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Pike centrals Cory Shouse with a huge hit!!
I think if hes on here making comments, hes got to be prepared to receive comments... good or bad.
PEOPLESCHAMP Wrote:I think if hes on here making comments, hes got to be prepared to receive comments... good or bad.

Oh, so people can't defend themselves now? The comments were started long before he ever posted. So what brought those on? Other than people trying to bash a kid.
wooderson Wrote:Oh brother, let it go. The majority of posters on here know Shouse is a heck of a football player, including myself, but quit trying to pretend like it was the hit of the century. It seems to me that the thin skin of many Pike Central posters is becoming worse everyday. If I have to hear anymore about the great hits, how they deserve a better ranking and this is the year they beat Belfry Im gonna puke. Build a tradition, stop being so fanatic and do things the right way and that program might start to get some respect, until then quit calling people out like Buckleys Creek is the center of the football universe.

I know this. I'm not a "Pike Central" poster, i'm just defending the kid. That's it.
Unregistered Wrote:Oh, so people can't defend themselves now? The comments were started long before he ever posted. So what brought those on? Other than people trying to bash a kid.

You really think its a good idea for a 16-18 yr old kid to get on a message board to defend himself? Like I said let his play do the talking. Nothing good can come from him getting on here trying to argue with haters. Trust me its only going to cause him to look bad. Its a lose lose situation IMO.
At some point a man has to figure out which battles to fight. This is not one of them.
I don't understand what everyone is so worked up about, No one was bashing the kid. Eveyone knows that Shouse is one hell of a Athlete. No offense, but you PC fans get worked up way too easy. Stop the nonsense.
vundy33 Wrote:No, he should get an earful if he simply MISSES the tackle. It's not easy to hit someone so hard that they concussed so bad they can't walk. Or to make the guy look like a girly bitch. This is what Shouse did, and does on most Friday's, and cleanly.

You're full of it brother. You don't think Shouse is a top football player. Alot of LBs couldn't, again and again, on screen plays, run plays, special teams, any kind of play you want, make those beastly, clean hits.

You have something against Central. Simple as that. I haven't been reading the thread huh? No one is degrading this kid and trying troll?

^^^Shouse is a top player and hitter, and DOES make plenty of hard hits, no matter what kind of play/situation it is. You're just a hater. This thread was just meant to show a nice hit, because, ya know, that's what makes the game of football so awesome. But yet we get convo's on where he's from, him "transferring", a damn coach driving it, people, including yourself, saying any LB could make that play, which is wrong if you've ever played high school football. This thread turned to bullshit. Stop trolling.

Wow, you just don't get it, do you. You say I'm "full of it", exactly what part of my post was a bunch of "it"? The part where I said it was a good, solid hit? Or the part where I said Cory was a very talented player? You tell me.

You're the one who doesn't have a clue. You say I don't think he's a top player. Where in my post did I ever say that? You say I have something against Central. Where have I ever bashed Pike Central, and what reason would I ever have to bash them?

I reiterate that you absolutely didn't read the whole thread. You claim that people on this thread have degraded Cory, when I have seen nothing but praise for his football talents. In the 3 posts you quoted, you have 2 members who brought up the transfer issue (completely unrelated to his playing ability), and another member who said he was one of the hardest hitters around. Again, where's your proof to back up your statements?

If anyone is trolling on here, it's you. A few people got on here and gave an honest opinion that while the hit was both clean and solid, it was one that most LB's would be expected to make. Then you have to get your panties in a bunch and start tossing around grade-school terms like "hater". Rolleyes

Once again, in case you missed it in my first post: Cory Shouse is a very talented player, one of the best in the area. Even though I don't think the hit was anything to get all worked up about like you did, it still doesn't make me think any less of his playing ability. Got it?

wooderson Wrote:Oh brother, let it go. The majority of posters on here know Shouse is a heck of a football player, including myself, but quit trying to pretend like it was the hit of the century.

92PantherAlumni Wrote:I don't understand what everyone is so worked up about, No one was bashing the kid. Eveyone knows that Shouse is one hell of a Athlete. No offense, but you PC fans get worked up way too easy. Stop the nonsense.

Both good posts, I agree. :Clap:

It's football...hits like that are going to happen...there is no rule against hard hits...the screen play is mention to throw off the defense but this one didn't so they payed clean hit and nice... Don't pick on the kid for something he was taught to do
I think it was a clean,solid defensive play.
it was a good clean hit
:lmao::lmao:It was a clean hit no flag and the screen play invites these kind of plays just football. As for the transfer issue it gos o what can anyone say go where you think you can do the best and move to the next level let it be don in the open like the pro players do then people will complain about not being able to keep the kids they have. all wil want to play for trinity or highlands.

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