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Tea Party Candidates for President
TheRealVille Wrote:If it's ok to talk to people like you do, and be considered a christian, I'll pass.
Then so be it. Nice try at dreaming something up though. I'm sure you have a million of them. I really dont think that anything I say or do will give you a basis for an excuse one of these days.
Bob Seger Wrote:He is the current Republican frontrunner is he not? That is evidence enough that it is the man that is appealing at this point , and the reason for his appeal has nothing to do with whatever his skin color is.

For some in the lefty however, it leaves absolutely nothing to throw out as an excuse for a majority of Americans dislike of the policies of our current knumbskull that now presides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington DC.
I was just asking the question. I personally don't think everybody from the right is racist. Most from the right in EKY are racist though.
Bob Seger Wrote::lame:
Then so be it. Nice try at dreaming something up though. I'm sure you have a million of them. I really dont think that anything I say or do will give you a basis for an excuse one of these days.
There will be no excuse to make. Keep dreaming though.
Bob Seger Wrote::lame:
Then so be it. Nice try at dreaming something up though. I'm sure you have a million of them. I really dont think that anything I say or do will give you a basis for an excuse one of these days.
Notice how RV loves to ignore the rigid laws of grammar to write Christians with a lower case letter over, and over, and over...That simple and conscious act reflects his deeply held hatred of all things Christian. If I ever fail to capitalize Muslim, Hindu, etc., it will be an oversight on my part. There are no special rules of grammar for atheists as far as I know.
TheRealVille Wrote:I was just asking the question. I personally don't think everybody from the right is racist. Most from the right in EKY are racist though.
That is totally something you have dreamed up in your head.

Based solely on comments on this board and the positive comments concerning Cain from those that express to be on the right side of things, that has been proven to be far from the truth. I have not seen one negative comment.
TheRealVille Wrote:There will be no excuse to make. Keep dreaming though.

As I said that is your choice and your choice only. I just hope that you have not imprinted your deep hatred into the minds of your children. I can think of nothing sadder than to see someone lead their child to a path of possible eternal damnation just because their daddy chose to be disobedient. You are at a stage of accountability, a child is not and needs to be shown the direction of eternal life. He deserves that right to make a determination of his own. I just cant understand how anyone that claims to love their chiild could deny them that opportunity and encouragement. That has to be the most selfish act I can imagine.
TheRealVille Wrote:I was just asking the question. I personally don't think everybody from the right is racist. Most from the right in EKY are racist though.

That's just not true man. I've met more racists from all over the country in my 3 1/2 years in the Army than I ever met back surprised me to be honest, but it's the truth. I thought there would be more racists from the south, but in reality, it's just false. If anything, there's more Democrat racists back home than Republican...
vundy33 Wrote:That's just not true man. I've met more racists from all over the country in my 3 1/2 years in the Army than I ever met back surprised me to be honest, but it's the truth. I thought there would be more racists from the south, but in reality, it's just false. If anything, there's more Democrat racists back home than Republican...
I agree Vundy. My son didn't have a clue what a racist was until he joined the military and left Eastern Ky. Saying that most "from the right" in eastern KY are racist could be one of the most silly things I've ever heard.
Bob Seger Wrote:As I said that is your choice and your choice only. I just hope that you have not imprinted your deep hatred into the minds of your children. I can think of nothing sadder than to see someone lead their child to a path of possible eternal damnation just because their daddy chose to be disobedient. You are at a stage of accountability, a child is not and needs to be shown the direction of eternal life. He deserves that right to make a determination of his own. I just cant understand how anyone that claims to love their chiild could deny them that opportunity and encouragement. That has to be the most selfish act I can imagine.
I don't deny my children anything. They are free to make religious decisions on their own without my interference. But, loving my child can't be determined by your idea of love either. Loving your child has nothing to do with religion, except to a religious person. Don't preach to me Bob, you are one of the meanest talking, disrespectful people on this board.
vundy33 Wrote:That's just not true man. I've met more racists from all over the country in my 3 1/2 years in the Army than I ever met back surprised me to be honest, but it's the truth. I thought there would be more racists from the south, but in reality, it's just false. If anything, there's more Democrat racists back home than Republican...
Maybe it's just the ones I have had dealings with. And you are right, there are just as many racist democrats.
Bob Seger Wrote:I'll be honest RV. I guess I was a little naive when I started posting on this forum. I have lived in several places around the country growing up, I watch the news, I've read the papers, and I deal with a lot, (and I mean a lot) of people every day but I honestly didn't realize that there are people such as yourself that actually live here among us. If you want to talk about evil, mean spirited people, I have to say you take the cake. You are just an evil sounding man......... Period. Doesn't mean I still dont love your soul and do anything for you, but the truth is the truth. I have just never been around anyone such as yourself or heard anyone talk as you talk.

Are you saying you didn't even think much of your own father?
I have noticed that I have grown more and hard hearted since I started dealing a few of you here on the Political forum. I guess after you hear so much vitriol on here, it kind of rubs off on you.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't deny my children anything. They are free to make religious decisions on their own without my interference. But, loving my child can't be determined by your idea of love either. Loving your child has nothing to do with religion, except to a religious person. Don't preach to me Bob, you are one of the meanest talking, disrespectful people on this board.

That is certainly good to hear, but do you encourage them to seek, or do you just ignore them altogether and wash your hands of the whole subject? It's an awesome responsibility to see that they have the very best chance of obtaining eternal life.

Very wrong. That will hold when all the nice expensive things you may have bought them has rusted or rotted away and has vanished and left this world.That is the #1 priority for any parent. Early in parenthood I may not have exercised that priority as strongly as I should have. After realizing the state of the morality of this world I finally grew up and realized my shortcomings as a parent and reprioritized my life and how I may have worried too much about overemphasizing such things as athletics and the other foolish things that were taken out of their proper perspectiveness.

It's not being mean RV, that's called being plain spoken and not compromising truths and standing up for what's right. I know how you hate that though. :biggrin:You did however best describe the way many interpret your posting, and fully realize you dont want to hear or believe that.
TheRealVille Wrote:I have noticed that I have grown more and hard hearted since I started dealing a few of you here on the Political forum. I guess after you hear so much vitriol on here, it kind of rubs off on you.

That's seems to mankinds easiest excuse. It's always somebody else's fault, isn't it?
Bob Seger Wrote:That is certainly good to hear, but do you encourage them to seek, or do you just ignore them altogether and wash your hands of the whole subject? It's an awesome responsibility to see that they have the very best chance of obtaining eternal life.

Very wrong. That will hold when all else has vanished and left this world.That is the #1 priority for any parent. Early in parenthood I may not have exercised that priority as strongly as I should have. After realizing the state of morality in this world I finally grew up and realized my shortcomings as a parent and reprioritized my life and how I may have worried too much about overemphasizing such things as athletics and other foolish things that were taken out of proper perspectiveness.

It's not being mean RV, that's called being plain spoken and not compromising truths and standing up for what's right. You did however best describe the way many interpret your posting. I know you dont want to believe that.
There is no eternal life.

See above.

Yes, you are a very mean talking, disrespectful of others, person. If calling people "morons" and "idiots", and "just plain dumb", over a little sports talk, isn't mean and unChristian like, I don't know what is. Yes, my friend, whether you want to admit it or not, you don't act like a Christian should. You are very mean and disrespectful of others.
Bob Seger Wrote:That's seems to mankinds easiest excuse. It's always somebody else's fault, isn't it?
I don't have an excuse, I don't need an excuse. Again, don't preach to me you hypocrite. On this board, there is only three(at least of the ones that post in politics) that deserve the right to preach to anybody on here. That's LWC and Deathstar80, and Stardust. Listen Bob, if there was a heaven(which I don't believe), and people like you, that call people those names, and act as disrespectful as you, are there, I'll take my chances in "hell". There's nothing there that I need.
TheRealVille Wrote:There is no eternal life.
See above.

Yes, you are a very mean talking, disrespectful of others, person. If calling people "morons" and "idiots", and "just plain dumb", over a little sports talk, isn't mean and unChristian like, I don't know what is. Yes, my friend, whether you want to admit it or not, you don't act like a Christian should. You are very mean and disrespectful of others.

Like I said before, that is entirely your opinion, as you have well reached the age of accountability. It's your little ones I fear for.

Oh well again your opinion. Perhaps you are twisting the context around a tad just to manufacture just any desperate comeback you can come up with. People do seem to do that when they dont want to examine themselves and want to lay blame on everyone else for everything.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't have an excuse, I don't need an excuse. Again, don't preach to me you hypocrite. On this board, there is only two(at least of the ones that post in politics) that deserve the right to preach to anybody on here. That's LWC and Deathstar80. Listen Bob, if there was a heaven(which I don't believe), and people like you, that call people those names, and act as disrespectful as you, are there, I'll take my chances in "hell". There's nothing there that I need.

And I have seen you blast both with offering scripture to back up their postings. I remember how insenced you have gotten at them, so again I'll not take too seriously your post. You're so desperate now you're making things up as you go.
Bob Seger Wrote:Like I said before, that is entirely your opinion, as you have well reached the age of accountability. It's your little ones I fear for.

Oh well again your opinion. Perhaps you are twisting the context around a tad just to manufacture just any desperate comeback you can come up with. People do seem to do that when they dont want to examine themselves and lay blame on everyone else for everything.
I'll make a deal with you, let's let LWC(the Preacher) read through the Johnson Central/Greenup thread, and the Johnson County/Rowan County thread, and let him decide if you act like a Christian, or if I'm twisting your words out of context. You can let him know in private LWC, I don't need to hear it.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'll make a deal with you, let's let LWC(the Preacher) read through the Johnson Central/Greenup thread, and the Johnson County/Rowan County thread, and let him decide if you act like a Christian, or if I'm twisting your words out of context. You can let him know in private LWC, I don't need to hear it.

lol...that the best you got? Some of those exchanges go back between parties for years, and are taken on both sides with a grain of salt. You are twisting things way out of context. I take them as I give them, Just Like I do with you in these threads. You have called me and several other posters an idiot on many occasions on this board, so dont get all high and mighty. It's just not fitting RV? I dont get mad and take anything personal and I dont give them personal. If you dont have at least a semi thick skin , perhaps you need to start playing scrabble and avoid discussion forums. You'll have to come up with something better than what you're rattling on about, but at this point I do sense desperation on your part. Your problem is you like to give with your distorted views on things , but you sure cant take it when it gets countered. I seem to remember you getting so uptight you would pm other posters and threaten them with bodily harm because they would disagree with you. How many people have you pmed on here and threatened to beat them up? I guess you forget about that stuff though, huh? lol!!!
Bob Seger Wrote:lol...that the best you got? Some of those exchanges go back between parties for years, and are taken on both sides with a grain of salt. You are twisting things way out of context. I take them as I give them, Just Like I do with you in these threads. You have called me and several other posters an idiot on many occasions on this board, so dont get all high and mighty. It's just not fitting RV? I dont get mad and take anything personal and I dont give them personal. If you dont have at least a semi thick skin , perhaps you need to start playing scrabble and avoid discussion forums. You'll have to come up with something better than what you're rattling on about, but at this point I do sense desperation on your part. Your problem is you like to give with your distorted views on things , but you sure cant take it when it gets countered. I seem to remember you getting so uptight you would pm other posters and threaten them with bodily harm because they would disagree with you. How many people have you pmed on here and threatened to beat them up? I guess you forget about that stuff though, huh? lol!!!
Not even close. You are trailing off the "Christian acting topic". I'm not the one claiming to be all "Christianlike", so this isn't about me. My skin is plenty thick, but I don't try to preach to people, and in almost the same breath, call people morons and idiots.
TheRealVille Wrote:You are trailing off the "Christian acting topic". I'm not the one claiming to be all "Christianlike", so this isn't about me.

Oh the hypocricy you spew!!!

As I pointed out. Desperation.:popcorn:
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh the hypocricy you spew!!!

As I pointed out. Desperation.:popcorn:
I'm not a hypocrite, because I don't claim to be some kind of righteous person, you do. Remember now, I'm not trying to preach to you, it's the other way around.
Like I said, let's let the Preacher decide if you are worthy to be able to preach saving my soul. I'm not trying to save you.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not a hypocrite, because I don't claim to be some kind of righteous person, you do.

I do the best I can. Perfect? Nope, not by a longshot. As I pointed out I take everything I dish out, because I realize the context in which posts are made. Nothing to ever get mad about or to return anger on. Make it up and twist to suit your fashion if you will. I'm really not too concerned about it. You are about as transparent as they come.

The fact is you cannot deny the fact that you can dish it out, but just cant take it.

The truth is RV, for most people you are pure entertainment and fall prey to the bait just about every time.:biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:Like I said, let's let the Preacher decide if you are worthy to be able to preach saving my soul. I'm not trying to save you.

Ah, LWC may have an opinion on many things, but he's smart enough to not pass judgement on something you claim to exist that actually doesn't.Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:I do the best I can. Perfect? Nope, not by a longshot. As I pointed out I take everything I dish out, because I realize the context in which posts are made. Nothing to ever get mad about or to return anger on. Make it up and twist to suit your fashion if you will. I'm really not too concerned about it. You are about as transparent as they come.

The fact is you cannot deny the fact that you can dish it out, but just cant take it.

The truth is RV, for most people you are pure entertainment and fall prey to the bait just about every time.:biggrin:
Bottom line: You call people names(whether mad or not, whether you "take what you dish", or not) and smart off to people on a regular basis. I'm just saying you don't act Christian like, and are in no position to preach to people, because of the way you act. Leave that to people that act like Christians, like LWC. It's not to say you are a bad person(I do like you, and have went to bat for you when you got banned with the other nick), but coming from a "lost" person, someone like you will never bring someone to Christ that sees your interaction on this board. JMO, and that really means nothing in the big scheme of things. You can take it as you want, I'm just letting you know how non Christians see you in that light. I could never take you trying to lead me to Christ serious.
Bob Seger Wrote:Ah, LWC may have an opinion on many things, but he's smart enough to not pass judgement on something you claim to exist that actually doesn't.Confusednicker:
You can't understand that this isn't about me, huh? It's not about my beliefs, it's about you not being qualified to talk to me about salvation.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I agree Vundy. My son didn't have a clue what a racist was until he joined the military and left Eastern Ky. Saying that most "from the right" in eastern KY are racist could be one of the most silly things I've ever heard.

Yeah brother, it's ridiculous. Good thing is, we usually root those kinds of people out and take care of them quick though..
TheRealVille Wrote:Bottom line: You call people names(whether mad or not, whether you "take what you dish", or not) and smart off to people on a regular basis. I'm just saying you don't act Christian like, and are in no position to preach to people, because of the way you act. Leave that to people that act like Christians, like LWC. It's not to say you are a bad person(I do like you, and have went to bat for you when you got banned with the other nick), but coming from a"lost" person, someone like you will never bring someone to Christ that sees your interaction on this board. JMO, and that really means nothing in the big scheme of things. You can take it as you want, I'm just letting you know how non Christians see you in that light. I could never take your trying to lead me to Christ serious.

Seriously how could you not help it?Confusednicker:

Anyways i'll take a note. Sometimes you just have to know someone to love them. I'm really a big ol softee.:biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:Bottom line: You call people names(whether mad or not, whether you "take what you dish", or not) and smart off to people on a regular basis. I'm just saying you don't act Christian like, and are in no position to preach to people, because of the way you act. Leave that to people that act like Christians, like LWC. It's not to say you are a bad person(I do like you, and have went to bat for you when you got banned with the other nick), but coming from a "lost" person, someone like you will never bring someone to Christ that sees your interaction on this board. JMO, and that really means nothing in the big scheme of things. You can take it as you want, I'm just letting you know how non Christians see you in that light. I could never take you trying to lead me to Christ serious.
You can't understand that this isn't about me, huh? It's not about my beliefs, it's about you not being qualified to talk to me about salvation.

Didn't say it was. I'm just saying anyone cannot pass judgement on purported stuff that doesn't exist. I believe most people are smarter than that.

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