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Holy Cross (cov) vs Owen County 2nd round of 2a playoffs
toussaints Wrote:I actually saw them run against Lloyd and if they run like that friday, they'll lose by a lot. stick to passing the ball

that was week 1 and if fuller only rushes for 91 yard like he did in week 4 then owen county going to have a field day on them that a big part of their offense and conner shut him down but that was week 4 and you seen him in week 1 this is week 12 lot of things change for now and then
Ive seen HC in person and OC on film And I think the scoe will be 42-14 HC and thats if OC QB throws alot betterthn I seen.
walking tall Wrote:Ive seen HC in person and OC on film And I think the scoe will be 42-14 HC and thats if OC QB throws alot betterthn I seen.

keep thinking that newport was on the same waveline about owen and who do they play this week nobody
toussaints Wrote:I actually saw them run against Lloyd and if they run like that friday, they'll lose by a lot. stick to passing the ball
That was our firstgame and he was just running over kids. Now our O-Line is on there a game and really open up holes.
toussaints Wrote:I'll take the alma mater by 4+ scores pulling away in the 4th quarter.

I'll be making the trip down to owenton for this one
Can you even count to 4? I bet you OC wins and if not i'll never post on here again but, if hc loses you never post again?
RebelWarrior Wrote:Can you even count to 4? I bet you OC wins and if not i'll never post on here again but, if hc loses you never post again?

1..2..3..4 yeah my Holy Cross education paid off

and no way, i can't let you give up that easy Wink
rebel 4 life Wrote:Not so fast my freind Owen county wr will be to much for holy cross 32 24 Owen

Not even a close game. HC could have this one locked up by halftime..
The more I see the more I think HC will route OC. But they still have to pkay the game.
I've heard a rumor that OC coaches are already looking at film on NewCath. Any truth to that?
heard they got the NewCath Gallatin Co film
I can assure you that Owen County is NOT looking on to New Cath...I am very active in the community and the school system and have not even heard New Cath mentioned. They are very focused on Holy Cross, and Holy Cross only. I cannot say whether or not they are in possession of a game film or not, but who cares?
@RebelWarrior and @ rebel 4 life:
You guys are talking a big game. I like and I respect the confidence you are displaying but I hope you are up for the biggest challenge that you will have faced all year. Holy Cross will be better than any team you have faced thus far. I hope you back up your big talk with appropriate play on the field to ensure the best game the fans have seen so far. Don't be all talk or else Holy Cross WILL embarrass you on your own field. You are talking the talk so now walk the walk. With all that being said best of luck to both teams but my allegiance is with the Rebels. I will take the Rebels in a game that comes down to the wire. 28-24 OC
Does OC have a grass field if they do let the coaches know they should water it down before friday keep it nice and muddy, this might help with HC's speed. Give HC some home field advantage that might be the only thing that they can do to slow HC down.
no im a player at Owen county and we do not have no film on New Cath we are focused on Holy cross...
nky Wrote:I've heard a rumor that OC coaches are already looking at film on NewCath. Any truth to that?
No thats false, we've focused on HC all week. Fowler is probably the most focused I've ever seen him.
PlayMaker3 Wrote:@RebelWarrior and @ rebel 4 life:
You guys are talking a big game. I like and I respect the confidence you are displaying but I hope you are up for the biggest challenge that you will have faced all year. Holy Cross will be better than any team you have faced thus far. I hope you back up your big talk with appropriate play on the field to ensure the best game the fans have seen so far. Don't be all talk or else Holy Cross WILL embarrass you on your own field. You are talking the talk so now walk the walk. With all that being said best of luck to both teams but my allegiance is with the Rebels. I will take the Rebels in a game that comes down to the wire. 28-24 OC
I start defense so you better believe I'm focused on winning this game. Especially with all the hype on Fuller and their offense.
nky Wrote:heard they got the NewCath Gallatin Co film
We had Newport New Cath film but it was for Newport.
RebelWarrior Wrote:I start defense so you better believe I'm focused on winning this game.

thats good!!! no athlete should ever go into a game thinking theyre going to lose
BigZig75 Wrote:End of the road for Owen Cty. Holy Cross wins 41 to 21.
not so fast my friend,
rebels have beaten some tough teams.
I mean how do you think they became 11-0?
Owen County just began.
They'll win by a touchdown.
Owen County, that is.
But Good Luck to Holy
Cross and Owen County!
Going to be a close game,
but Rebels will come through
because god and Beka will
be with us tonight to make history!
Thats good news that you guys are focused. The bad news is that it is not hype on Fuller, and he has plenty of options to go to. But we will see soon. I look forward to this game. I hooe all the kids play hard and end up injury free. A quote from Carol Co's qb during last weeks game to inspire HC. He left the game at half time. He was asked if he was injured and his reply was, ''Everything hurts''.
Crossback Wrote:Thats good news that you guys are focused. The bad news is that it is not hype on Fuller, and he has plenty of options to go to. But we will see soon. I look forward to this game. I hooe all the kids play hard and end up injury free. A quote from Carol Co's qb during last weeks game to inspire HC. He left the game at half time. He was asked if he was injured and his reply was, ''Everything hurts''.

I am erally looking forward to this game as well. I really think it will be a great game...Praying for no injury for either team also. It is always such a relief to leave after a game when no one was hurt.
Rebelfever Wrote:Owen County just began

Owen County has had football alot longer than Holy Cross has
toussaints Wrote:Owen County has had football alot longer than Holy Cross has

I don't think that is quite what they meant lol
toussaints Wrote:Owen County has had football alot longer than Holy Cross has

He was not talking about the starting of the football program. They was talking about the start of what they plan on doing tonight.
Rebelfever Wrote:not so fast my friend,
rebels have beaten some tough teams.
I mean how do you think they became 11-0?
Owen County just began.
They'll win by a touchdown.
Owen County, that is.
But Good Luck to Holy
Cross and Owen County!
Going to be a close game,
but Rebels will come through
because god and Beka will
be with us tonight to make history!


Must be their starting cornerbacks?
^ Oh, HC is in trouble then!!!
, Rebekah Gaines. Rebekah was a senior at Owen County High School and past away a few weeks ago when she lost her battle with cancer.
Stardust Wrote:Beka?

Yes, Beka.

Beka was a senior cheerleader at OCHS that past away a few weeks ago when she lost her battle with cancer. The Rebels dedicated their season to her. She was a great friend to many of them. That is why they wear a pink 'R' for 'Rebekah' on the side of their helmet in place of the 'O'.
You might want to check your story before you make jokes such as that.

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