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Cain: Black community 'brainwashed' into voting for Dems
Cain went on to explain that his interactions with African Americans led him to be optimistic about his own chances with the demographic.
"This whole notion that all African-Americans are not going to vote for Obama is not necessarily true," Cain said.
He continued, "I believe a third [of African-Americans] would vote for me, based on my own anecdotal feedback. Not vote for me because I'm black but because of my policies."
Cain also weighed in on the recent chatter surrounding Chris Christie, saying the recent reports the New Jersey governor is reconsidering a run for president were hurting the electorate.
"It's not insulting as much as it is a disservice to the American people," Cain said. "Chris Christie has been saying for a long time he's not interested in running. The media is trying to create a story by sucking Chris Christie into race, just like they made a story by sucking Rick Perry into the race."
Cain said the media should focus on the candidates who have already declared their candidacy to give voters a better idea of the field
That will get some liberals' panties in a bunch
Yeah, but it's true. All of those black voters that never ever voted before are to blame for the mess that this country is in!
Get em Herm!
Skunk Wrote:Yeah, but it's true. All of those black voters that never ever voted before are to blame for the mess that this country is in!

What about the mess before Obama?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:What about the mess before Obama?
Black Americans have voted in 80 to 90 percent for liberal Democrats for decades. How has that worked out for them? Compare the crime rates and race relations of every major US city that liberal Democrats have controlled since the 60s and 70s to areas that have been under Republican control and tell me which place you would rather reside.

Liberals spread the misery of poverty by cultivating a culture of dependence. low expectations, and victimhood and they have successfully blamed Republicans for their own policy failures. It is said that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result and black Americans have been putting liberal Democrats in charge for decades and are suffering the consequences in American inner cities. Meanwhile, conservative blacks with a different vision for these areas such as Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and now Herman Cain's voices have been mostly ignored by the mostly white, mostly liberal American media.

I think Cain is right about Democrats having successfully brainwashed most black voters in this country. Most just automatically vote for Democratic candidates without having ever lived under a local government controlled by anybody but liberal Democrats.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Black Americans have voted in 80 to 90 percent for liberal Democrats for decades. How has that worked out for them? Compare the crime rates and race relations of every major US city that liberal Democrats have controlled since the 60s and 70s to areas that have been under Republican control and tell me which place you would rather reside.

Liberals spread the misery of poverty by cultivating a culture of dependence. low expectations, and victimhood and they have successfully blamed Republicans for their own policy failures. It is said that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result and black Americans have been putting liberal Democrats in charge for decades and are suffering the consequences in American inner cities. Meanwhile, conservative blacks with a different vision for these areas such as Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and now Herman Cain's voices have been mostly ignored by the mostly white, mostly liberal American media.

I think Cain is right about Democrats having successfully brainwashed most black voters in this country. Most just automatically vote for Democratic candidates without having ever lived under a local government controlled by anybody but liberal Democrats.

If your post had anything to do with mine i might respond.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:If your post had anything to do with mine i might respond.
It did and you did respond. "The mess" as you called it has deeper roots than the Obama administration. Obama would never have risen above the community organizer level if black voters did not vote in favor of failed liberal policies in every election. The Black Caucus was instrumental in pressuring Fannie and Freddy Mac into buying bad loans. Risky mortgages fueled the housing bubble.
I just wonder how long it will be before the Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson and the so forth of the world, will start with the Uncle Tom comments.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It did and you did respond. "The mess" as you called it has deeper roots than the Obama administration. Obama would never have risen above the community organizer level if black voters did not vote in favor of failed liberal policies in every election. The Black Caucus was instrumental in pressuring Fannie and Freddy Mac into buying bad loans. Risky mortgages fueled the housing bubble.
I think Obama would have never been elected if not for failed Bush policy's. If Bush hadn't put this country in the toilet, and the republicans hadn't ran McCain and the dumbass, you all would probably have the seat right now. Just sayin....
I have lol'd for this entire thread...
TheRealVille Wrote:I think Obama would have never been elected if not for failed Bush policy's. If Bush hadn't put this country in the toilet, and the republicans hadn't ran McCain and the dumbass, you all would probably have the seat right now. Just sayin....
Recent polls show that most people do not believe that they are better off than they were when Obama took office. His approval numbers are the lowest that they have been since he took office. Herman Cain on the Republican's 2012 ticket is Obama's worst nightmare. Speaking of dumbasses, can you imagine a VP candidate debate between the Hermanator and the Human Gaffe Machine? Sorry, Joe Biden probably seems like an intellectual to many of the fools who voted for him.
Bob Seger Wrote:^^
I just wonder how long it will be before the Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Jessee Jackson and the so forth of the world, will start with the Uncle Tom comments.
Al Sharpton already is blasting Cain. BLASTING.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Al Sharpton already is blasting Cain. BLASTING.

Only gives Cain more credibility. Now if Jesse Jackson will blast him, Cain will have a 10 pt. lead over Obama.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Recent polls show that most people do not believe that they are better off than they were when Obama took office. His approval numbers are the lowest that they have been since he took office. Herman Cain on the Republican's 2012 ticket is Obama's worst nightmare. Speaking of dumbasses, can you imagine a VP candidate debate between the Hermanator and the Human Gaffe Machine? Sorry, Joe Biden probably seems like an intellectual to many of the fools who voted for him.
Why would Cain debate Biden?
TheRealVille Wrote:Why would Cain debate Biden?

  1. Because Cain is actually campaigning for the VP spot on the ticket and has said that he would run as the VP candidate to any of the other candidates except for Rick Perry.

  2. Because Joe Biden is probably the dumbest American Vice President in the history of our Republic. Herman Cain is very capable of driving that point home in a debate with VP Gaffetastic. (See Exhibit A below - be sure to watch the hilarious video that is included in the article.)

I personally do not think that Obama is stupid enough to run with Biden on the ticket again, but if he does, then there is a good chance that Herman Cain will be debating Biden - Cain is earning a spot on the ticket with his performance. A Romney-Cain ticket would be very strong on its economic and business experience and in the Obama economy that would play well with voters.

In fact, I see the chances of Obama running for a second term as only slightly better than 50-50. Obama's first term has been a failure and his poll numbers reflect that failure. I hope that Obama does run for reelection but I am afraid that his puppet masters will yank him off the public stage and send in another clown.

Quote:Joe Biden: ‘The American People Right Now, Many of Them Are in Trouble.’

Quote:It’s not a united Republican party . . . Absolutely, it’s strong enough to beat both of us. No matter what the circumstance, at the end of the day, the American people right now, many of them are in trouble, an even larger percentage have stagnant wages and a significant majority of the American people believe the country’s not moving in the right direction. That is never a good place to be going into a reelection . . . They’re going to have to choose whether or not the path we have set the country on is the path we should go or whether we should go back to liberating the economy in the terms of . . .[voice trails off]

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