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Should rich kids have advantages on your team?
:Guitar01:What do you think? Do you have rich kids on your team that have advantages because of the money?
I know of several rich kids who got benefits with sports teams at Ashland because of the money their family could offer the program.
This is a given at any school expecially Private and Independent schools...IMO it is ludicris all the coaches are doing is making the team suffer and eventually their record will show it and at many schools those coaches get fired...I hate it when this happens another type of this is parents that coach their sons and/or daughters will get more playing time than one that is better or deserves it...
I know of rich kids who have the advantage....and I think its stupid
the amount of money shouldn't determine how much playing time you get. the amount of talent you have should determine your playing time.
I think how hard you bust your butt in practice should determine how much playing time in a game you get. Coaches watch there players more in practice than the fans do at any game. For every minute you are playing a game, you have hours and hours of practice that only the other coaches and players see. Money or lack of should have nothing to do with it, but the sad fact is, most of the time it is who you are instead of how you play.
Quote:orginally posted by sony33

the amount of money shouldn't determine how much playing time you get. the amount of talent you have should determine your playing time.

Extotally right.....thumb
This is a stupid question......OF COURSE NOT!!!lol
there could be a kid who dosnt have much money and maybe the best player and dosnt get a chane to play. that isnt fair because the worst player is rich.
They shouldn't have advantages and I have not seen ER's coaches do this.
This is a rhetorical question.
I've never seen or heard of a coach playing a "rich" kid because his family has money over a person who does not have as much family wealth.

But I have heard a lot of kids cry & use the excuse that the only reason John Doe is playing is because his family has money. When, in actuality, the kid is a better ball player.
No I don't think it should happen and I agree with Happy 100%.
This plays a role at every school, except for Oak Hill, and I'd say they've had some success playing talent over money.
Should rich kids have advantages on your team?.....Of course not!
Do they?....Yes.

Don't get me wrong, coaches are going to try to win with the best players they can put on the field or court. But in a situation where two players are similar in ability, it happens. I have seen it.

Someone in an earlier post said it happens at private/independant schools....Baloney. The private and independant schools don't have a monopoly on playing politics, I have seen it in county schools as well.
It may not be right but I think it happens to a certain degree in almost any place you go.
I don't think rich kids should have an advantage, but I'm sure there are a lot of schools that would give them an advantage just because of the money they could offer to the program.
after thinking about it id say it happens more in grade school programs than high school...but in that case it is also more about who your parents know and if your parents coach or not...
Exactly, who you know means ALOT in life period.

I've saw kids be ball managers because their parents contributed alot to the team but it didn't buy them varsity playing time.
stupid thread
Coaches should go by talent not wealth.
The sad part about it is, the world doesnt go around by doing what is right all the time. I am sure there are rich kids getting to play more or have better advantages in schools because of either what there parents have, or who they are.
It happens.. Some people use the excuse more often than they should. But it's simple.. it does happen...
stupid thread!
yeah they should have an advantage....if there family pays the money then they should get in over anybody no matter how awful they are

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