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Woah WOAH WOAH!!!!
CatDawg is at 10,000+ posts!! Someone needs to tell him to slow down!
i think hes padding alot and not by posting. hehehe
Only been padding recently because no one else will get on here and talk. Holidays come on we need sports.
oh yea. its cold outside today
Way to go CD...
I saw that early this morning CD! Congrats bubby, that's quite a number to hit. I am closing in on 5k, yay! lol
15th gave me a little push last night to get me over the hump.
Lol. Whatever it takes bubby!
At least she was on here willing to chat.
I was on until almost 4 this morning!
But where were you at 11PM?
Hmm...I think that I was on the phone until almost 1 and then on here again from 1 - 4.

I guess that's ok.
Haha, if I knew that you needed me I would have been here lol

Since you ARE moving in with me I guess I will be able to talk to you all of the time.
Well, what are you getting into today?
Nothing on VACATION.

I suppose this could turn into CD's and tribe's conversation thread for the day.

What do you think?

Doesn't seem like anyone else is talking much today anyways.
I hear that.

All the new jokes were posting and not very much action is going on from there.

How long are you off?
I have to cover dayshift if we run coal on Saturday and Sunday at least part of the day. Nice part of being in the office I should get to leave early even if we do work then I'm off all next week also. I'll be off 14 of 16. May have to work one of the days next week to help with an internal audit of our IMS System
Cool cool.

When dealing with the mines, working in the office is a DEFINITE benefit for MANY reasons.
True but I'm at a terminal instead the mines. Our company own a few but I don't deal with them that much.
That's cool. I'm not gifted when it comes to mining operations but my dad has worked in the mines (underground) for over half of his life.
congrats cd, I'm happy to be close to 200 posts lol.
Aww Cheem, give it time.
I post like a mad woman on here alot of the time because I like the site and enjoy the conversation but alot of people never use the General Discussion forum and just read and discuss their favorite sport. G.D. is my favorite forum with girls basketball as second. It comes with time though if you aren't active alot then you won't get alot of posts. Post count will make a big difference when the physical shop gets put up and us mods are kind of dreading it because then we will have alot of people just posting stupid stuff to get the points from it to buy stuff. We will really have to work hard then.
I don't mind the thought of being underground just don't think I could do that everyday.

Thank God for computers.
Thanks Cheem
poor cd, he always playing with his little computer.
Little. What you calling little? LOL
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