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Occupiers Violating Aswhland City Ordinance?
It appears that the "occupiers" gathered on Judd Plaza in Ashland with their makeshift tents, etc. may be in violation of city ordinances.

Sec. 97.125 states that an application must be completed and filed 45 days prior to the "event". It further states that the city manager shall present the application to the Board of Commissioners for approval.

Sec. 97.129 states that the event sponsor must obtain event insurance with limits of no less that $1,000,000.00 to indemnify the city. The city manager may lower reduce this coverage.

Is the group in compliance with these laws? What do you think since the whole Wall Street movement has existed for less than 45 days?

I would suggest that the city better take this matter seriously. If any innocent party is injured in any way as a result of this "gathering", the city would undoubtedly be liable since it has not enforced its laws.

I'm sure that other groups are required to comply with the law. Is the city merely closing its eyes on this one?

The applicable representatives of the city need to do their job. Their inaction serves to place the city and its taxpaying residents at risk.
^I would be very interested to find out who is in fact organizing the rabble encamped at the Plaza and elsewhere. Usually looking into the eyes of the vagrant deviates such as those that have gathered across America, one sees the vacant stare of a drug induced stupor. People like this have no idea why they're out there.

I hope the city of Ashland has the courage to stand their ground. I'm sure the fear is that Ashland officials would become the object of national scrutiny if we deny these morons the right to protest.

On the other hand, I doubt there was any provision in law that would allow protesters the privilege of sidewalk defecation, or exchange of bodily fluids. Much less the right to take up residence. They should have to go home at night or be charged with vagrancy like anybody else that tries to sleep on benches or sidewalks.

All of that aside, these guys may know a lot about being walleyed, but, precious little about Wall Street.
Laws are laws. If the Right to Life wants its life chain in early October, I am sure it must comply with the law. If those supporting Martin Luther King Day wish to gather on Judd Plaza, I'm quite sure they comply with the law.

This is not a matter open to debate. The "group" is there, it is raining, and their occupation of the sidewalks with their unsightly shelters is against the law.

City officials are well aware of the content of the city's ordinances and they were well aware of them prior to when this all began. These officials are violating the public trust. It is long past time for them to do their duty and cure the unlawful situation.

Again, if any innocent person is injured or violated in any way by this outrage, the city will be liable for of its failure to enforce the laws. Residents of Ashland should be outraged. If I were a resident of Ashland, I would demand that the applicalbe laws be enforced with at least the same vigor as the overtime parking ticket law is enforced.
It kills me to see marxists and the ultra left setting up a shanty town on the streets of Ashland. Yes, I couldn't help myself, I had to go see what they had thrown up, pun intended. I suppose one could pull an old tarp out of the trash and throw it up over a bench or any other city structure, trash containers or maybe even parking meters under the guise of some nonspecific protest and City Officials would tolerate them. This type of activity will cause shoppers and other people who have business in this area to go elsewhere. Not to mention the very likely violations of the Fire Code. I would think the Fire Marshall would have jurisdiction in the matter.

I heard at one time not long ago that there was still a statute on the books forbidding spitting on the sidewalks of the downtown area.

Dollars to doughnuts every bit of the filth these warpos generate will be left right where it is and they will just walk off and leave it all. Taxpayers will pay for cleanup and dump fees.
Not that I agree with these protests going on around the country, but I don't remember all this banter when the tea partiers were setting up rallies all over the country. I don't remember a single person in this forum saying they were obstructing justice.
TheRealVille Wrote:Not that I agree with these protests going on around the country, but I don't remember all this banter when the tea partiers were setting up rallies all over the country. I don't remember a single person in this forum saying they were obstructing justice.
Do you remember stories of Tea partiers attacking policemen or defecating on the sidewalks? Or refusing to temporarily vacate privately owned parks to allow other people to clean up the filth that was left in their wake? The comparison of tea partiers to the flea bagger gatherings is ridiculous.
TheRealVille Wrote:Not that I agree with these protests going on around the country, but I don't remember all this banter when the tea partiers were setting up rallies all over the country. I don't remember a single person in this forum saying they were obstructing justice.

I guess I must have missed the news coverage about tea partiers setting up a shanty town living in and generating squalor. And, openly having sex. All I would ask for from folks is eyes open candor. Why fabricate the lies about tea partiers supposedly being racist, violent, haters capable of all kinds of bad behavior, when one can't point to even one instance of such a thing ever happening? Tea partiers do show up every day to protest, cleaned up and having used the restroom at their motel, ready to meet the new day and make their opinions known.

Nobody really believes Occupy and the tea party are comparable except those blinded by bias and hatred. There are some decent people in among the Occupy movement that have become strawman spokespeople for the so called movement. And, Obama and the ultra left spindoctors are trying to give this mob of nonspecific anti-American writhings a worthy definition and a respectable face on the talk news circuit. But the truth is the whole thing is contrived and propped up by the ultra left think tank. In other words, it is all a lie. Not saying one cannot find a bunch of young people to stand up and declare their allegiance for Occupy. The 60's proved they will support anything at all which is not traditional values. Rebellion for the sake of being rebellious. It's fun man! This is no more like the tea party that the take over at the Wisconsin State House was, complete with bused in & PAID protestors. Mercenaries for the destruction of reasonable thought in our country. Occupy has every earmark of revolution, and almost no parallel can be drawn between the tea party and Occupy.

Orderly protests by orderly citizens shouldn't draw the consternation of Americans. However, the chaos that is Occupy, might stir up a Haitiesque cholera outbreak at best. Reality is on it's head IMO
I suppose that you can add to the "aiders and abetters" list the Daily Independent and the Ashland Poilice Department.

The DI had another large front page story which was quite favorable to the "occupiers". I would think that the reporter would be interested in finding out if the occupation is lawful or unlawful. Isn't that more in line with the duty of reporters than merely taking sides? Instead, he obviously sought to offer his support, and, by obvious extension, that of the newspaper, to the "occupiers". Taking sides is for the editorial page not the front page.

The article quoted one of the occupiers as saying that even the city policemen supported the "gathering" as they sounded their sirens in support as they passed. Thus we can conclude that not only are the city representatives not interested in enforcing the law but that they are openly adding their support to what may well be illegal activity being committed within the venue of their authority and duty.

If we do not require all groups to comply with city law, how can we expect any groiup to do so? Actually, it would educate these people in regard to personal responsibility to require them to comply or to leave. Of course, such groups find personal responsibility to be a foreign concept. Their credo deals strictly with perceived "rights".
Good God...
Truth Wrote:It appears that the "occupiers" gathered on Judd Plaza in Ashland with their makeshift tents, etc. may be in violation of city ordinances.

Sec. 97.125 states that an application must be completed and filed 45 days prior to the "event". It further states that the city manager shall present the application to the Board of Commissioners for approval.

Sec. 97.129 states that the event sponsor must obtain event insurance with limits of no less that $1,000,000.00 to indemnify the city. The city manager may lower reduce this coverage.

Is the group in compliance with these laws? What do you think since the whole Wall Street movement has existed for less than 45 days?

I would suggest that the city better take this matter seriously. If any innocent party is injured in any way as a result of this "gathering", the city would undoubtedly be liable since it has not enforced its laws.

I'm sure that other groups are required to comply with the law. Is the city merely closing its eyes on this one?

The applicable representatives of the city need to do their job. Their inaction serves to place the city and its taxpaying residents at risk.
It's not really an event. It is people gathered singularly in the same place. It isn't a sponsored event. Is the Plaza private owned? They had a spot on the Huntington news about the gathering there, and they are letting them go as long as they don't obstruct traffic or pedestrian flow. They are allowing the tents because they aren't nailed down.
I have been told that someone at the city building finally informed the "occupiers" that they need a permit to "occupy" Judd Plaza. I would suggest that the city has been less than diligent in this matter.

I further understand that the "occupiers" intend to apply for a permit "first thing Monday morning."

I would highly recommend that both the "occupiers" and those at the city building review Sec. 125 and Sec. 129 of the Ashland city ordinances. It is crystal clear in Sec. 125 that an application "lays over" for 45 days before it can be granted. The application must also be brought before the city commissioners for review and approval. No waiver or shortening of the 45 day period is mentioned. Sec. 129 calls for the "occupiers" to indemnify the city from harm resulting from their "activities." This requires the posting of a bond of one million dollars.

The city and its official representatives remain liable for any damage caused to an innocent third party as long as this unlawful "occupation" is permitted.

I would highly recommend that those charged with the duty of representing and protecting the residence taxpayers of Ashland do their job and remove the "occupiers" immediately.

I would finally suggest that the "occupiers" clean up their mess as they leave. If taxpayer dollars are used for clean up, the resident taxpayers will be harmed.
Your recommendations and suggestions aren't going to work for these people They can't just decide to mount up and walk through in one big line expecting everyone to pick up and leave...if those idiots see a force of police like that, they'll lose it, and it'll either be college kids getting their first of many tastes of CS gas and rubber bullets to the face, or a standoff where the cops just stand their looking stupid for weeks.

Either way, we're not getting rid of this shit-stain on America any time soon...and we have a better chance at seeing a UK football SEC championship than the City Government doing a thing about them, whether what they're doing is illegal or not.
Just need to get them off Judd Plaza. I have never seen more than four or five down there at any given time during the day. What will be funny or sad, depending on your perspective, is when cold weather sets in. From what I have read on their Facebook page, they have no idea about winter camping. Cheap tents, blankets and cots..... not very smart. Then again, look at what you're dealing with.
If it were tea partiers down there, you would hear crickets in this thread.
TheRealVille Wrote:If it were tea partiers down there, you would hear crickets in this thread.
If it were tea partiers in Ashland, they would not be stinking up the place. The would be cleaning up after themselves and going home or to a motel each night.
TheRealVille Wrote:If it were tea partiers down there, you would hear crickets in this thread.

Tea Partiers weren't pulling the same shit these idiots are...

I don't like either movements. They do the exact same crap that they criticize every else for..
I would assume that the Ashland Police Department and its superiors at city hall have done nothing to remove the continuing unlawful "occupation" of public sidewalks in downtown Ashland.

Many alarming questions should be in the minds of city resident taxpayers concerning the unwillingness of the city and its agents to enforce the law. You may rest assured that if one were speeding up Winchester Ave. and was seen by a city policeman that that person would be stopped and ticketed. You may be further assured that if I do not place money in a parking meter in downtown Ashland tomorrow, I will be ticketed. Why no enforcement of the law now?

Instead we are told that our policemen go by the lawbreakers and sound their sirens in support.

All I am asking is that the city enforce the law and to do so immediately. To act otherwise is to aid and abet the lawbreakers. And this is not limited to the police officers. It obviously includes everyone in authority at the city building. It is their absolute sworn duty to enforce the law or to face personal and corporate legal liability for their failure and negligence.

Those having this duty should either do their jobs or give up their jobs. Do you suppose that the truth is that the "city fathers" are afraid to enforce the law?
Truth Wrote:I would assume that the Ashland Police Department and its superiors at city hall have done nothing to remove the continuing unlawful "occupation" of public sidewalks in downtown Ashland.

Many alarming questions should be in the minds of city resident taxpayers concerning the unwillingness of the city and its agents to enforce the law. You may rest assured that if one were speeding up Winchester Ave. and was seen by a city policeman that that person would be stopped and ticketed. You may be further assured that if I do not place money in a parking meter in downtown Ashland tomorrow, I will be ticketed. Why no enforcement of the law now?

Instead we are told that our policemen go by the lawbreakers and sound their sirens in support.

All I am asking is that the city enforce the law and to do so immediately. To act otherwise is to aid and abet the lawbreakers. And this is not limited to the police officers. It obviously includes everyone in authority at the city building. It is their absolute sworn duty to enforce the law or to face personal and corporate legal liability for their failure and negligence.

Those having this duty should either do their jobs or give up their jobs. Do you suppose that the truth is that the "city fathers" are afraid to enforce the law?

In my opinion the reason you can bank on a ticket for speeding or any other traffic violation is because that's what they do best. It's easy to write a ticket and anybody can do it. Other matters seem to be a different story.

You take for instance, the ever growing number of neighbors from the north that are taking up residence inside the Ashland city limits. And, I would welcome all that may choose to relocate to Ashland. There is a problem however, in that these folks don't have to get their cars reregistered in Kentucky as State Law clearly requires. Driveway after driveway sports vehicles with Ohio tags. In some cases these folks live next door to Sheriff deputies or city of Ashland law enforcement. Out of state residents enjoy city services and their children get educated and others pay for most of that because the school taxes that are added to our personal property tax bills every year are simply avoided by not getting Ky tags. No, you or I would neccessarily have to risk the ire or these folks by turning them in, thusly generating a complaint that the police department would have to follow up on. You telling me that police officers trained and duly sworn can't readily identify Ohio and other out of state tags?

Sorry, I know that's a bit off topic but, just saying, "I feel your pain." One might be able to extend the 'Occupy' protesters a little support if they even had a clear objective. Rather, one of the so called leaders of the movement has said that really "any" complaint one might have is good enough to join the ranks of the those standing around the plaza with drool dripping and glassy eyed vacantcy. I would think the officer on the beat might gain a little perspective in the preshift briefings from superiors, which, if factual and objective, may tend to dampen the enthusiastic, siren blowing support that has been rendered to date. Maybe tax payers should consider dragging their feet about paying those taxes to match the listless doldrums in which the movers and shakers in city government seem to find themselves mired as an enducement?
The elected officials of Ashland and the appointed officials of Ashland, including but not limited to the police force, continue to refuse to carry out their legal duties to the taxpaying residents of Ashland. If they continue to condone open disregard of the law, they should be held legally responsible. Being afraid and/or politically correct is no excuse.
I received an email late yesterday indicating that the "occupiers" have left Judd Plaza and that, unlike their "comrades" elsewhere, left the area in a relatively clean condition.

It is unknown as to whether they left of their own choice or if the city grew a backbone and enforced the law.

Will they be back? I have no idea. However, the city is hereby placed on notice that it will be aiding and abetting unlawful activities if the "occupiers" are allowed to gather on public property without a valid permit to do so. The city, by not enforcing the law, could be held legally liable for damages caused to any innocent third party resulting from the conduct/activities of the "occupiers".

Also, I have noticed that the Daily Independent appears to have ceased in being an open supporter of the "occupiers". Lately, they have made no mention of the situatiion. Wonder if they will report the "evacuation"?

Let's hope that the matter is closed or that, if there is any further disobeyance of the law, the city and te newspaper will carry out their duties.
Truth Wrote:I received an email late yesterday indicating that the "occupiers" have left Judd Plaza and that, unlike their "comrades" elsewhere, left the area in a relatively clean condition.

It is unknown as to whether they left of their own choice or if the city grew a backbone and enforced the law.

Will they be back? I have no idea. However, the city is hereby placed on notice that it will be aiding and abetting unlawful activities if the "occupiers" are allowed to gather on public property without a valid permit to do so. The city, by not enforcing the law, could be held legally liable for damages caused to any innocent third party resulting from the conduct/activities of the "occupiers".

Also, I have noticed that the Daily Independent appears to have ceased in being an open supporter of the "occupiers". Lately, they have made no mention of the situatiion. Wonder if they will report the "evacuation"?

Let's hope that the matter is closed or that, if there is any further disobeyance of the law, the city and te newspaper will carry out their duties.

^I will be surprised if thats the case

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