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Jude and Wales inch closer to the record....

jude -124

everyone seems to like to compare the two and of course give their favorite props. in my opinion it is easy to say one is better than the other for this reason or that. bottom line is that they will both beat the record and they ore both great backs.
ive tried to compare the two myself, (which is difficult) wales is a shifty speed back that runs everything outside, eludes the defenders and uses his speed to break away. jude runs between the tackles, runs over a would be tackle and uses his speed to outrun the rest. again, both are very good backs, but both backs are under sized and neither have break neck speed. (when it comes to the next level). lets quit trying to build up one by belittling the other. lets just sit back and enjoy the show they are giving and wish them both the best of luck.
Jude should get the record tonight. He maybe gets 100 more against Highlands next week, if he plays well in the 4th qtr against the 3rd during the running clock period. Wales should have 3 extra games to catch Jude. Can he catch Jude?
Wideleft01 Wrote:Jude should get the record tonight. He maybe gets 100 more against Highlands next week, if he plays well in the 4th qtr against the 3rd during the running clock period. Wales should have 3 extra games to catch Jude. Can he catch Jude?

wideleft i think you are very fair and have always have good posts! however if we cant debate this what good is having a forum to talk high school football?????
sorry wideleft that post was meant for southbound , south bound i think your a fair guy as well
Coachdad Wrote:wideleft i think you are very fair and have always have good posts! however if we cant debate this what good is having a forum to talk high school football?????

agreed, debate is good, its just sometimes we tend to get so caught up in in our struggles to sway folks in the direction of our opinion, we lose sight of what we are debating.
we agree they are both a marvel to watch, we agree they will both break the record, we agree they are both great backs and from what i hear fine young men as well. there is no true way to debate which of the two is the best without pulling jude from JC and putting him in central and see if his stats are as good or better than wales' or vice versa. they play different schedules, have different lines, different syle of running, and have different coaches. so it becomes very difficult to determine who is actually better. i wwish them both the best of luck in their pursuit of the record.
now a good debate may be will ace wales get five games to beat it or will bell county cut his season short.
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. J.J Jude tonight for breaking the states rushing record!!!! Way to go JJ!!!!
Anthony Wales has gotten further in the playoffs than J.J. which has helped. Also, you talk about Wales against superior competition but go back and see what Wales has done against those superior teams. Both are exceptional but CoachDad sure seems like a dad coach. Argumentative to a fault about the guy he obviously favors, in this case Wales. Jude has had over 30 carries maybe twice. You want to talk about beating up on inferior competition go look at Towles. I love the kid and am glad he's goin to UK bbut he has made a living off of beating up on absolutedly pathetic competition. You have to play who is on your schedule so stop trying to qualify one as more deserving than the other bc of opponents. That is outside of their control. CoachDad, dry up and just be a spectator for a while.
J.J. tonight vs Holmes: 35 carries 437 yards (per WISP)
southbound Wrote:now a good debate may be will ace wales get five games to beat it or will bell county cut his season short.

even if they dont cut wales season short....after the 400+ tonight, wont wales have to average around 200 per game to get close to jude?
Blau Vogel Wrote:J.J. tonight vs Holmes: 35 carries 437 yards (per WISP)

35 carries in a 66-20 blowout is uncalled for. Yes, he is a very good running back, but his coach needs to learn how to call off the dogs.
Wise one Wrote:35 carries in a 66-20 blowout is uncalled for. Yes, he is a very good running back, but his coach needs to learn how to call off the dogs.

He won't get 35 carries next week. There won't be enough time in a running clock game.
Wideleft01 Wrote:He won't get 35 carries next week. There won't be enough time in a running clock game.

Nope, Matney won't do that to Highlands. He didn't let the clock start running til the 4th tonight! LOL!!! Confusednicker:

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Wise one Wrote:35 carries in a 66-20 blowout is uncalled for. Yes, he is a very good running back, but his coach needs to learn how to call off the dogs.
I think he had 25 or so in the 1st half and hardly any in the 4th. Matney let his freshman colt carry it alot in the 2nd and he had a heck of a diving score over the pylon before he hit the ground out of bounds.
Wales started at 588 behind the record and jude was 124 behind it. After tonights perfomance from jude and from what im gathering wales was held out for the most part because of his hip, Wales is about 1000 yards behind jude. So wales is gonna have to average 250pg the rest of the way if he makes it to the state finals to catch jude if he doesnt gain 1 more yard.

I know it seems early, but I think Jude is gonna finish as #1 and would like to send and early congratulations for that accomplishment.
NothingTrivial Wrote:Wales started at 588 behind the record and jude was 124 behind it. After tonights perfomance from jude and from what im gathering wales was held out for the most part because of his hip, Wales is about 1000 yards behind jude. So wales is gonna have to average 250pg the rest of the way if he makes it to the state finals to catch jude if he doesnt gain 1 more yard.

I know it seems early, but I think Jude is gonna finish as #1 and would like to send and early congratulations for that accomplishment.

rumor has it wales wont play in the second round either, unless they need him.
TAT1221 Wrote:Anthony Wales has gotten further in the playoffs than J.J. which has helped. Also, you talk about Wales against superior competition but go back and see what Wales has done against those superior teams. Both are exceptional but CoachDad sure seems like a dad coach. Argumentative to a fault about the guy he obviously favors, in this case Wales. Jude has had over 30 carries maybe twice. You want to talk about beating up on inferior competition go look at Towles. I love the kid and am glad he's goin to UK bbut he has made a living off of beating up on absolutedly pathetic competition. You have to play who is on your schedule so stop trying to qualify one as more deserving than the other bc of opponents. That is outside of their control. CoachDad, dry up and just be a spectator for a while.

Is there something that tells you to tell me what to say ?if u knew who I am you would truly feel foolish, tat I've never directed one comment at you. You must be a kid.

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