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Highlands makes a statement...35 - 14
Stardust Wrote:^ Losses require excuses versus acceptance in the minds of most
Yeah, not all Boyle fans are making excuses. I said we'd have a tough time & hoped to keep it close. Well, we had a terribly tough time against HHS & weren't able to keep it close after half. Highlands is the better team. All teams have their certain contingent that can't take a loss & make excuses. You just have to overlook them. Great game by HHS. Hopefully, we can improve enough to meet you in November & give a better game.
charlie22 Wrote:Yeah, I feel the same way you do. Boyle didn't lose because of the QB or the play calling. They lost because Highlands is a better team. Period.

Stardust Wrote:^ Good first half, then HHS separated themselves

Sounds like a good summation. :Thumbs:
Bob Seger Wrote:While there may be some truth to that, we must remind once again that that one little dropped pass in the endzone, (that refuses to be acknowledged), counters your claim in 2010. I thought that they had a respectable (and efficient) passing game in that game. They did not pass a lot , and admittedly not of the "quick strike" variety it still kept HHS mystified and kept JC in the game. JC's defense was also able to keep it close, which was better than what 99% of the teams that HHS had played was able to do. That is just as much an answer as having an all out passing attack.

I and many others have acknowledged that game many times. I disagree with your statement of a respectable and efficient passing game (a dropped pass in the endzone that "would" have won the game, does not give the team a respectable passing game title. I have always given JC a lot of credit and after seeing Boyle Co live, I still think JC is going to be their best competition (Lexington Cath has not proved to me yet that they are for real). I and many others never said JC needs an all out passing attack, but a 25- 30% passing attack could make JC deadly.
SportzAnimal Wrote:Yeah, not all Boyle fans are making excuses. I said we'd have a tough time & hoped to keep it close. Well, we had a terribly tough time against HHS & weren't able to keep it close after half. Highlands is the better team. All teams have their certain contingent that can't take a loss & make excuses. You just have to overlook them. Great game by HHS. Hopefully, we can improve enough to meet you in November & give a better game.

You are right on. I had 2 Boyle fans around me, that when HHS went up 3 scores went crazy on the refs blaming them for everything. One guy then went on to continue to scream how Highlands was the most classless team he has ever seen and "look what money can buy." You might not like HHS, but year in and year out they are a classy bunch of kids. And as for the money statement, Not sure what he was talking about, just frustrated I think. I do have to say these two guys were the exception and most fans very friendly hosts.
Nice win for the Bluebirds.
SportzAnimal Wrote:Yeah, not all Boyle fans are making excuses. I said we'd have a tough time & hoped to keep it close. Well, we had a terribly tough time against HHS & weren't able to keep it close after half. Highlands is the better team. All teams have their certain contingent that can't take a loss & make excuses. You just have to overlook them. Great game by HHS. Hopefully, we can improve enough to meet you in November & give a better game.

SA, you have always been class when you post and really it's not a shot at BC fans in general! I am a fan of a 6A school and would beg to have the support and tradition that you and your peers have been privileged to have!
cctiger Wrote:Boyle could be 1-3 or 0-4 to start the season after the performance they had tonight. Highlands is the real deal but Boyle's play calling was also completely horrible. Why come out of the bone when Highlands hadn't stopped it and you just ran it down their throats. Next observation is Highlands turnovers in the 1st half kept this game from being over before half time. And last observation is Boyle better start having open tryouts for quarterback because that guy just isn't going to get it done.
Boyle offensive coordinator, Chris Mason, has prooved himself time and time again. He has 7 state championship rings to show for it. He knows what he is doing. No need to blame the coaching staff
cctiger Wrote:Mr. Morehead just because your dad coaches doesn't mean you need to get so up tight. Number one you just said it your self if you continue to run the ball on 1st and second down and it's that obvious stack the box which keeps a team from the running ball. That falls on the offensive coordinator not mixing up the play calls. When Highlands came to the line you didn't know if they were going to throw or run. Number two that loss doesn't really fall on Boyle Counties D because they did all they could do with all of the poor decisions and turnovers the quarter back made. Do you realize he has thrown more touchdowns to the opposing team then he has his own. He also has almost as many interceptions as he does completions. The only dropped pass I seen the whole game is when he threw one good ball the whole night but got his reciever laid out. Not many high school football players are going to make that play comming across the middle of the field. Plus French maybe 43-2 but does he even coach. I've seen 4 or 5 of his games and he doesn't have a head set on and he stays away from the team. This loss falls on the quarterback and who ever is calling the offense.
how can you question French's coaching? I'd like to see you talk bad about him to the boyle players faces and see what happens
cctiger Wrote:Mr. Morehead just because your dad coaches doesn't mean you need to get so up tight. Number one you just said it your self if you continue to run the ball on 1st and second down and it's that obvious stack the box which keeps a team from the running ball. That falls on the offensive coordinator not mixing up the play calls. When Highlands came to the line you didn't know if they were going to throw or run. Number two that loss doesn't really fall on Boyle Counties D because they did all they could do with all of the poor decisions and turnovers the quarter back made. Do you realize he has thrown more touchdowns to the opposing team then he has his own. He also has almost as many interceptions as he does completions. The only dropped pass I seen the whole game is when he threw one good ball the whole night but got his reciever laid out. Not many high school football players are going to make that play comming across the middle of the field. Plus French maybe 43-2 but does he even coach. I've seen 4 or 5 of his games and he doesn't have a head set on and he stays away from the team. This loss falls on the quarterback and who ever is calling the offense.

Well, first of all that the fact you honestly blame the loss on one player shows you don't know much about football. Secondly, that was only Whittle's third high school start, and it was against one of the top defenses in the state. He has a big upside and will be a very good high school quarterback. Thirdly, the fact that you are calling out a high school kid like that shows that you have zero class. So that makes me think you're probably not a highlands fan, just a BC hater. it's one thing to give some constructive criticism, but another thing entirely to solely blame him for the loss. But anyways, I'm really wasting my time arguing with you, since you are apparantly a classless fan who knows next to nothing about football.
Highlands a great program with a great tradition, Congradulations on the win!!!!
MSU Eagle Wrote:Well, first of all that the fact you honestly blame the loss on one player shows you don't know much about football. Secondly, that was only Whittle's third high school start, and it was against one of the top defenses in the state. He has a big upside and will be a very good high school quarterback. Thirdly, the fact that you are calling out a high school kid like that shows that you have zero class. So that makes me think you're probably not a highlands fan, just a BC hater. it's one thing to give some constructive criticism, but another thing entirely to solely blame him for the loss. But anyways, I'm really wasting my time arguing with you, since you are apparantly a classless fan who knows next to nothing about football.
Well I must confess I was going to read the post and keep my comments to myself. I can understand the thought that French and Mason have no idea how to coach or call plays for a football game. They are big boys and they can defend themselves or let their record speak for it's self. Please share your record if you wish. In 2009 the BC staff was 15-0 defeating a Great Bell County team on its way to State then Defeating a Great Lone Oak team. Now we fast forward to 2010 where they again Defeated a great Bell County team being coached by the legendary Dudley Hilton. Beat them on Log Mountain on our way to yet another State Championship. Well here it is 2011 and we got beat by a better team Friday night. Thought we could have kept the score closer but that didn't happen either. But the nerve of you to blame the loss on one student athlete. I happen to know the quarterback personally. HE IS A FINE YOUNG CHRISTIAN MAN. One could only hope that you will be as productive member of society as he will be. Blame the loss on the entire BC society but do not single out one person.:devilflam
Surprised no one has brought up the question of why Highlands went for the 2 point conversion early in first half. They failed and then next TD went for the 2 pt conversion again and made it. This was a big issue in the Ryle game last year. Why is coaching going for 2?
I've wondered about that too. I understand the logic of going for 2 if you see something about the defensive alignment that makes you think you will convert it. If successful, it also makes it seem like you are up by more than one TD. Can be crucial (both good and bad) in a close game. But seems a little too much like gambling to me - with the caveat that I obviously haven't scouted the other team and don't know the actual intent.
Who does HHS have kicking for them this year? Is there a lack of confidence?
sstack Wrote:Surprised no one has brought up the question of why Highlands went for the 2 point conversion early in first half. They failed and then next TD went for the 2 pt conversion again and made it. This was a big issue in the Ryle game last year. Why is coaching going for 2?

I read on another site that the kicker is a kid that plays regularly and was winded and cramping. That's why they went for 2 at the end of the half. Once up 28-14, why not go for 2 again and see if you can pick up even more distance. :Thumbs:
Stardust Wrote:SA, you have always been class when you post and really it's not a shot at BC fans in general! I am a fan of a 6A school and would beg to have the support and tradition that you and your peers have been privileged to have!

I appreciate your kind words...I just try to be a down-to-earth, call'em like I see them kind of person. I know u weren't directing ur comment towards all BC fans.
sstack Wrote:Surprised no one has brought up the question of why Highlands went for the 2 point conversion early in first half. They failed and then next TD went for the 2 pt conversion again and made it. This was a big issue in the Ryle game last year. Why is coaching going for 2?

I have closely followed Mueller since he became Highlands head coach in 94. The one thing I've definitely learned: don't try to figure him out. The only predictable thing about the man is his unpredictability.

It was nice to see him have the Birds take a knee at the end of the game: then again, he busted my private 28 point win prediction for the Birds.

Hard played game by both squads. Congrats and thanks for the hard effort from both teams. Hester could definitely play for my team. Kid has no quit and a ton of heart.
Hatz Wrote:I read on another site that the kicker is a kid that plays regularly and was winded and cramping. That's why they went for 2 at the end of the half. Once up 28-14, why not go for 2 again and see if you can pick up even more distance. :Thumbs:

Okay, the clarification on the first one makes sense. And, of course, going for the second one is a no brainer. (If you fail, it's still like making two kicks. And if you make it, then the pressure is turned up even more on the other team).
sstack Wrote:Surprised no one has brought up the question of why Highlands went for the 2 point conversion early in first half. They failed and then next TD went for the 2 pt conversion again and made it. This was a big issue in the Ryle game last year. Why is coaching going for 2?

They kicked the first two extra points. The third conversion right before the half they went for two (and converted to go up 22-14 at half) because the kicker is also the player who had run back the 86 yard interception run shortly before and had gotten a little overheated (and they had taken his pads off to cool him off). He returned in the second half. They went for two after the first TD in the third quarter. Don't know they coach's reasoning on it but perhaps for the reason suggested above--if they get it they go up 16, if not, they still have a 14 point lead. That conversion came up just short so the score was 28-14. The kicker kicked the extra point after the last TD scored later in the third quarter.
charlie22 Wrote:I have closely followed Mueller since he became Highlands head coach in 94. The one thing I've definitely learned: don't try to figure him out. The only predictable thing about the man is his unpredictability.

It was nice to see him have the Birds take a knee at the end of the game: then again, he busted my private 28 point win prediction for the Birds.

Hard played game by both squads. Congrats and thanks for the hard effort from both teams. Hester could definitely play for my team. Kid has no quit and a ton of heart.

Were they in scoring position?
Stardust Wrote:Were they in scoring position?

yes, Highlands had marched on the ground to around the Boyle 10 yard line with a little over a minute left in the game then took 2 or 3 knees to run out the rest of the clock.
The Birds played a alright game for the first game of the year but they did look a little sloppy running backs better get a whole lot better before they play Elder
are Elder will blow the Birds out in the pit Birds need a short pass put in 10 to 15 yards it was all are nothing in this game top receiver needs to catch the long ball he had problems last year with it also but all in all ill take the win I said score would be 42 to 14 I was almost right Boyle will be fine we will see them again up here I hope:Thumbs:
I thought Boyle had a decent team. About what I expected. That did have an impressive opening drive. Highlands quickly made adjustments and Boyle's offense was completely ineffective the rest of the game. The second Boyle drive was successful because of repeated penalties called on Highlands defense Then a nice hide the ball play fake by the QB.

Highlands never appeared in any danger to lose the game. I hope they meet again. If the game is in Ft. Thomas, I would expect a very lopsided game. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 56-7. That said, if Highlands was in 5A, and Boyle in 4A, Boyle would still have a good shot of winning another title. Unfortunately for Boyle, I don't see them beating Highlands this year.
Stardust Wrote:Were they in scoring position?

As Dollar Bill mentioned, Highlands was inside the 10. More specifically, it was first and goal from the 6. Highlands had time to run several plays and the way they were moving the ball on the ground on that drive, it may have only taken one play to score. Dale did the right thing. Maybe, just maybe, the "Dale runs up the score" stuff will eventually go away.
Dale definitely doesn't run up scores anymore. This was an instance where I think they should have punched it in because they could meet again. Maybe another good reason why I'm not the coach. My feeling is why not beat em down more and create more doubts in Boyle's mind? Then again, I'm sure Dale knows they didn't get stopped, but more so stopped themselves. A few different play calls or less mistakes and this is a blowout quickly too.
First and foremost congratulations to Highlands. They came into Rebel stadium and smacked us around. Calls on the field come and go for both teams; however, at the end of the game if you are not within 7 points then you did not play well enough to win the game outright.
However, I did have one issue during the game, and I will try to put this as politically correct as possible. 99.9% of the fans from Highlands were great. However, one fan, a gentlemen in his mid 30s, turned out to be the 0.1%. While waiting for the rebel walk, several of the youth football players (8 and 9 year olds) that play in Boyle County were lined up waiting for the Rebels to walk down from the locker room. This gentleman, unprovoked, asked the young boys if they have ever witnessed Boyle Co. lose a football game. Responding to the gentlemen's question, the boys excitedly told the gentleman that they had not. The gentleman proceeded to inform the boys of the impending loss.
I want to thank this particular gentleman for being a complete (donkey) to a group of children. The announcer for the game was correct in saying "what goes around comes around". This act of arrogance was echoed through the air on the practice fields Saturday morning across the county. Overnight, every one of these boys have developed a deep hatred for Highlands, and have shared this story with many of their other 150 brothers that play youth football. I look forward to when these boys take the field in a few years, remember that comment, and do not take a knee at the end of the game but put another score on the board. When this happens, you will know why.
Next time, please inform the (donkey) that he is not welcome back until he learns to keep the kids out of it.
charlie22 Wrote:As Dollar Bill mentioned, Highlands was inside the 10. More specifically, it was first and goal from the 6. Highlands had time to run several plays and the way they were moving the ball on the ground on that drive, it may have only taken one play to score. Dale did the right thing. Maybe, just maybe, the "Dale runs up the score" stuff will eventually go away.

I think he did not want to give the Rebels something to get upset about and work harder because of. He knows that there is a good chance of the teams meeting again in Boyle Co. and the move he made will help his team in the long run IMO.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Wideleft01 Wrote:I thought Boyle had a decent team. About what I expected. That did have an impressive opening drive. Highlands quickly made adjustments and Boyle's offense was completely ineffective the rest of the game. The second Boyle drive was successful because of repeated penalties called on Highlands defense Then a nice hide the ball play fake by the QB.

Highlands never appeared in any danger to lose the game. I hope they meet again. If the game is in Ft. Thomas, I would expect a very lopsided game. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 56-7. That said, if Highlands was in 5A, and Boyle in 4A, Boyle would still have a good shot of winning another title. Unfortunately for Boyle, I don't see them beating Highlands this year.

I'm pretty sure that the playoff game will also be at Boyle. This is a odd year and was thinking that odd regions host.

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