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Cordia moving to the top of the 14th?
ANEWPAT Wrote:Well, I'm glad the Cordia community sees it that way because you have what you asked for. I don't really know many people over there, but I just can't imagine that everyone is happy. I'm sure there are a few little Johnnys who are going home and saying why should I go up there and run my as* off when I ain't never gettin in a game any way. Those families that were born and raised on "the creek". The parents and maybe even their grandparents were raised on the "the creek" and wore Lions uniforms. I just don't see them all thinking it is so great that a bunch of out of state recruits are coming in and pushing little Johnny out. Either way, it's not for me. I have been reading these boys facebooks. They don't even want to be here. They are here because as good as they are, in their home schools they are just average players. Some crazy people have them convinced that they could move to the mountains and just take over. They are being told that the players here as so pathetic that they could come and play against these guys and will look like D1 material in comparison and that will help them get D1 offers. They are being told that they can be Mr. Basketball here in Kentucky and would never be that in there own states. What has me so angry is that the people in the communities here in the mountains are letting these boys come in like this, pushing our own kids aside and we are too ignorant to stand up and say it's not going to happen. Let them go somewhere and laugh at someone else's kids behind their backs. I'd like to see the majority of the fans on both teams stand up and boo these boys off the floor at every game. It won't happen because the people don't have the b*lls to do it!

Man im really sorry u feel that way but cordias team last year consisted on transfers from buckhorn, perry, riverside and other schools. Not to down your post or nuttin like that. But bro they ant no more lil johnnys at cordia. That Shipped sailed when the Montgomery kid graduated in 2010. He was the last to have family ties with the ball team starting with his grandfather and uncle Duke Combs. The only other kid i could think of that you could be calling lil Johnny would be austin combs and hes in 7th grade man. Hes gonna get his, but once he gets a lil older.
KHSAA12 Wrote:lol like anewpat said rhodes got them eligible. So i guess there no longer transfers nor recruits. They're Cordia basketbal players.:Thumbs:

whats their salary cap??? lmao:Thumbs:
First of all, you are wrong. There are boys there trying to play who have parents who played at Cordia. I have never followed Cordia basketball, but I have been asking around about some of the players since this has all come up. I know of at least four players, other than the Combs boy, who have parents who played at the school. See you don't know that because all you see are the Texas boys.

Besides, i wasn't talking about any particular kid, or even about just Cordia. I was talking about the entire 14th region. The heart and soul of 14th region basketball has been homegrown boys fighting it out on the court. As for the kids you said played at Cordia last year, those are homegrown boys. They may not have been born on Lotts Creek but they are mountain boys playing basketball because they love the sport, they love their school and love beating the guys they have known their whole life.
ANEWPAT Wrote:First of all, you are wrong. There are boys there trying to play who have parents who played at Cordia. I have never followed Cordia basketball, but I have been asking around about some of the players since this has all come up. I know of at least four players, other than the Combs boy, who have parents who played at the school. See you don't know that because all you see are the Texas boys.

Besides, i wasn't talking about any particular kid, or even about just Cordia. I was talking about the entire 14th region. The heart and soul of 14th region basketball has been homegrown boys fighting it out on the court. As for the kids you said played at Cordia last year, those are homegrown boys. They may not have been born on Lotts Creek but they are mountain boys playing basketball because they love the sport, they love their school and love beating the guys they have known their whole life.

I understand what your saying. My fault for thinking you as talking strictly about Cordia. But since your talking about homegrown from the hills, there is the owens kid and sumner that are in the starting line up as we speak. If any changes are made from now til the start of the season its all on the coach but that's who will be starting for lions if the season started tomorrow. And not being a smarta** honestly. Can you tell me the other kids names that parents played for cordia that would be benched due to the transfers? Honestly i just don't know who your talking about and im over there bout every other day.
ANEWPAT Wrote:First, as for potential additional transfers coming to Cordia, if they come they will be eligible. I have never seen a more clear case of recruiting and ineligiblity in my life as with the three Texas boys, but he got them eligible. If KHSAA approved them for him, then they are going to do what ever he wants. To me, the situation made the whole system a joke.

Second, I have followed 14th region basketball for more than 30 years now. I watch UK, but there have been many nights that I was sitting on a bleacher somewhere in the 14th missing a UK game. Do you know why? Because I enjoyed watching a bunch of homegrown boys out there on that floor playing their hearts out. Oh I'm sure every one of them wanted to play at a D1 school, but that's not what drove them. They played so hard because they were raised to be a Bulldog, or Patriot, or a Door, or what ever. With all of these out of state players coming, the schools are ruining 14th region basketball for a lot of us.

Hope they get their regional titles, maybe even a state title or two. Just remember though, it wasn't your school, or your guys winning it. Why aren't the parents of these schools standing up and saying hey my son has played ball his entire life waiting to be on the high school team and now you are bringing in these guys and if my son gets a uniform at all it will be just to sit on the bench.

I've had enough of it all. Think I might go watch some games in the 15th this year!
surgeon Wrote:Im sorry guys this isnt soccer go get all the foreign goofs you want. Unless you bringing Ginobili or Nowitizki it want help. kNOTT will win Region, Letcher wil be tough and so will Hazard and Perry and you guys can still be talking about 1993.

Incorrect; Perry is actually going to win the 14th region.

They are deff the fav to repeat but I guess thats why the games are played and not just crowned to whose the best team on paper.
Good lord. LOL I dont know which is worse this thread or the PCC one. I got to go with this one. Cordia getting foreign exchange students that is harlious and we got PCC getting D1 players. U got to love the 14th
ANEWPAT Wrote:Well, I'm glad the Cordia community sees it that way because you have what you asked for. I don't really know many people over there, but I just can't imagine that everyone is happy. I'm sure there are a few little Johnnys who are going home and saying why should I go up there and run my as* off when I ain't never gettin in a game any way. Those families that were born and raised on "the creek". The parents and maybe even their grandparents were raised on the "the creek" and wore Lions uniforms. I just don't see them all thinking it is so great that a bunch of out of state recruits are coming in and pushing little Johnny out. Either way, it's not for me. I have been reading these boys facebooks. They don't even want to be here. They are here because as good as they are, in their home schools they are just average players. Some crazy people have them convinced that they could move to the mountains and just take over. They are being told that the players here as so pathetic that they could come and play against these guys and will look like D1 material in comparison and that will help them get D1 offers. They are being told that they can be Mr. Basketball here in Kentucky and would never be that in there own states. What has me so angry is that the people in the communities here in the mountains are letting these boys come in like this, pushing our own kids aside and we are too ignorant to stand up and say it's not going to happen. Let them go somewhere and laugh at someone else's kids behind their backs. I'd like to see the majority of the fans on both teams stand up and boo these boys off the floor at every game. It won't happen because the people don't have the b*lls to do it!

I am a Lion for life and I know 95% of the people on Lotts Creek. Us Lions and the community are happy with what is going on. You must be a Patriot to realize you are not on top of the 53rd much longer. If it is such a bad thing about these boys coming go and raise hell about PCC's transfer, same thing!!! Now that boy does have ties to eastern KY but was not raised here.

For everyone else, these players are transfers!!!!!! You switch any school and enroll at a different school, that is called transferring school, PERIOD!! KCC gets a transfer from East Ridge, PCC gets a transfer from New York, and Cordia get 3 from Texas and all of a sudden Cordia are the bad guys, thats pitiful! Grow Up!!
And yes 2 foreign exchange students are looking at attending Cordia, it is true!!
Crazy Horse Wrote:I am a Lion for life and I know 95% of the people on Lotts Creek. Us Lions and the community are happy with what is going on. You must be a Patriot to realize you are not on top of the 53rd much longer. If it is such a bad thing about these boys coming go and raise hell about PCC's transfer, same thing!!! Now that boy does have ties to eastern KY but was not raised here.

For everyone else, these players are transfers!!!!!! You switch any school and enroll at a different school, that is called transferring school, PERIOD!! KCC gets a transfer from East Ridge, PCC gets a transfer from New York, and Cordia get 3 from Texas and all of a sudden Cordia are the bad guys, thats pitiful! Grow Up!!

Actually, I don't think KCC has a chance at a regional title this year and didn't before any of these boys transferred. I actually thought that it would be a PCC repeat and it was PCC that I planned to follow this year. And, I was actually going off on the recruiting from out of state for them as much as for Cordia. If you read the post, I said I wasn't talking about just Cordia. So, before you start slamming, you may want to read the posts!
Aslan, sorry man. I was just fired up and typing too fast. To be honest, I first wrote a Navajo. That tells you how old I am.
Tonight, when you boys ball at Cordia, why don't you just ask them how many of them have parents wore a Cordia uniform. In fact, the number is even more than I thought when I typed that before. And, if the posts are right and Cordia has two more recruits coming, then the two mountain boys you named will be on the bench. Before you respond, no Rhodes didn't tell me that, but common sense tells you that these boys are not moving here from Texas, New York and where ever unless they are being promised starting positions.
Tailback44 Wrote:Good lord. LOL I dont know which is worse this thread or the PCC one. I got to go with this one. Cordia getting foreign exchange students that is harlious and we got PCC getting D1 players. U got to love the 14th

They are getting two foreign exchange students, just don't know from where.
ole_blue_sack_15 Wrote::howdy:

Are the boys at Cordia really eligible or is this just rumors flying?
WALL2WALL Wrote::wenumber1http:

lol, im sure ur #1 in all time scoring at cordia aint u??? :hilarious:
ole_blue_sack_15 Wrote:lol, im sure ur #1 in all time scoring at cordia aint u??? :hilarious:

Nope, I was a below average ball player. Slow, and couldn't play defense because of myself being slow. But could shoot the ball though, didn't get much playing time till Senior year, I don't care how good of a ball player I was, all I know is that it was hard to find someone who played as HARD as I did. I left everything on the court every game I played.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Are the boys at Cordia really eligible or is this just rumors flying?

From what I have heard, the boys from Texas are eligible.....but they might not be. My source didn't confirm it.
WALL2WALL Wrote:Nope, I was a below average ball player. Slow, and couldn't play defense because of myself being slow. But could shoot the ball though, didn't get much playing time till Senior year, I don't care how good of a ball player I was, all I know is that it was hard to find someone who played as HARD as I did. I left everything on the court every game I played.

When kids come to my school they are transfers, when they go to yours they are recruits. Most of the transfers in this region, both boys and girls, have been recruited illegally. Most of the time it is done in a covert way that no one finds out or there is no proof. Some people at a certain school is so blatant, brags about it, and is proud of it, that they will eventually shoot theirselves in the foot and get caught. If Cordia boys(if the get all the transfers they state are coming) and Perry Central girls both win the region this year, there will be only two starters out of ten that are homegrown kids. Eight of ten will be transfers. Boys( and girls) this is getting a little out of hand. Transfers will always exist but this is getting a little ridiculous.
Aslan Wrote:I hope to God Cordia gets caught doing all this recruiting...

Teams in this region have been recruiting for YEARS now, teams are lucky they haven't been caught so far.

Cordia applied to have a foreign exchange program and was accepted.
WALL2WALL Wrote:Teams in this region have been recruiting for YEARS now, teams are lucky they haven't been caught so far.

Cordia applied to have a foreign exchange program and was accepted.

Where are the foreign exchange students going to be living.
orangenowblue Wrote:where are the foreign exchange students going to be living.

I have never heard of a public school having a foreign exchange program. I thought is was private organizations that did that.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I have never heard of a public school having a foreign exchange program. I thought is was private organizations that did that.

Cordia is a public school, but Lotts Creek Community School is not. In my four years at Cordia I never understood the whole concept, but Cordia and the Lotts Creek Community School are the same thing. In every county, the School Board spends money to keep schools open, but for Cordia, a big reason why they stay open are from donations. Alice Whitaker get money pouring in from people around the country to keep that school open. They might be a public school, but they were still accepted for the foreign exchange program. I have no idea who they are bringing in through the program, or how tall they are, or even if they play ball.

But there is nothing wrong in having a foreign exchange program.
WALL2WALL Wrote:Cordia is a public school, but Lotts Creek Community School is not. In my four years at Cordia I never understood the whole concept, but Cordia and the Lotts Creek Community School are the same thing. In every county, the School Board spends money to keep schools open, but for Cordia, a big reason why they stay open are from donations. Alice Whitaker get money pouring in from people around the country to keep that school open. They might be a public school, but they were still accepted for the foreign exchange program. I have no idea who they are bringing in through the program, or how tall they are, or even if they play ball.

But there is nothing wrong in having a foreign exchange program.

If the only foreign exchange students they get are ball players then that will be a bylaws violation. North Laurel got in trouble over that a few years ago. School has been going on for almost a month. Where are they going to get these students. According to KHSAA bylaws, none of these students can live with coaches or staff at Cordia.
WALL2WALL Wrote:From what I have heard, the boys from Texas are eligible.....but they might not be. My source didn't confirm it.

They are playing fall baseball with the team and running cross country according to posts on their facebook. They wouldn't be able to do that if they had not been ruled eligible.
ANEWPAT Wrote:They are playing fall baseball with the team and running cross country according to posts on their facebook. They wouldn't be able to do that if they had not been ruled eligible.

Nothing surprises me.
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