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The playoff embarassment
DSRfan Wrote:Personally, I can CHOOSE to go somewhere there should be a competitive
game. What I do myself, does NOTHING to address a bad situation
for far too many schools.
You can and should choose the games you want to see. As for eliminating the blow outs, who would have imagined the Conner-Franklin County score? Wasn't Franklin County a number 1 and undefeated? Conner was a 4 and I've seen several posts predict that they'll will their region.

I've followed some pretty bad football teams in my life (I am a UK fan). I've never been associated with players or coach who didn't want that playoff game. I dove 200 miles to see a huge underdog, who thought they could pull off the upset get beat pretty badly. It's a game; let the kids play.
nky Wrote:A team could easily forfeit the first round if they don't want to lose by 50+. Did anyone do that? Did any team not want to play the game? And once you get into the second round you earned that by winning in the first round. Ludlow had no chance in beating Beechwood last night but they didn't back down they played the game because they earned the right to play a 12th game.

There are 2 problems with your arguement. Since we're talking about kids,
almost NONE of them would ever beleive they would lsoe by 50.
They will tell themselves that they can be competitive,
and make themselves believe they really will have a chance.

Secondly, out of pride they would not decline to play. And that's
not a bad thing, it's just a bad thing that the grownups don't
step in and try to rectify a situation that leads to their
pride putting them into such an untenable situation.
ky_boy Wrote:You can and should choose the games you want to see. As for eliminating the blow outs, who would have imagined the Conner-Franklin County score? Wasn't Franklin County a number 1 and undefeated? Conner was a 4 and I've seen several posts predict that they'll will their region.

I've followed some pretty bad football teams in my life (I am a UK fan). I've never been associated with players or coach who didn't want that playoff game. I dove 200 miles to see a huge underdog, who thought they could pull off the upset get beat pretty badly. It's a game; let the kids play.

I've already addressed the fact that there can be totally mismatched
areas, where in a certain year all the good teams are in one district.
No matter what system, and what alignment you used, that could
NEVER be totally avoided. What we're talking about here,
CAN for the most part be addressed. And quite simply too, by just
eliminating ONE entry per district, or 2 of you really want to help.
Man, all the arguments I'm seeing here against my proposal, all
basically boil down to adults not wanting to step up and act
responsibly when kids CANNOT.
The logic of some; is big scores mean something bad. Well, if this is the case only district champs in basketball and baseball should play. Why can't you just leave well enough alone. If a fourth seed's team or school does not want to play, or if their fans and parents are ashamed to be there, don't show up.
Blowouts Happen and always will
some of the best games last year happened in the earlier rounds
The Finals should be the closest games ... the best of the best
YET last year 5 of 6 games were decided by 38 or more points

I like the idea of mixing up the pairing to avoid so many regular season rematches
May mean more driving but matches between new opponants adds interest
Bellevue has to play in the shadow of Beechwood every year. It might be interesting to see how they fare with other 1A schools across the state before reaching the Beechwood/Mayfield tier at the same point every year.
I'm not quite right but I like the idea of traveling from NKY to the mountains if I don't have to work...catch a good game and a little cold weather camping and see a little more of this beautiful state.
DSRfan Wrote:There are 2 problems with your argument. Since we're talking about kids,
almost NONE of them would ever believe they would lose by 50.
They will tell themselves that they can be competitive,
and make themselves believe they really will have a chance.

Secondly, out of pride they would not decline to play. And that's
not a bad thing, it's just a bad thing that the grownups don't
step in and try to rectify a situation that leads to their
pride putting them into such an untenable situation.
Should we give them juice boxes and orange slices afterwards?
DSRfan Wrote:Man, all the arguments I'm seeing here against my proposal, all
basically boil down to adults not wanting to step up and act
responsibly when kids CANNOT.
huh? you don't think the kids don't want to play the game? Maybe THAT'S why those teams are losing by 50?
DSRfan Wrote:Man, all the arguments I'm seeing here against my proposal, all
basically boil down to adults not wanting to step up and act
responsibly when kids CANNOT.
so you think players from these teams didn't want to play their last game?
Ludlow –upset a team in the first round
Campbellsville – won 7 games this year
Owen County – undefeated going into their last game (11 wins)
Lloyd – upset a team in the first round
Lawrence County – upset a better team in the first round
Wayne County – finished with 9 wins
Pike County Central – 8 wins
Corbin – 7 wins
Johnson Central – 9 wins
Montgomery County
Franklin County – undefeated going into their last game (11 wins)
Christian County
PRP – 9 wins
DSRfan Wrote:T

NONE of your arguments hold water. The added expenses of "one
more game" will in almost every instance eat up any money made.
The football playoffs are NOT funding any other sports. And you
are sadly deluding yourself if you think any of the handful of
schools that manage to make a little money off the post season, are doing anything other than putting it back in the football program.

As for quantity or quality, that is NOT what MY arguement is about.
Far from being selfish, I AM actually trying to think about the
kids. I can't believe there's ANY kid in Ky. that dreams about
playing football to be a 4 seed, and take a long bus ride in
November to get their brains beaten out in a game they
CAN NOT WIN. And what about seniors on such teams?
Is it "unselfish" to allow them mto devote themselves to
4 years of football practice and play, and let their last
memory of h.s. ball be a 50 point embarassment?

More people need to complain EVERYWHERE to EVERYONE about this.
That's the only way we're going to get the school administrators
to wake up and CHANGE the system.

Umm, so I guess you are saying this is a topic that I know nothing about hunh? I will only say this, you are sadly mistaken and you truly have no idea of what you are talking about. Finally, don't diss me, I already told you to go to your AD - maybe he can make you a little smarter my uneducated friendConfusedhh:
48 teams left. 46 are 1 or 2 seeds. 2 4 seeds. Powell Co. and Boone Co. I think thats what underdog and Cinderella are about!!!!!!!!!!!!
IMO the top two should go. I would love to see the financial report on all the first round games and would bet that it would show a huge loss in money..
DSRfan Wrote:Man, all the arguments I'm seeing here against my proposal, all
basically boil down to adults not wanting to step up and act
responsibly when kids CANNOT.
I think the point that you are missing is that you are in the minority. Most fans, coaches, and players like the idea of "having a shot", even if it is a long shot. It has nothing to do with "adults don't want to step up and act responsible." It's just that most like the idea of letting them play and letting them dream.

Do you remember the North Carolina State in the 1983 NCAA Basketball Tournament? How about the "Amazing Mets" in 1969? The Sweet Sixteen is filled with small schools, with no chance, winning on Saturday night. Have we had the same in Kentucky High School Football? I can't say. I do know, PERSONALLY, that teams are sometimes lower seeds due to earlier games; they jell, get healthy, or find the missing piece. They're kids; let them play.
KHSAA number one thing is the $ , they can't truly be all about the kids. Look at the inconsistency on anything they attempt to do. When something is broke , at least try to fix it.
Why not just have each team do a NFL style combine at their own school, then put those stats in computer with stats of other teams on their schedule and let 'puter determine win-loss record for each team. 'Puter would only give winner and loser with no score shown. 'Puter would then give out play-off winners and state champions. No blow-out losses, no injuries, and no travel costs for teams. Football programs wont generate any money, but then no expenditures either. (leave system the way it is....most 4 seeds have had big losses in regular season already, and even if play-off is blow out loss I think most kids still enjoy getting to play one more time)
piratewatcher Wrote:why not just have each team do a nfl style combine at their own school, then put those stats in computer with stats of other teams on their schedule and let 'puter determine win-loss record for each team. 'puter would only give winner and loser with no score shown. 'puter would then give out play-off winners and state champions. No blow-out losses, no injuries, and no travel costs for teams. Football programs wont generate any money, but then no expenditures either. (leave system the way it is....most 4 seeds have had big losses in regular season already, and even if play-off is blow out loss i think most kids still enjoy getting to play one more time)

awesome post!!!
redstorm Wrote:IMO the top two should go. I would love to see the financial report on all the first round games and would bet that it would show a huge loss in money..

What are you talking about?
Each game brought in more than enough money (or should have anyways) to cover all travel expenses for the visiting team.
Lets not forget that in the playoffs, the home team must split all game revenues 50/50 with the visiting team.
I think we should just go by the preseason polls.
Thats always a great indicator of how good teams are and we should just let there be 1 game a year.

Its not gonna change. Get over it.
If you dont like it, start a new high school assosciation and lets see how many teams leave the KHSAA for it.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think we should just go by the preseason polls.
Thats always a great indicator of how good teams are and we should just let there be 1 game a year.

Its not gonna change. Get over it.
If you dont like it, start a new high school assosciation and lets see how many teams leave the KHSAA for it.

I'm not even sure we need to play any games at all. Let's just pick a season champ in August, not play a single game, and never worry about blowouts ever again....
Stardust Wrote:I'm not even sure we need to play any games at all. Let's just pick a season champ in August, not play a single game, and never worry about blowouts ever again....

Great Idea Dusty!
Maybe then we can get the BCS to follow suit so that an overranked Ohio State and Notre dame can go every year.
Or maybe they'll just change it to where the winner of the SEC is your national champion :biggrin: (that actually needs to happen)

I cant believe some people are complaining about blowouts when it happens in EVERY SINGLE SPORTs PLAYOFFS

I wonder if all of the NCAA's basketball tourney games will be close?
Personally i liked seeing cinderella Northern Iowa beating that Kansas tail and all the other that happened.
Letum play schools do need the money
I can't stand the current playoff system. I know that the playoffs system isn't going to change. I wish that we would go back to a four class system. I know that the attendance for the first two rounds for a few games wasn't very good. Factor in the cold weather plus the fans anticipating blowouts.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Great Idea Dusty!
Maybe then we can get the BCS to follow suit so that an overranked Ohio State and Notre dame can go every year.
Or maybe they'll just change it to where the winner of the SEC is your national champion :biggrin: (that actually needs to happen)

I cant believe some people are complaining about blowouts when it happens in EVERY SINGLE SPORTs PLAYOFFS

I wonder if all of the NCAA's basketball tourney games will be close?
Personally i liked seeing cinderella Northern Iowa beating that Kansas tail and all the other that happened.

There have never been blowouts in Superbowls has there???
I believe in taking the top two teams in each district, and having a 16 team playoff. First round games are usually bad when its always gonna be teams like Trinity and Simon Kenton. I think making the playoffs should be an honor earned by being a top contender in your class and shouldn't be crowded with teams that simply shouldn't be there.
As many have pointed out there is a potential negative financial impact.

The main change 6 years ago was:

a) going to 6 classes vs. 4 and
b) Taking 192 teams into the playoffs.

The impact of these 2 actions was that there was more travel involved with the playoffs and post season. The miles driven increased due to

a) Longer distances since districts were now far more spread out geographically
b) More teams in the playoffs with the expanded participation

The recent change of limiting 1A and 6A to 32 teams each only further compounds the logistics. Bell County vs. E-town in the first round points this out.

Combine these simple, basic facts with continued high fuel prices and you have a lot of money being spent the first weekend. If the gate at a game is less than $2,000 it almost certain the game is a financial loser for the schools. Especially the school that has to travel.

I have heard that the reason of the 6 classes was to increase participation. I have also heard that it was to reduce travel. I have not seen any sign of the first occurring and it is mathematically impossible for the second to occur. More classes = more travel period.

To keep the teams more local in the post-season and travel down you need to drop the number of classes - and that is not likely to happen.
Tilghman was a #3 seed with a 4-6 record when the 2009 AAA playoffs began. That trophy will forever nuke any argument to exclude a three seed.
I would compromise with the 1 seed receiving a bye and then let the two and three play.
Good programs that suffer blowout losses in the playoffs build upon the experience to improve in the future. Bad programs just look forward to the season coming to an end. Johnson Central was on the receiving end of a 67-20 thrashing at the hands of Highlands but I guarantee they would not have even considered forfeiting, even if they had known the outcome of the game in advance.

Playoff is experience is important for returning players. Without it, you just end up with even more of a rich getting richer system where good programs get to play 13 or 14 games (if the 3rd and 4th seeds were excluded) and bad ones get to play 10 games. Those extra games of experience and the four practices that precede the games add up over a four year period and give teams like Highlands a huge advantage.
Tica Wrote:Tilghman was a #3 seed with a 4-6 record when the 2009 AAA playoffs began. That trophy will forever nuke any argument to exclude a three seed.

I wish they would go back to 4 classes and the district champ and runner up would make the playoffs. It may be about the players, but they should earn it. We never made the playoffs when I played, but I'm glad we didn't because we weren't good enough and didn't earn it. What does it mean to make the playoff every year when you don't earn it. It takes away from those that do earn it.

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