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McConnell tries to force Reid's hand on Obama jobs bill
Brilliant political move by McConnell. Obama knows that his so-called jobs bill cannot pass. Harry Reid knows it too. Yet, Obama is blasting Republicans almost daily for not passing his job bill.

So, McConnell is calling the jobs bill what it is - a campaign stunt. Democrats control a majority in the US Senate and McConnell is trying to force Senate Democrats into going on the record as either supporting or opposing the bill.

Democratic Senators who are campaigning for reelection do not want to be closely associated with a growingly unpopular president and that is exactly what they will be doing by supporting another budget busting stimulus program.

As I said, this is a brilliant move by McConnell.

Quote:[INDENT]McConnell tries to force Reid's hand on Obama jobs bill

As the president in Texas urged Congress to vote on his jobs bill, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell threw the Senate a curveball on Tuesday by trying to do just that.

“I agree with the president, I think he’s entitled to a vote on his jobs bill,” the Republican leader said on the Senate floor as he tried to force an immediate vote on the American Jobs Act by attaching it to unrelated legislation.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid refused.

McConnell’s move was a bit of Senate theater intended to draw attention to Democrats’ division over President Obama’s bill and Reid’s refusal to take it up “right away,” as the president has urged at rally after rally for weeks.
Quote:President Obama used his speech in Texas today to demand a congressional vote on his jobs bill, even as Senate Republicans tried unsuccessfully to give him one.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., moved today for an immediate Senate vote on the $447 billion American Jobs Act, predicting that the Democratic-run chamber would not back it.

"Let's go ahead and show that the votes aren't there for this bill, so we can move onto legislation that could actually attract strong bipartisan support," McConnell said.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., blocked McConnell's move, calling it a "political stunt." White House press secretary Jay Carney later used the exact same term.

"It was a very disingenuous attempt to draw attention away from the fact that this president is calling on members of Congress, both houses, to act on jobs and the economy," Carney said.

"I would simply point out that this is coming from a senator who has on the record stated that his number-one priority as the Republican leader in the Senate is not the economy, not jobs, but to defeat President Obama."

For his part, Obama, speaking at a community college in Mesquite, Texas, blasted House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., for saying he would not allow a vote on the full jobs bill in the Republican-run House.

"What is the problem?" Obama said. "Do they not have the time? They just had a week off."

As for Cantor, Obama said: "What exactly is he opposed to?"

"Put your cards on the table," Obama also said of the Republicans.

As our USA TODAY colleague Richard Wolf reported this morning, Cantor spokesman Brad Dayspring said: "House Republicans have different ideas on how to grow the economy and create jobs, but that shouldn't prevent us from trying to find areas of common ground with the president."

"That is precisely why Majority Leader Cantor has given his word to the president that the House will pass portions of his jobs bill in the next month," Dayspring said.

Just like McConnell said, he isn't worried about jobs, or the economy, he "just wants to defeat Obama". Looks like Reid said the same of McConnell, a "political stunt". Looks like the same story can sound very much different, depending on which article you read
Hoot, you left out a very important part of the story you quoted. Let me add it for you. No matter what junk I quote, I always provide a link.

Quote:“I agree with the president, I think he’s entitled to a vote on his jobs bill,” the Republican leader said on the Senate floor as he tried to force an immediate vote on the American Jobs Act by attaching it to unrelated legislation.

Quote:For his part, Reid has his own political card to play as the pressure mounts in the job fight. In responding to McConnell’s call for an immediate vote, he instead offered to move to debate on the bill immediately. Such a move would require Republicans to agree not to filibuster the legislation. This time McConnell demurred.
TheRealVille Wrote:Hoot, you left out a very important part of the story you quoted. Let me add it for you. No matter what junk I quote, I always provide a link.
So, you have never forgot to include a link. Really? Never? That is impressive, RV. We have finally found an area in which you obviously excel.

I am sure that I have provided links on 95%+ of the articles that I post but I am not perfect and I accept that fact. I honestly do appreciate seeing the source of the information that you cite. It is always good to know when one is debating a person whose opinion is shaped by frequenting the Daily Kos.
This is a slick political stunt to expose Obama's clumsy political stunt. As for attaching it to an unrelated bill, my understanding is that McConnell and the Republicans cannot get a clean bill to the Senate floor for a vote because they are a minority party. Harry Reid can get a clean jobs bill to the floor for a vote because Republicans will not filibuster the bill. Democrats do not have the votes to pass the bill and there is no way that they will get the votes that they would need.

Obama is flat out lying when he claims that Republicans are blocking a vote on his jobs bill and McConnell just proved him to be a liar (again). I think that this political stunt has blown up in the president's face. It will be interesting to see how long he continues to lie when the truth is so obvious to anybody who is interested in knowing the truth. Even most liberal Democrats understand after nearly three years that this president is not to be trusted to tell the truth about anything important.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, you have never forgot to include a link. Really? Never? That is impressive, RV. We have finally found an area in which you obviously excel.

I am sure that I have provided links on 95%+ of the articles that I post but I am not perfect and I accept that fact. I honestly do appreciate seeing the source of the information that you cite. It is always good to know when one is debating a person whose opinion is shaped by frequenting the Daily Kos.
:lmao: Coming from a person that post material from every imaginable, extremist right wing rag on the net.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is a slick political stunt to expose Obama's clumsy political stunt. As for attaching it to an unrelated bill, my understanding is that McConnell and the Republicans cannot get a clean bill to the Senate floor for a vote because they are a minority party. Harry Reid can get a clean jobs bill to the floor for a vote because Republicans will not filibuster the bill. Democrats do not have the votes to pass the bill and there is no way that they will get the votes that they would need.

Obama is flat out lying when he claims that Republicans are blocking a vote on his jobs bill and McConnell just proved him to be a liar (again). I think that this political stunt has blown up in the president's face. It will be interesting to see how long he continues to lie when the truth is so obvious to anybody who is interested in knowing the truth. Even most liberal Democrats understand after nearly three years that this president is not to be trusted to tell the truth about anything important.

Be careful what you say Hoot, remember big brother's got his eye on you.:biggrin:
To be honest Hoot, my opinion is shaped by right wing extremist, and teabaggers, like you. I go exactly the opposite. Extreme right wingers remind me too much of extremist muslims. You all are just one step removed from putting bullets in the heads of people that don't agree with you. I have many republican friends that aren't way out in right field, that I respect and agree with. A few bad apples spoil the bunch.
TheRealVille Wrote::lmao: Coming from a person that post material from every imaginable, extremist right wing rag on the net.
That is an outright lie and you know it. As you pointed out above, the last article, to which I forgot to link, was from the left-leaning LA Times. I read the Daily Kos for laughs - to understand how left wing kooks such as yourself "think.": biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:To be honest Hoot, my opinion is shaped by right wing extremist, and teabaggers, like you. I go exactly the opposite. Extreme right wingers remind me too much of extremist muslims. You all are just one step removed from putting bullets in the heads of people that don't agree with you. I have many republican friends that aren't way out in right field, that I respect and agree with. A few bad apples spoil the bunch.
I doubt that.
Bob Seger Wrote:Be careful what you say Hoot, remember big brother's got his eye on you.:biggrin:
I know. Tyrants need useful idiots to gain and hold power. You know - the kind of fools who faint at Obama campaign rallies. :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:That is an outright lie and you know it. As you pointed out above, the last article, to which I forgot to link, was from the left-leaning LA Times. I read the Daily Kos for laughs - to understand how left wing kooks such as yourself "think.": biggrin:
No lie. You search out conservative articles, of which some come from extreme right wing types.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I know. Tyrants need useful idiots to gain and hold power. You know - the kind of fools who faint at Obama campaign rallies. :lmao:
You calling me an idiot is laughable. :thatsfunn
TheRealVille Wrote:You calling me an idiot is laughable. :thatsfunn

I hope you're not planning on getting a whole lot of backup on that?
Bob Seger Wrote:I hope you're not planning on getting a whole lot of backup on that?
Not on this right wing site, no. Everybody knows how 3-4 of you are here, everybody that doesn't agree with you is an idiot.
Mitch's statement about his main priority wasn't the economy or jobs, but to "defeat Obama" is typical of you republicans.
TheRealVille Wrote:Mitch's statement about his main priority wasn't the economy or jobs, but to "defeat Obama" is typical of you republicans.
Nothing is stopping Harry Reid from introducing Obama's jobs bill himself in the US Senate. Democrats have enough members to pass the bill with no Republican support and Republicans have no intention of filibustering to prevent a vote.

McConnell has called Obama's bluff and taken the jobs bill that Democrats have no intention of passing off the table as a campaign issue. The last I heard, Obama's jobs bill had no Democratic co-sponsors. Obama's last big stimulus plan failed miserably and even liberal Democrats no that trying the same thing again will not produce jobs that will help Obama hang onto the White House.

You are once again showing your inability to grasp the nuances of American politics. Obama's jobs bill is nothing if not a ploy to defeat his Republican opponent - not by getting it enacted - but by blaming Republicans for Democrats refusal to vote for it. Yet, your response is to make the brilliant observation that McConnell is working to defeat Obama. Thank you Captain Obvious!

McConnell has done exactly what Obama has demanded. He is pushing the bill to the Senate floor for a vote - and that is really the last thing that Senate Democrats and Obama really want. They lied and you are once again toeing the party line.
Even the mainstream media is showing signs of pulling away support for Obama's 2012 reelection. If the mainstream media decides that no amount of support for Obama's campaign will be successful in getting him reelected, then what chance will he have? Can the kooks at Daily Kos, Media Matters, the Democratic Underground, and other far left wing groups fool the public into voting Obama into office for a second term without the help of organizations like the Associated Press?

I don't think so.

SPIN METER: Obama's jobs bill sales pitch disconnects rhetoric, reality[/URL]

WASHINGTON — In President Barack Obama's sales pitch for his jobs bill, there are two versions of reality: The one in his speeches and the one actually unfolding in Washington.

When Obama accuses Republicans of standing in the way of his nearly $450 billion plan, he ignores the fact that his own party has struggled to unite behind the proposal.

When the president says Republicans haven't explained what they oppose in the plan, he skips over the fact that Republicans who control the House actually have done that in detail.

And when he calls on Congress to "pass this bill now," he slides past the point that Democrats control the Senate and were never prepared to move immediately, given other priorities. Senators are expected to vote Tuesday on opening debate on the bill, a month after the president unveiled it with a call for its immediate passage.

To be sure, Obama is not the only one engaging in rhetorical excesses. But he is the president, and as such, his constant remarks on the bill draw the most attention and scrutiny.

The disconnect between what Obama says about his jobs bill and what stands as the political reality flow from his broader aim: to rally the public behind his cause and get Congress to act, or, if not, to pin blame on Republicans.

He is waging a campaign, one in which nuance and context and competing responses don't always fit in if they don't help make the case.

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