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Person Above you Game
^just wishes bigben was never more wrong
^Is now correct! lol
^Has never been wrong on this page lol
^Continues to get smarter and smarter.
^Is the only person i know that thinks im smart lol
^I've heard that one before! lol
^Must be a really nice guy
^Hit the nail right on the head.
Good Man, Indeed.
^is a head coach
^is a cheerleader lol
^Is a started lol
^spelled starter wrong lol
^Has a good point, but i spell alot of things wrong lol
^is honest lol
^Has a cool avatar
lol! ^ also has one!
^Is a cheerleader
^jealous of my cheerleading uniform lol
^Is right Sad
^Is a weekend warrior
^is on the scout team!
^Is a starter
^isnt going to the blue n white game with me n king360 Sad lol
^Is true - and it's sad
^needs to tell me why he isnt going lol
^SHould know that I'm broke!!!
^Just wishes he was rich
^Needs to stop posting
Must be new to this game?
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