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Top QBs in the state of KY
Any opinions on who is the best HS QB in the state of Kentucky?
PTowles @ Highlands
Wright @ Trinity
My List
1 Zeke Pike Dixie Heights
2 Patrick Towles Highlands
3 Kyle Bolin Lexington Catholic
4 Tahj Milliken Central
5 Adam Wing Rowan Co.
Alan Boggs from Pike Central is a nice QB
Evan Whitaker at Hazard, considering he never played the position until this year. As a matter of fact, he hadn't played football since middle school.
1 Patrick Towles Highlands
2 Zeke Pike Dixie
3 Alan Boggs Pike Central
4 Ty Saragas Harlan
5 Chase Roark Middlesborough
Towles from Highlands
Would love to see Boggs stats for the season game by game and how many yards were from screen play. He got picked twice should have been 3 or 4 times against Belfry. Had 4 or 5 ugly passes in a row to hopkins and got hit in the face with a snap. He is solid but no where near top 5.:yawn:
LOFlashPride Wrote:My List
1 Zeke Pike Dixie Heights
2 Patrick Towles Highlands
3 Kyle Bolin Lexington Catholic
4 Tahj Milliken Central
5 Adam Wing Rowan Co.

You obviously don't get out much. Pike is not the best QB in the state. Pike has the body and connections to get the attention, but IMO, here is the list...

1. Towels.. Highlands
By far best QB in the state plays half a game gets double the numbers of Anyone else. Plus kid has true heart.

2a. Wright.. Trinity
Kid started and won state as a sophomore last year played Ryle incredible against what was a loaded team and essentially the state game. Male was garbage.

2b. Hitchew.. Newport Central Cathlolic
One of most underrated players I have ever seen kid is phenomenal. I hope a college takes notice of this kid and he doesn't slip thru the cracks behind pike & towels because this kid is definition of hplaying with heart from what I've seen.

4. Pike.. Dixie Heights
Been pretty quite this year really seems lik he's thrown more picks than Tds. Great QB frame interested to see if he steps passing game up for playoffs. Excellent scrambling ability.
LOFlashPride Wrote:My List
1 Zeke Pike Dixie Heights
2 Patrick Towles Highlands
3 Kyle Bolin Lexington Catholic
4 Tahj Milliken Central
5 Adam Wing Rowan Co.


What seriously gives you any reason whatsoever to put Pike even in the top five??? Did you read something that lead you to believe he has even done anything remotely impressive as a QB in his entire High School career???
Come on guy's, you ONLY have Pike on your lists because you heard he signed with Auburn, but have you seen him? I still say he will never see the field as a QB in college!
All of the ones above are very good QB's, but I would like to aDD another name in the mix to see what you all think.

Logan Woodside-Franklin County: He is a Junior, this is the first year he has actually taken any snaps, he is around 6'3" and 210lbs, he went to the Ohio State and Purdue QB camps and got the top QB award and then went to Oklahoma and got 3rd during his week there. He has a really good arm and can run the ball. Some D1 colleges are already talking to him.
red&white Wrote:Would love to see Boggs stats for the season game by game and how many yards were from screen play. He got picked twice should have been 3 or 4 times against Belfry. Had 4 or 5 ugly passes in a row to hopkins and got hit in the face with a snap. He is solid but no where near top 5.:yawn:

It's just this person's opinion. And by the way screen plays count!
Say what you want I've watched pike since he was in 7th grade kid has always been an impressive athlete. While he has a decent team around him now. I think with a better surrounding cast I think we would here a different story.
Sure is my opinion! Dont think I said screen plays dont count, but I dont think that is a hard pass to make. Putting passes on the money on 2 and 3 step drops for 10 to 15 yard gains when timeing means everything thats a top 5 QB.:Thumbs: I watched Boggs play 3 times this year didnt see that from him. He hit a couple of long bombs and the rest were screens when he had no one open. Boggs is a good QB but if he is top 5 not much to choose from in the state.Confusedhh: Even Pburgs QB has been able to do the things that Boggs does just not as consistantly, and he aint even top 10.:dontthink Then you have to think that games like Phelps,Sheldon Clark,East Ridge,Selby Valley an Average QB with a couple of kids who can catch would light them up too.:Shaking:I hope Boggs gets to move on to the next level to what ever school he wants and does great ,but no. 3 in the state:please:
Sam hunter ashland he is a very consistat qb very sound in his whole offensive scheme throws the ball well and can read a defense like no other
Patriot 93 I agree very smart and accurate QB.Watched him at belfry he played smart he was harrassed by belfry D but did not make many mistakes.
Man some harsh stuff about Pike and my post haha
My new and updated list...
1 Patrick Towles
2 Kyle Bolin
3 Tahj Milliken
4 Adam Wing
5 Cole Ousley
red&white Wrote:Sure is my opinion! Dont think I said screen plays dont count, but I dont think that is a hard pass to make. Putting passes on the money on 2 and 3 step drops for 10 to 15 yard gains when timeing means everything thats a top 5 QB.:Thumbs: I watched Boggs play 3 times this year didnt see that from him. He hit a couple of long bombs and the rest were screens when he had no one open. Boggs is a good QB but if he is top 5 not much to choose from in the state.Confusedhh: Even Pburgs QB has been able to do the things that Boggs does just not as consistantly, and he aint even top 10.:dontthink Then you have to think that games like Phelps,Sheldon Clark,East Ridge,Selby Valley an Average QB with a couple of kids who can catch would light them up too.:Shaking:I hope Boggs gets to move on to the next level to what ever school he wants and does great ,but no. 3 in the state:please:
Thats right Boggs is no good . You sure spend alot of time talking about him. 8 games over 2300 yards passing another 600 rushing. 64%comp .
Dont get your panties all in a bunch Mr.Boggs. I have said time and time again Boggs is solid, but he is not top 5 in the state. I also said that most of the teams PCC plays are not impressive to beat or put up big numbers on. Thats why they aint in the mountain top 10 or 3A top 10. Same reason they finished 3rd in district last year. Until PCC beats someone that is any good they will always be looked at this way. Alan is a GOOD QB and I wish him all the best in the future. I like to tell it like it is and it hurts feelings sometimes. Beat Brethitt co. and you may have an argument. Im pretty sure that wont happen.
^ I respect your post and stating what you think!

This is a message board - don't get on message boards if you only want to hear positive things. I get it, my son played to and is away at college as an athlete. He took care of business and did not need me to take up for him. It's 2011, unfortunately, its easy to tell everyone in the world what your opinion is! So be it! Don't lose any sleep over - OR - don't get on message boards if you have a difficult time with criticism (or even HATE)!
William Boggs Wrote:Thats right Boggs is no good . You sure spend alot of time talking about him. 8 games over 2300 yards passing another 600 rushing. 64%comp .

I respect you for getting on here - BUT - You know whats coming. Sounds like the young man has had a fantastic year. But don't expect everyone to love him like you do - thus, be prepared for criticism or knocks even when it may not be warranted! It comes with the territory on message boards!
Stardust Wrote:Come on guy's, you ONLY have Pike on your lists because you heard he signed with Auburn, but have you seen him? I still say he will never see the field as a QB in college!
Pike will never have to throw to the type of athletes he's throwing to now. That is a fact.
Mr. Boggs has just as much right as anyone else to get on here and post his thoughts. Just because he doesnt hide behind a screen name, or because he is taking up for his kid doesnt change that fact. Honestly at times, someone needs to, because from what I have seen and read on here, every time his name is mentioned, you have a slew of negative comments that follow. It gets pretty excessive at times. I can only imagine that being a parent, and seeing constant negative posts about your child would have to get frustrating at times. I get that players are criticized, but again, there seems to be an excess of negativity when talking about Boggs. No player has perfect games, they all make mistakes at times, yet if Boggs makes a mistake he gets ripped on repeatedly, more so than most. Everyone else gets on here and bashes the kid behind screen names, but he cant get on here as himself and defend his kid? :please:. I am not the first one to point this out, and I am sure I wont be the last. Just as the negative comments won't stop either. Lord knows, the next time the kid makes a mistake there will be 50 posts on here about overrated he is. The stats are there, he got those stats by being a great player, but blame it on weak teams because last years 3A Player of the year is overrated. But just as the rest of you are entitled to your opinions, so am I, and this is just that.. MY OPINION. So I am just going to go ahead and agree to disagree with most of you on this one lol. But I do feel that Boggs is one of the top QB's and has a bright future ahead of him. I wish him nothing but the best of luck in the future & Good luck to all of the Hawks tonight against P-Burg.
cole ousley of lone oak has to be on this list somewhere
Got to put Lou. Eastern QB Tanner Evans on the list. Has threw for over 2000 yards this season already.
Patrick Towles and Zeke Pike

Hands down the best two in the State. Towles has the advantage.
LOFlashPride Wrote:My new and updated list...
1 Patrick Towles
2 Kyle Bolin
3 Tahj Milliken
4 Adam Wing
5 Cole Ousley
Adam Wing is not that great of a QB. Can't handle the pressure when playing a good defense.

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