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Tea Party Candidates for President
I would probably vote for Herman Cain if he won the nomination..I think he can win it. I actually have a little bit of confidence in him, and that is alot compared to the amount I have in the other republicans and our current government. I'm so sick of the in-fighting and finger pointing. Just get the damn job done, come together in the best interest of OUR COUNTRY, and screw your personal or party agendas.

That is what I was referring to.

Also, the mainstream LDS believe some questionable things that would be one of the things that would make me not vote for Mitt Romney. Remember, when you run for office, sadly, everything is fair game.

1. "and humans may achieve exaltation, which means that they may become gods and goddesses just as Jesus Christ is a God."

2. "Baptism of the dead" (Don't have much to do with political office)

3. God is three separate persons, not a trinitarian view ("I and the Father are one", etc...)

4. Three levels of Heaven, etc.....

2, 3, and 4 do not bother me as much as #1 does. #1 bothers me in voting for a politician. It is hard not to see a potential pride problem in a person that thinks they will be on the same level as Jesus. Also Jesus is not a God, He IS God. Hard to explain but, if it is desired, I will try.

Anyhow, I have got us off track, because Mitt Romney is not a Tea Party he? My apologies for that.

BTW- the more I hear Herman Cain, the more I think he is my favorite candidate. I was a Huckabee supporter when he ran because he laid out detailed plans, and I like that Cain has done the same. I am afraid that Cain's no-nonsense attitude will cost him the nomination, but it is the reason I like him. He makes a plan and supports it, he makes a statement and does not back down or try to explain it away. I thought the brainwash comment was a little off the wall, but he was given plenty of opportunity to back away and he didn't. Kudos to you sir!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You mean people like me who belittle bigots? Yeah, I think so. I have my share of faults but racial or religious bigotry is not among them. Unless you count hating radical Islamists. Peaceful religions are a force for good in this world, IMO.

As for belittling people for their beliefs, if those beliefs involve the belief that they can do more good with my money than I can do with it myself and that my money is only mine if the government decides to let me keep some of it, then I plead guilty to that charge. Most socialists are the scum of the earth and deserve whatever ridicule comes their way. The rest of them are paving the way to hell with their good intentions and defective thinking.
For one, racial bigotry isn't even close if you are referring to me. I don't, nor ever have, see "color". Second, I'm not a bigot toward good hearted religions. The christian religion isn't one of those. I have the utmost respect for Buddists and Hindus, they are nice religions. 95% of the christians I have ever had dealings with are the most mean spirited, cold hearted people I have ever known, except for Sunday at church when everybody is watching. Christians on Sunday, and treat people like the devil from then until the next Sunday. My dad was a preacher, I've saw "christians" all my life. I know how most work.
TheRealVille Wrote:For one, racial bigotry isn't even close if you are referring to me. I don't, nor ever have, see "color". Second, I'm not a bigot toward good hearted religions. The christian religion isn't one of those. I have the utmost respect for Buddists and Hindus, they are nice religions. 95% of the christians I have ever had dealings with are the most mean spirited, cold hearted people I have ever known, except for Sunday at church when everybody is watching. Christians on Sunday, and treat people like the devil from then until the next Sunday. My dad was a preacher, I've saw "christians" all my life. I know how most work.

Satan does some of his best work in the church. That makes him a liar and the "Father of Lies". I have observed the same things you have in God's House and have been victim of some of the meaness myself. Just as the tares are hiding in the wheat, the goats are hiding among the sheep. God knows their every imagination and He is not fooled. In the end it's all about one thing and one thing only, what will you do with Jesus Christ?
TheRealVille Wrote:For one, racial bigotry isn't even close if you are referring to me. I don't, nor ever have, see "color". Second, I'm not a bigot toward good hearted religions. The christian religion isn't one of those. I have the utmost respect for Buddists and Hindus, they are nice religions. 95% of the christians I have ever had dealings with are the most mean spirited, cold hearted people I have ever known, except for Sunday at church when everybody is watching. Christians on Sunday, and treat people like the devil from then until the next Sunday. My dad was a preacher, I've saw "christians" all my life. I know how most work.
I'll be honest RV. I guess I was a little naive when I started posting on this forum. I have lived in several places around the country growing up, I watch the news, I've read the papers, and I deal with a lot, (and I mean a lot) of people every day but I honestly didn't realize that there are people such as yourself that actually live here among us. If you want to talk about evil, mean spirited people, I have to say you take the cake. You are just an evil sounding man......... Period. Doesn't mean I still dont love your soul and do anything for you, but the truth is the truth. I have just never been around anyone such as yourself or heard anyone talk as you talk.

Are you saying you didn't even think much of your own father?
TheRealVille Wrote:For one, racial bigotry isn't even close if you are referring to me. I don't, nor ever have, see "color". Second, I'm not a bigot toward good hearted religions. The christian religion isn't one of those. I have the utmost respect for Buddists and Hindus, they are nice religions. 95% of the christians I have ever had dealings with are the most mean spirited, cold hearted people I have ever known, except for Sunday at church when everybody is watching. Christians on Sunday, and treat people like the devil from then until the next Sunday. My dad was a preacher, I've saw "christians" all my life. I know how most work.
No, my racial bigotry comment was not directed at you but your response seems to qualify you very well for the religious bigot label. Every religion has its good guys and its bad guys. You seem to have met more than your share of hypocrites who happened to claim Christianity as their faith and decided to demonize all of those who follow the teachings of Christ. Stereotyping an entire religion, race, or other group based on the imperfections of its minority of bad apples pretty much defines what makes one a bigot.
For every Fred Phelps there is a mother Theresa. And for every mother Theresa there is a Fred Phelps, sad but alarmingly true.
Bob Seger Wrote:I'll be honest RV. I guess I was a little naive when I started posting on this forum. I have lived in several places around the country growing up, I watch the news, I've read the papers, and I deal with a lot, (and I mean a lot) of people every day but I honestly didn't realize that there are people such as yourself that actually live here among us. If you want to talk about evil, mean spirited people, I have to say you take the cake. You are just an evil sounding man......... Period. Doesn't mean I still dont love your soul and do anything for you, but the truth is the truth. I have just never been around anyone such as yourself or heard anyone talk as you talk.

Are you saying you didn't even think much of your own father?
Bob, you are one of the people I speak of. You "love my soul", yet you ridicule and talk down to people, all the while calling them all kinds of names in other threads. I do venture into the Johnson Central threads, btw. :biggrin:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, my racial bigotry comment was not directed at you but your response seems to qualify you very well for the religious bigot label. Every religion has its good guys and its bad guys. You seem to have met more than your share of hypocrites who happened to claim Christianity as their faith and decided to demonize all of those who follow the teachings of Christ. Stereotyping an entire religion, race, or other group based on the imperfections of its minority of bad apples pretty much defines what makes one a bigot.
At least on this board, and the people that know you on here, I don't think you being the champion for the Christian religion is doing the religion any good.
TheRealVille Wrote:At least on this board, and the people that know you on here, I don't think you being the champion for the Christian religion is doing the religion any good.
It would not matter if you were attacking Hinduism, Buddhism, or Zoroastrianism - I would find your nasty attacks on an individual's religious beliefs personally offensive and call you out for it. When I have had time, I have welcomed Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormans on missions into my living room to help them fulfill their missions in life. As long as people are respectful of my religious beliefs, I am willing to listen to them explain their beliefs and even attempt to alter mine. OTOH, the disrespect that you show towards other people's religious beliefs place you much closer to Fred Phelps than those whose beliefs you disparage.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It would not matter if you were attacking Hinduism, Buddhism, or Zoroastrianism - I would find your nasty attacks on an individual's religious beliefs personally offensive and call you out for it. When I have had time, I have welcomed Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormans on missions into my living room to help them fulfill their missions in life. As long as people are respectful of my religious beliefs, I am willing to listen to them explain their beliefs and even attempt to alter mine. OTOH, the disrespect that you show towards other people's religious beliefs place you much closer to Fred Phelps than those whose beliefs you disparage.
I respect other peoples' rights to religious beliefs. Most of the disdain that I hold toward the christian religion are the facts I stated above, along with how they try to push those beliefs into government, and with that, disrespecting other peoples ways of life.
TheRealVille Wrote:Bob, you are one of the people I speak of. You "love my soul", yet you ridicule and talk down to people, all the while calling them all kinds of names in other threads. I do venture into the Johnson Central threads, btw. :biggrin:

If you mean, do I passionately take up for people that I think alot of that get wrongly accused of everything under the sun? Yep you bet I do!!!!! And I will continue (if it be needed) because it's the right thing to do. Now anything else concerning that?

By the way, I asked you a question concerning your father's spreading of the gospel. Do you feel the same way about him that you do everyone else?
TheRealVille Wrote:I respect other peoples' rights to religious beliefs. Most of the disdain that I hold toward the christian religion are the facts I stated above, along with how they try to push those beliefs into government, and with that, disrespecting other peoples ways of life.

I have yet to see any evidence that you respect anybody or anything that falls in the decent, morally right, or respectable category. You do champion eveything filthy, immoral or corrupt with all the gusto you can muster though.

For some odd reason you seem to think you have this great mutitude of followers on here. If you knew the truth you would realize that you fall into the "laughing boy" category. You just dont realize that nobody takes anything that you advocate on here seriously and agreeingly.
Let's get back on topic. You guys know that you'll never agree with each other and keep arguing until the end of time, lol.

If you had to vote Republican, and you had to vote right now, who would it be? I haven't paid all that much attention because of my disdain for politicians and their bullshit. Anywhere I go to get some info on the candidates, it's biased, one way or another. I just want to know who is going to give us the best shot at fixing our country. I don't care if that person is Pres. Obama, I'd vote for him if he was the best man. I just want our country back on the right track.
vundy33 Wrote:Let's get back on topic. You guys know that you'll never agree with each other and keep arguing until the end of time, lol.

If you had to vote Republican, and you had to vote right now, who would it be? I haven't paid all that much attention because of my disdain for politicians and their bullshit. Anywhere I go to get some info on the candidates, it's biased, one way or another. I just want to know who is going to give us the best shot at fixing our country. I don't care if that person is Pres. Obama, I'd vote for him if he was the best man. I just want our country back on the right track.

Alright, since this site is primarily a sports blog let's stay in that genre. Cain, Romney or Perry would be like an upgrade from the JFL to the NFL.
TheRealThing Wrote:Alright, since this site is primarily a sports blog let's stay in that genre. Cain, Romney or Perry would be like an upgrade from the JFL to the NFL.

So either one of those? I don't know about Perry...if you had to go with one, right now, which would you vote for?
Right now, with only knowing 40% of his platform, I take Herman Cain.

There are too many things I do not like about the others. Plus I worked at a Godfathers Pizza for about 4 years, so that is a neat little connection. (That is not a serious reason that I would vote for him, but it is interesting, since there are so few around the area)
Cain, as the Rebublican nominee would shatter the Democratic left's accusations that the Republicans are a racist bunch, wouldn't it?
^^^lol, that it would...
Bob Seger Wrote:If you mean, do I passionately take up for people that I think alot of that get wrongly accused of everything under the sun? Yep you bet I do!!!!! And I will continue (if it be needed) because it's the right thing to do. Now anything else concerning that?

By the way, I asked you a question concerning your father's spreading of the gospel. Do you feel the same way about him that you do everyone else?
The mean words you speak to other people are where you call them morons,idiots, chicken shit, are in any number of the Johnson Central threads.

I never saw the mean spirited side of his christianity, but I saw it from many of the members of the same church he belonged to.
Bob Seger Wrote:I have yet to see any evidence that you respect anybody or anything that falls in the decent, morally right, or respectable category. You do champion eveything filthy, immoral or corrupt with all the gusto you can muster though.

For some odd reason you seem to think you have this great mutitude of followers on here. If you knew the truth you would realize that you fall into the "laughing boy" category. You just dont realize that nobody takes anything that you advocate on here seriously and agreeingly.
We have went through this before. Those things are immoral according to you and your kind, that doesn't really make it so, though. Have you ever saw one post where I thought I had people that agreed with me on here, or that I even cared? I wasn't looking for friends when I got on BGR, and it remains that way to this day.
vundy33 Wrote:Let's get back on topic. You guys know that you'll never agree with each other and keep arguing until the end of time, lol.

If you had to vote Republican, and you had to vote right now, who would it be? I haven't paid all that much attention because of my disdain for politicians and their bullshit. Anywhere I go to get some info on the candidates, it's biased, one way or another. I just want to know who is going to give us the best shot at fixing our country. I don't care if that person is Pres. Obama, I'd vote for him if he was the best man. I just want our country back on the right track.
Romney. I will pull his lever if he is on the ballot in November of next year. President Obama is not the best man for the job, but he will be on the ballot in November of '12 because the Democrats won't run anybody against him.
vundy33 Wrote:Let's get back on topic. You guys know that you'll never agree with each other and keep arguing until the end of time, lol.

If you had to vote Republican, and you had to vote right now, who would it be? I haven't paid all that much attention because of my disdain for politicians and their bullshit. Anywhere I go to get some info on the candidates, it's biased, one way or another. I just want to know who is going to give us the best shot at fixing our country. I don't care if that person is Pres. Obama, I'd vote for him if he was the best man. I just want our country back on the right track.
Herman Cain is exactly the kind of person I like see elected to office. He is smart. He has a wealth of business experience and does not really need the job and most importantly, when asked serious questions, he either gives thoughtful and substantive answers or explains why he is not prepared to give an answer.

I cannot imagine Cain getting angry during a press conference and insulting reporters just for doing their jobs or using the bully pulpit to wage a campaign against a cable news network or one of its talking heads. Using elected offices to wage personal vendettas is just plain wrong. It was wrong when Nixon did it, it was wrong when Clinton did it, and it is wrong when Obama does it. A president is elected to represent all Americans, not just those who share his views of the world.
Bob Seger Wrote:Cain, as the Rebublican nominee would shatter the Democratic left's accusations that the Republicans are a racist bunch, wouldn't it?
If he doesn't get the nomination, does that make the left's accusations right?
TheRealVille Wrote:If he doesn't get the nomination, does that make the left's accusations right?
Duh...did the fact that Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson never won the Democrats' nomination prove that the Democratic Party was racist? Many people will vote against Cain because he has never won an elective office. That is a point in his favor, IMO, but the fact that people hold that view does not make them racist.
TheRealVille Wrote:The mean words you speak to other people are where you call them morons,idiots, chicken shit, are in any number of the Johnson Central threads.

I never saw the mean spirited side of his christianity, but I saw it from many of the members of the same church he belonged to.

Never once did I call call anyone a chicken $%&. I did make a statment that involved the complications of hypothetically transforming one thing into another . Perhaps you should read things a little closer, but then again you dont really understand 99% of the stuff you post on here anyways.

If you saw it from your father's fellow church members then I assume that you are old enough and competent to understand that people have been the way they are since God created Adam and Eve continuing with the bearing of Cain and Able. Evidently you state that your father was a Godly man. Why not take the lead from his example? It's no different than it ever has been since the creation of man. Being a Christian is 100% a personal experience and has absolutely nothing to do with what someone else says or does.. It's easy and cowardly to blame anothers trangressions as an excuse for our own disobedience. It all boils down to it's a "you" problem rather than a "they" problem.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Herman Cain is exactly the kind of person I like see elected to office. He is smart. He has a wealth of business experience and does not really need the job and most importantly, when asked serious questions, he either gives thoughtful and substantive answers or explains why he is not prepared to give an answer.

I cannot imagine Cain getting angry during a press conference and insulting reporters just for doing their jobs or using the bully pulpit to wage a campaign against a cable news network or one of its talking heads. Using elected offices to wage personal vendettas is just plain wrong. It was wrong when Nixon did it, it was wrong when Clinton did it, and it is wrong when Obama does it. A president is elected to represent all Americans, not just those who share his views of the world.

I've noticed that, and I really, really like that about him.
Bob Seger Wrote:Never once did I call call anyone a chicken $%&. I did make a statment that involved the complications of hypothetically transforming one thing into another . Perhaps you should read things a little closer, but then again you dont really understand 99% of the stuff you post on here anyways.

If you saw it from your father's fellow church members then I assume that you are old enough and competent to understand that people have been the way they are since God created Adam and Eve continuing with the bearing of Cain and Able. Evidently you state that your father was a Godly man. Why not take the lead from his example? It's no different than it ever has been since the creation of man. Being a Christian is 100% a personal experience and has absolutely nothing to do with what someone else says or does.. It's easy and cowardly to blame anothers trangressions as an excuse for our own disobedience. It all boils down to it's a "you" problem rather than a "they" problem.
If it's ok to talk to people like you do, and be considered a christian, I'll pass.
TheRealVille Wrote:If he doesn't get the nomination, does that make the left's accusations right?

He is the current Republican frontrunner is he not? That is evidence enough that it is the man that is appealing at this point , and the reason for his appeal has nothing to do with whatever his skin color is.

For some in the lefty however, it leaves absolutely nothing to throw out as an excuse for a majority of Americans dislike of the policies of our current knumbskull that now presides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington DC.

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