wrote:Just because a good player transfers into a young but decent program does not mean they instantly become the team to beat. We must wait and see what this does to the team's chemistry. I hear she is good friends with some of the SV girls, but it is still to be determined what her role will be there and if she and the other team members can transition into the changes. If anyone can make this a smooth transition, Coach Rowe can! Go Ladycats and good luck this season!

The Fraley girls are apparently transferring to an in county school about a week or two before the season starts. Seems to me it would raise some eyebrows with the KHSAA, I can't imagine that they would become immediately eligible to play for Shelby Valley.
I agree. I mean SV should have went and got some Canadians instead of in county kids,haha.
new o Wrote:I agree. I mean SV should have went and got some Canadians instead of in county kids,haha.

Well, I unlike some people on here am not going to whine and cry about kids who choose to transfer to another school. What I am going to do is tell you that Breanna is a great player and and even better young lady, whatever her reasons are for going to Shelby Valley are her own and I wish her every success in the future. I hope that some folks on this board would learn a little class and wish kids and schools the best instead of trying to tear them down.
I am all for any kid to play high school sports. Winning is stressed way too much in our society. When these kids graduate most of them only have memories not a future in sports. I say let them enjoy and do not be the one that will have to live in the same community and see those kids everyday only to hear them ,"He/she is the reason I never got to play."
new o Wrote:I am all for any kid to play high school sports. Winning is stressed way too much in our society. When these kids graduate most of them only have memories not a future in sports. I say let them enjoy and do not be the one that will have to live in the same community and see those kids everyday only to hear them ,"He/she is the reason I never got to play."

I understand your logic. My question is; Will Valley keep Bre on the bench so one of the local girls can play? Gotta practice what you preach or you have to change the sermon.
new o Wrote:I agree. I mean SV should have went and got some Canadians instead of in county kids,haha.

A transfer is a transfer. I don't care if they are from the same county or Canada. Maybe Valley will quit whining about the Canadian transfers at ER now.
She will be given an opportunity. So you say a transfer is a transfer, then go on record and put exactly who the Canadians are living with. Fraley moved with her family.
new o Wrote:She will be given an opportunity. So you say a transfer is a transfer, then go on record and put exactly who the Canadians are living with. Fraley moved with her family.

I have no problem with a transfer, as I said, I wish Bre the very best luck with her move. As I pointed out, her reasons for going over there are her own. You however were the one who said " When kids transfer and play, local kids sit the bench" I'm aware of the move, but you and I both know why they moved. Again, I have no problem with that, but you guys are the ones who started having the issues with transfers and I am simply asking if you are going to honor your stance on transfers. I also want to point out that the E.R. administration is not going to put up any fight in regards to her transfer. I have it from good sources that at least 2 schools in our Region called everyone except Obama trying to have the E.R. Transfers ruled ineligible. I'm not much on B.S. if you are opposed to transfers, you can't play her, but if you do play her, you cannot be critical of others who do the same. Is that fair?
So the Canadians just happened to move to ER, right? Go onrecord on here and tell us who they live with.
Breanna has been friends with the SV girls for years, and have played ball with them on the same team for years before too, so it will be a tough team theres no we will see bout the team chemistry. but like i said earlier it will be an interestin season for the Ladycats.
new o Wrote:So the Canadians just happened to move to ER, right? Go onrecord on here and tell us who they live with.

What does that have to do with anything? I already told you that I have NO PROBLEM with the girls moving there and playing ball. LOL You already know who they live with, I still don't know what it has to do with anything. I also know the background of this situation, but as I have said time and again, I have no problem with it. You have stated your position regarding transfers, now the only thing that remains is, will you hold your position or does it just apply for all the other schools.
new o Wrote:She will be given an opportunity. So you say a transfer is a transfer, then go on record and put exactly who the Canadians are living with. Fraley moved with her family.

You realize how short of a trip East Ridge to Shelby Valley is? She could theoretically move down the road a couple of houses and be eligible. I'm sorry, but this is by far deserving of BGR's stupidest post in 2011.

Also, they have names, and it's not "The Canadians." Their names are Ray and Tony.

You ER people are comparing apples to oranges. You will never admit that you brought kids in, they did not move unless you consider i20 kids, kids that just happen to move. If they had not transferred in, ER would have battled Fraley's transfer to the end, just like they did Brittany Swindall. Now they do not have a leg to stand on now. I will tell you this though,ER just opened the door for the entire region to bring i20 kids in. It has always started at a several region schools.
new o Wrote:You ER people are comparing apples to oranges. You will never admit that you brought kids in, they did not move unless you consider i20 kids, kids that just happen to move. If they had not transferred in, ER would have battled Fraley's transfer to the end, just like they did Brittany Swindall. Now they do not have a leg to stand on now. I will tell you this though,ER just opened the door for the entire region to bring i20 kids in. It has always started at a several region schools.

You are just talking about geography. Recruitment has gone on in this Region for decades. Pikeville, Valley, Paintsville, just to name a few have done this. Please don't say they haven't, they have. As far as opening the door, this door has been open for many years. If you go back to the time of Coach McCoy at Elkhorn City you will know that kids from other Countries were here many years back. It all boils down to kids seeking opportunities, no one makes them go anywhere, no different than the girls who came to Valley. Again, it was you that said you had the problem with transfers, you said that when a transfer comes, a local kid sits. I have no problem with transfers. As I stated, we'll see if Valley holds to that belief or does it only apply to other schools. Anyway, I guess you and I will have to agree to disagree. I want you to know that I don't take this disagreement personally. I respect your abilities and the job you have done.
new o : you need to get off your high horse. SV probably has gotten more transfers than anyone in the region. She transferred because her and the coach don't see eye to eye. She'll get to play at Valley (good , who cares ). Everyone knows the Canadians are at ER for basketball. Who cares?
Success brings kids in, failure makes one recruit. Good luck guys.
Mod Warning:
Seriously, calling these boys by the word "Canadian" is getting old, and it's stopping.
I think some ER people on here are missing the point new_o is trying to make. It's not a question of eligibility as the rules are written. Obviously, the ER boys moved here from Canada into the ER district, so they meet the residency rule. If the two girls moved from the ER district into the SV district, then they also meet the standard for eligibility. No problems there.

The difference is in how the kids ended up at the respective schools. Seeing as how the girls obviously would have known about Shelby Valley and their program, it stands to reason that there is a good probability that they and their family made the decision on their own to move. Another member on this thread even posted that they did not see eye-to-eye with the ER coach, which would lend more credibility to the idea that the decision to change schools was made solely by themselves.

The case of the Canadian transfers would seem to be much different, though. Those boys would obviously not be familiar with the East Ridge program living up North. It's not like they were sitting around one day and said "Hey, let's move to Pike County, Kentucky, and play for East Ridge." So it stands to reason that they would have been brought here by someone connected to the ER program. But since any evidence of recruiting is almost impossible to prove, there really isn't any reason to rule them ineligible.

Once again, you're talking about two totally different situations. Comparing these two girls to the Canadian kids really is like apples to oranges.

Exactly Cowbell!
I understand the difference between recruiting and legit transfer. Kids should not be eligible anywhere if its proven a coach or admin recruited them. I dont believe its been proven here.
There's a little truth in everything the Rusty says...just alittlerusty

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