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WWE Survivor Series
camera switches to The Rock holding a microphone
^......and hates John Cena.
The Rock talks about his MSG memories watching his grandfather and then his father wrestle, before making his debut in 1996. The Rock runs through all of his catchphrases which made him so popular and the crowd lap it up, joining in with each one. The Rock says he will put boots to asses later when he sees The Miz and R-Truth. The Rock then runs down John Cena as the crowd chant ‘Lady Parts’ again.
The Rock sings a rendition of Frank Sinatra’s New York and the crowd joins in with him. The Rock offers The Miz and R-Truth one final warning.
Few wrestlers have ever done a promo better than The Rock.
LWC Wrote:Few wrestlers have ever done a promo better than The Rock.

Better, thats pretty hard to define. Dynamic, WOW, he just flat out gets you in the palm of his hand!
Cody Rhodes gets the biggest pop for Team Barrett. Sin Cara is donning white ring attire.
^That is why I said few. It is hard to even make the argument for anyone to be better. I would say 5-10 maximum EVER could be as good or better.
Has Randy Orton lost his luster? 3rd match of the night in a tag at that????
Ziggler and Kofi start things off.
Well, that made no sense to me
Randy Orton gets tagged in and nails Ziggler with a quick RKO. He gets the pinfall and eliminates Ziggler. Why bury Dolph like that
Sin Cara just flew over the top rope and completely blew his knee! Even Hunico showed concern for Sin Cara. Cue… ‘We Want Ryder’ chants. The crowd already have a replacement lined up!
That had to be a work, no way they take off the boot
ELIMINATED: SIN CARA (due to injury)
Mason Ryan is now dominating Hunico in the ring. Here comes Cody Rhodes on a bling tag and hits Cross Rhodes on Ryan. He’s eliminated!
The crowd loved it when Cody eliminated Mason Ryan. Huge ‘Cody’ chants and cheers when Mason got pinned.
Barrett nails Kofi with a big boot and hit Wastelands. He pins him and gets the 3 count!
Team Barrett are now working down on Randy Orton. They have a 4-2 advantage over Team Orton.
Sheamus gets a hot tag from Randy Orton and Sheamus is taking it to Jack Swagger.
Cody, Barrett and Hunico all try and take down Sheamus but Sheamus sends them all out of the ring. Sheamus then refuses to let up on Swagger and gets disqualified! Sheamus was kneeing Swagger in the head repeatedly and wouldn’t stop.
Eliminated: Sheamus
They are really giving Orton too much love here. Are they really going to make Orton look unbeatable? Sheesh!
Eliminated: Jack swagger
Sheamus gives Jack Swagger a Brouge Kick as a parting gift! Randy Orton crawls in and pins Swagger.
Orton beats down on Rhodes and Hunico makes a blind tag. Hunico comes in from the top rope but Orton catches him with an RKO and pins Hunico.
As Orton sets up Barrett for an RKO, Rhodes rushes in and Orton plants him with an RKO instead. Wade Barrett then catches him with Wastelands and scores the pin.

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