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WWE Survivor Series
CM Punk gets a near fall on Del Rio after a huge kick. Punk locks in the Anaconda Vise after Del Rio kicks out and Del Rio TAPS!
Winner and new wwe champion: Cm punk
CM Punk dived into the crowd to celebrate his victory! The MSG security did not look impressed with CM Punk.
The videos are rolling hyping our main event.
Awesome Truth are first out to tell the MSG crowd they suck!
John Cena just got the loudest boos of the night from the MSG crowd. MSG Chants is trending on Twitter.
The Rock makes his way to the ring and gets a much more positive reaction from the MSG crowd.
The Rock has stunned Awesome Truth. He just out-wrestled both The Miz and R-Truth! He’s still got it.
Miscommunication there by The Rock and John Cena. The Rock pins R-Truth and Cena distracts the referee by taking out The Miz meaning no count is made. The Rock is still in the match and hasn’t yet tagged Cena.
Rock and Cena not working well together.
Cena gets a tag in and the crowd doesn’t like it. Cena also gets the upper hand on Miz and Truth. Cena taunts The Rock which nearly leads to a physical confrontation between the tag team, but R-Truth takes down Cena before they can fight. Awesome Truth are now working down Cena.
LWC Wrote:Rock and Cena not working well together.

A win by Miz & Truth would be good for their careers! What do you think, could they let them win???
Rock has not taken a single bump!!!
Rocks first bump
Cena just planted R-Truth with an AA and now looks for a tag from The Rock. The Miz doesn’t allow it and plants The Rock with a huge right hand. R-Truth comes round the ring and plants The Rock on the ringside barricade. The Rock is livid now and wants in the match now as The Miz and R-Truth double team Cena.
Cole is showing sympathy for Cena, that tells me we will see Cena turn!!!!
John Cena dodges a big leg drop from R-Truth and makes a hot tag to The Rock.
Rock Bottom to R-Truth! Sharpshooter on The Miz! Will Miz tap out?
R-Truth rushes in and makes the save for The Miz. Cena then takes down Truth. It’s chaos!
The Rock hits a spinebuster on The Miz… It’s People’s Elbow time! The crowd erupt.
The Rock gets the pinfall!
John Cena applauds The Rock from outside the ring. The Rock isn’t impressed with Cena clapping him. He calls for the music to stop and wants Cena back in the ring.
The Rock poses for the crowd and gets a huge ovation. Cena does the same but gets completely booed!
It seems as though The Rock just wanted to gloat at how much he is over with this New York City crowd.
John Cena attempts to leave but The Rock grabs him and plants him with a huge ROCK BOTTOM!
Awesome show.

Punk is the new WWE Champion!

Rocky looked amazing.

I give it a A.
^I enjoyed it too.

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