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Bill Maher: Obama Is "The Wrong Color" For GOP
Bill Maher appeared on the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno to give his political perspective and to offer President Obama some advice.

"He's got to understand that with the Republicans, it's not the entree they don't like. They don't like the waiter," he said.

"Stop trying to make everyone like you. You can give all the money to the rich, they will still call you a socialist. They are never going to like him. He could personally save them from drowning, but they would still not like him. He is the wrong age, the wrong party, the wrong color. He will never pry their irrational fears from their cold, dead minds and he should just stop that tactic," Maher said

"Flip the script, make them nervous. Grow your hair out," Maher advised the President.
Wow...... What a POS.
What Bill Maher says matters only to the far left wing of the Democratic Party and the socialists who are too extreme to belong to a major party. Most Republicans, including me, would vote for Herman Cain, Allen West, or other black conservatives over anybody that the Democrats would run for president. Both parties have their share of racists among their ranks, but far more people voted for Obama in 2008 because he was black than voted against him for the same reason. Maher and his small circle of fans and friends are part of what is wrong with this country.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What Bill Maher says matters only to the far left wing of the Democratic Party and the socialists who are too extreme to belong to a major party. Most Republicans, including me, would vote for Herman Cain, Allen West, or other black conservatives over anybody that the Democrats would run for president. Both parties have their share of racists among their ranks, but far more people voted for Obama in 2008 because he was black than voted against him for the same reason. Maher and his small circle of fans and friends are part of what is wrong with this country.

Say what???? And all this time I thought that he was half white!!!
Bill Maher has always been an idiot. People still listen to him?
Stardust Wrote:Bill Maher has always been an idiot. People still listen to him?
I don't, but I watched him in this interview on Leno's show, and thought it was funny.
He's always been a complete dousche.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't, but I watched him in this interview on Leno's show, and thought it was funny.
What part of Maher's comments did you find funny?
Douchebag extraordinaire.
You really want to pump another half a trillion dollars into yet another stimulus RealVille? The stocks fell another 500 points today supposedly because the world market is so unsteady. Basically all of Europe is in trouble in one way or another except for Germany. The US is going down the same road. If Obama would take a different tack the republicans would back down. I hope they stand their ground until election time because Keynesian economics have been proven not to work yet again in the last 2 1/2 years. We'll falter if we throw another half a trillion down the drain IMO
I don't care what color he is, he's an idiot and so are those in congress today. This administration has destroyed a country! Good grief!

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