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What can Covcath do to beat Highlands next year?
Covcath obviously improved. They thought they were ready for primetime. They got pummeled again though. What improvements can be made to contend instead of pretend next year? I know Bir is back. He's a very good QB. However, Covcath got swept by Highlands in freshmen, JV, and varisty. Two games on each level. Why in the world would they think they can compete next year? What other returning players could possibly make this competitive next year with as much as Highlands returns?
to be honest, I don't know what they can do to compete with the Blue Birds. I just don't think they can, nothing against Cov. Cath. but Highlands don't re-build, they re-load
I liked how Covcath changed their style of play. They play more like Highlands on offense. You don't know what's coming and they are good at it. I just don't know what they could do differently to matchup better. Highlands is just dominate over them and that will continue for as long as I can see down the pipeline.
It's not just them but can any team in 4a compete with them ??
It's a Catholic school. They can pray a little more.
Score more points than hhs.
hop24 Wrote:Score more points than hhs.

Which means they need to recruit in better players......:biggrin:
Stardust Wrote:Which means they need to recruit in better players......:biggrin:

They would but they've already signed with the birds. Maybe they could look into Cincinnati like highlands does.
sawmill Wrote:They would but they they've already signed with the birds.

sawmill Wrote:They would but they've already signed with the birds. Maybe they could look into Cincinnati like highlands does.

No, HHS recruits from Park Hills:Clap:
Who wouldn't rather go to Highlands than Covcath? Why go to Covcath and get whipped like a dog every year? Maybe go to Holy Cross where you have a chance to make it to a state finals game.
Wideleft01 Wrote:Who wouldn't rather go to Highlands than Covcath? Why go to Covcath and get whipped like a dog every year? Maybe go to Holy Cross where you have a chance to make it to a state finals game.

Covcath just needs to hire a better recruiter. Then they might have a chance to compete.
It's hard to recruit when you have an inferior athletic and academic program.
Wideleft01 Wrote:It's hard to recruit when you have an inferior athletic and academic program.

I heard most of the kids Mueller recruits signs their letter of intent at Deja Vu or in the limo leaving the club.
There isn't any testing for steroids in high school so maybe that is an option lol
They could drop some ruffee's in Highlands water cooler, other than that I believe Highlands is already doing better than anyone else can.
Or maybe they can get some Bengal players to suit up. They can promise them if they play for cov cath they will actually win a championship
^ Not against Highlands!!!
kypecos Wrote:It's a Catholic school. They can pray a little more.
I remember back in the early 70's Lou. St. X came to little ol Highlands and made fun of our field and visitors locker room. We beat them 10-7. We were told that they prayed every day for a year to beat the crap out of us the next time. The next year we went to Lou. and I believe we played them at Lou Flaget field. They totally beat the snot out of us, something like 45-7. Our all-state DB got a concussion before the half. Our psychopath linebacker told me the center was like hitting a rock wall. It was a long tough ride home on the bus. So maybe there's something to it.
2dog, I can't remember the early 70's!!! LOL
The early 70's was a long time ago (it was 72 when Highlands won and 73 when St X won).

Flaget Field? I thought that Flaget HS closed before that.

I cannot remember those days very well, because I was in grad school and a newly wed so I was not very interested in HS football.
Stardust Wrote:2dog, I can't remember the early 70's!!! LOL
I had a fresh brain back then. I didn't start losing brain cells till I went into the Army and guys that had been in Vietnam taught me how to party. Now I cain't spell or nothin. Now I live in Pendleton Co. where I'm considered a real fart smeller.:biggrin:
^ Absolutely laughed my butt off!!!!
Wise one Wrote:The early 70's was a long time ago (it was 72 when Highlands won and 73 when St X won).

Flaget Field? I thought that Flaget HS closed before that.

I cannot remember those days very well, because I was in grad school and a newly wed so I was not very interested in HS football.
I know for sure it was. I can remember making fun of the name. It was fantastic looking turf that I thought must have been Astro turf. Very nice field. Bob Reisinbeck was the DB and Leroy Powelite was the LB. I may be wrong but I think coach Mueller played in that game. All state DL (we called it a 3tech) Bruce Moore was also on that team. I rode the bench.

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