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Perry Central 35 - Prestonsburg 34
king360 Wrote:Don't u think if the refs said pburg called a timeout and they didn't that something would have been said?

Got to agree with this... Coach D. would have been WILD had the officials stopped the clock illegally. I'd guess either PCC had a last TO to call (most likely), or one of the P-burg players lost his head and called it (but if THIS happened - coach would've been crazy until someone told him his own player called it).

No one has mentioned P-burg's coaches went nuts on the call at any point.
Let's talk about rude our water girls got spit on and cussed out by PCC student body were was your Principal during this and some very inappriorate comments were made to our ball players that could get your school in trouble.You talk about sportsmanship Perry Central student body has none. I really hate it for the people who are from Perry County that are decent peope because tonight those people who have no class gave Perry Central a bad name.
Perry Central called the last time out the refs just pointed toward Prestonsburg side. I think Perry Central was out of time outs but you are not going to get that call at Perry Central.
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:Sabo and Brian Napier both graduated from MC Napier! Brian Napier's brother graduated from Perry Central!

Can somebody please find out if PCC had any timeouts at the end of the game?

Brian Napier and Sabo aren't that old (middle to late 20's) couldn't have went to Napier... They went to PCC...
horseman Wrote:Let's talk about rude our water girls got spit on and cussed out by PCC student body were was your Principal during this and some very inappriorate comments were made to our ball players that could get your school in trouble.You talk about sportsmanship Perry Central student body has none. I really hate it for the people who are from Perry County that are decent peope because tonight those people who have no class gave Perry Central a bad name.

Pburg lost so now this guy has to make up something our fans did to make his self feel better
king360 Wrote:Since everyone of you pburg fans are gonna use the what if excuse so am I. What if Perry Centrals receivers hadn't dropped 60% of the wide open passes they had hit there hands with no one around them?..The game wouldn't have been close. But before you complain about the refs you should try to teach your players how to watch the ball and that once the QB lets go of the ball that you probably shouldn't hit him..I can't believe all this crap I'm seeing on here about the officials..I know they weren't great but did they really cost you the game? You all talk about how Huff was running for his life all night, you should have thought about that when he was running into the end zone with 2 seconds left! Perry wanted this game more and they took it, not because of the refs but because they wanted it more and they had HEART! So quit the whining and bitching about the refs because it's getting you no where. Accept the fact that the better team won and Perry is a team on the rise!

I agree with all of this. I hope coach Haddix blackballs that whole officiating crew, they all suck. Perry should have won by more if we just held on to the damn ball and the line judge didn't call that dropped pass a touchdown. But I digress, we won, that's all that matters. I hope Jamerson is not seriously injured and can return ASAP, he is a very good football player.

Also, Spuds has no business reffing a PCC game, i'd rather have a neutral crew any day over a crew with him on it.
I been taking up for the Perry people on here because Perry did win the game BUT...

Coach Haddix was on the field a little too much, and I heard a few Perry fans even say "get back coach!"

Also, when I got to the game I said "this ref'ing crew will cause a problem" Because top-to-bottom it was a VERY bad crew... Brian Napier was the best on the field, but that wasn't saying much....

If P'Burg would've won, Perry would have been saying the same stuff...(and don't say you wouldn't have) because both teams had their reasons....

I'm really not for sure about the LAST TIMEOUT and I'm not for sure if the ref's are for sure or not......

The last offsides plenty was correct.... If Perry would've been on the 5 yard line then it would have been half the dis to the goal-line, but where it was a 5 yard plenty from the 7 it moves to the 2....
ekff Wrote:I been taking up for the Perry people on here because Perry did win the game BUT...

Coach Haddix was on the field a little too much, and I heard a few Perry fans even say "get back coach!"

Also, when I got to the game I said "this ref'ing crew will cause a problem" Because top-to-bottom it was a VERY bad crew... Brian Napier was the best on the field, but that wasn't saying much....

If P'Burg would've won, Perry would have been saying the same stuff...(and don't say you wouldn't have) because both teams had their reasons....

I'm really not for sure about the LAST TIMEOUT and I'm not for sure if the ref's are for sure or not......

The last offsides plenty was correct.... If Perry would've been on the 5 yard line then it would have been half the dis to the goal-line, but where it was a 5 yard plenty from the 7 it moves to the 2....
Not correct. If the penalty takes you more than half the distance to the goalline, then it should be a half the distance penalty. In this case, the ball was on the 7 yard line, therefore a 5 yard penalty takes it further than half the distance to the goal, which means they should have marked the ball at the 3.5 yard line, not the 2.

Don't know that would have made a difference, but it was still wrong nonetheless.

When listening to the radio, even the announcers were talking about how PCC was out of timeouts when they called the last one. I also have a few coaches on Facebook (not naming names), and these coaches stated the refs said P-burg called the timeout, when in fact they didn't, and that PCC did not have any timeouts to use. So take that for what it's worth, but I'm sure the Prestonsburg coaching staff knows what they are talking about.
ekff Wrote:Brian Napier and Sabo aren't that old (middle to late 20's) couldn't have went to Napier... They went to PCC...

My bad, but that is even worse!
ekff Wrote:Hey, Tommy Hutton's personal programs had nothing to do with his ref'ing... He was the best in the mountain and one of the best in the state...

But I do agree politics plays a big part in who gets the state championship games, but no one will help Brian so I really don't think he's as bad in football as he is in basketball and baseball...

Yea, that S.O.B flipped my uncle off in the 15th Region championship my senior year (2003) when my uncle was givin him up the road. It was caught on camera and sent to the KHSAA, and nothing was done about it.
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
In the second half Perry used its first time out in the 4th Q with 7:36 left on the clock. They used there second timeout with .45 left in the 4th. Then they used there third and final timeout with .9 seconds left in the game. I cant get much more exact then that.
#1 blackcat fan Wrote:well here it goes. I am definitly not one of those guys to talk about the refs costing you a victory. The calls where bad both ways all night. The officials at times didnt seem to know what the hell they where even gonna call sometimes when they threw there flags.
Now someone correct me if i'm wrong on some calls i feel changed the out come of the game with seconds left.
1. Yes p'burg obviously jumped off sides on the 4th down at the 7 yard line, but the official marked it off 5 yards. Should that not have been 1/2 the distance of the goal line?
2. Has something changed that you only have to have 6 men on the line of scrimage on offense, because if you look at three of the last 4 sets for pcc the qb,fb,2 rb's, & 1 wr where off the line. No call was made for illegal formation.
3. The play they scored on the rb in motion cut & was moving to the line of scrimage before the ball was snapped another no call.

And last but not least fot those of you talking about p'burg coaches on the field. They where there trying to tell the refs to get your coach out of the freaking huddle. Hell i thought he was the qb.

Now about the players. Hats off to both teams. One hell of a game. Pcc does indeed have some athletes. Our defense took a huge lick when jamerson was put out due to injury. I actually thought the offense ran better though. Crisp didnt have jamerson to look down so he spread the ball around more & was very productive in doing so.
Anderson & jarrell made some huge plays for p'burg. Pcc had several guys making plays. You guys are loaded in the back field for sure & some very speedy & elusive wr's as well.
Now lets get ready for the rock.

great post. I would have to agree with everything you just said.
Just in case your wondering, in the first half pcc used its timeouts as follows. #1 in the 1st with 4:09 on the clock. #2 2nd Q with 3:09 and #3 2nd Q .17 left in the half. Ive watched the game about 5 times now.
Quote:Well prestonsburg had to play 2 teams tonight pcc and the refs they gave that game to pcc thats all they r to it

why is it always the refs? sure maybe there was a couple of calls that was really questionable. but perrys o line was horrible an they still managed to win. so stop being a baby
I know one thing thats for damn sure after this game. These teams are now ranked #1 and #2 in the state in penalty yards....lol
Penalty yards. PCC 115 PBurg 65. Almost 2/1. Im not sure what all the fuss is about from Pburg fans. Looks like PCC was taking the worst of it?
Just so everyone knows....
the ball was NOT marked at the 2 yard line after the offsides call.
It was marked further back than that because Matt Robinson had a pretty good run on first down that took it to the inches line.
Huff ran outside and lost yards on second down and that's how the ball ended up on the 2 yard line.
3rd down was an incomplete pass and we all know what happened on 4th down.

Why is everyone making stuff up?
I think its tiMe for everyone to move on to week 2. Both teams showed signs of good things to come this year. So i say good luck to both teams and lets move on. If pburg is so upset then they need to schedule pcc next year at pburg and see what happens.
It's that time again!

**zaga_fan has officially retired from this thread**

In the everlasting words of Rich Brooks.

"A win's a win"
zaga_fan Wrote:Just so everyone knows....
the ball was NOT marked at the 2 yard line after the offsides call.
It was marked further back than that because Matt Robinson had a pretty good run on first down that took it to the inches line.
Huff ran outside and lost yards on second down and that's how the ball ended up on the 2 yard line.
3rd down was an incomplete pass and we all know what happened on 4th down.

Why is everyone making stuff up?

Cause some people cant stand losing.
Redneck Wrote:Yea, that S.O.B flipped my uncle off in the 15th Region championship my senior year (2003) when my uncle was givin him up the road. It was caught on camera and sent to the KHSAA, and nothing was done about it.

Sorry but your uncle shouldn't have been giving him a hard time...
BCF4L Wrote:Not correct. If the penalty takes you more than half the distance to the goalline, then it should be a half the distance penalty. In this case, the ball was on the 7 yard line, therefore a 5 yard penalty takes it further than half the distance to the goal, which means they should have marked the ball at the 3.5 yard line, not the 2.

Don't know that would have made a difference, but it was still wrong nonetheless.

When listening to the radio, even the announcers were talking about how PCC was out of timeouts when they called the last one. I also have a few coaches on Facebook (not naming names), and these coaches stated the refs said P-burg called the timeout, when in fact they didn't, and that PCC did not have any timeouts to use. So take that for what it's worth, but I'm sure the Prestonsburg coaching staff knows what they are talking about.

I pretty sure your wrong about that....
Quote:Just so everyone knows....
the ball was NOT marked at the 2 yard line after the offsides call.
It was marked further back than that because Matt Robinson had a pretty good run on first down that took it to the inches line.
Huff ran outside and lost yards on second down and that's how the ball ended up on the 2 yard line.
3rd down was an incomplete pass and we all know what happened on 4th down.

Why is everyone making stuff up?

excellent point zaga... and correct me if im wrong guys an no offence to blackcat fans but if perrys WR core wouldnt have dropped so many passes through out the game then p'burg would have got the cat piss beat out them regardless of the reffs, or the questionable calls through out the game, or however many times haddix was on the field an got away with it, regardless of timeouts. regardless of your made up excuses.

perry really needs to work with their o line and receivers for real though. they would be a much better team if they caught the ball and actually knew when the ball was moved instead of making silly mistakes.... CATCH THE BALL MEN!

good luck to the blackcats yall got a hell of a ball club that will do great things this season & we wish #6 a speedy recovery.
BCF4L Wrote:You all state that the refs didn't cost P-burg the game. Guess what? They did. Not by all of the missed calls both ways, but with 9 seconds to go, PCC was tackled in-bounds. Instead of the clock running out, the refs said Prestonsburg called a timeout. Bullshit. Why would Prestonsburg call a timeout when they are up by 5 points with 9 seconds to go in the game? The reason they said P-burg called a timeout was because PCC was out of timeouts. If the timeout wasn't called, the clock runs out and the game is over. End of story.
zaga_fan Wrote:[Image: http://theleafsnation.com/uploads/Image/stopwhining.jpg]
king360 Wrote:Since everyone of you pburg fans are gonna use the what if excuse so am I. What if Perry Centrals receivers hadn't dropped 60% of the wide open passes they had hit there hands with no one around them?..The game wouldn't have been close. But before you complain about the refs you should try to teach your players how to watch the ball and that once the QB lets go of the ball that you probably shouldn't hit him..I can't believe all this crap I'm seeing on here about the officials..I know they weren't great but did they really cost you the game? You all talk about how Huff was running for his life all night, you should have thought about that when he was running into the end zone with 2 seconds left! Perry wanted this game more and they took it, not because of the refs but because they wanted it more and they had HEART! So quit the whining and bitching about the refs because it's getting you no where. Accept the fact that the better team won and Perry is a team on the rise!
Great post. Best post in this thread.
MVP2 Wrote::Thumbs:

Good Call King. If the WRs for PC would have caught those easy pass they droped last night it wouldnt have matter. The game wouldnt have been close.The 2nd play of the game Huff throw a bomb to a wide open Rankin for a TD but was droped, that lead to a bad snap and putting Pburg in PCC territory for the 1st series of the game that could swing of 7 points going to PCC. No Pburg fan on here is wrong bout the calls, they were some bads ones on allnight but the fact PCC droping passes all night is what left Pburg in the game. This game shouldnt have been this close regaurdless.
It's clear who the better team was.
zaga_fan Wrote:I'm pretty sure that was Perry's last timeout.
They took one in the 2nd half to stop a delay of game....
they took one right before that one.
And that was their last one.
PCC had two timeouts before the started the drive. They used theit last TO when Huff was tackled inbounds. I find it pathetic that P-Burg fans are making this crap up.
zaga_fan Wrote:Just so everyone knows....
the ball was NOT marked at the 2 yard line after the offsides call.
It was marked further back than that because Matt Robinson had a pretty good run on first down that took it to the inches line.
Huff ran outside and lost yards on second down and that's how the ball ended up on the 2 yard line.
3rd down was an incomplete pass and we all know what happened on 4th down.

Why is everyone making stuff up?

Excellent question. I'm glad someone isn't a mod anymore or half our posts would be deleted because we disagree with him.
Serious P-burg alums/fans stop making garbage up. It was PCCs last TO, not yours. Damn. Y'all are making a big deal out of nothing.
Maybe the dropped passes were caused by 1st game jitters ..lol
1. The TO was Perrys last, don't listen to this BS P-Burg fans are saying.
2. The ball was not placed at the 2. Robinson had a ran for a few yards to get it to the 2, Perry then had an incomplete pass(that was dropped), then Huff ran it it for the win.
Bottom line, Perry won, P-burg lost, end of story. Stop making excuses and move on. Good luck to both teams rest of the season.
Think this will get Perry in the top 10?
horseman Wrote:Let's talk about rude our water girls got spit on and cussed out by PCC student body were was your Principal during this and some very inappriorate comments were made to our ball players that could get your school in trouble.You talk about sportsmanship Perry Central student body has none. I really hate it for the people who are from Perry County that are decent peope because tonight those people who have no class gave Perry Central a bad name.

I'm sorry, but I was in the student section. We did no such thing. We may not have much class, but we have enough class to not "spit on" water girls or players. I'm sure no one could spit from the pep section, over the fence, and onto the water girls at the bench.
king360 Wrote:Think this will get Perry in the top 10?

Probably. Three teams got beat, and one of them were by Perry.
Commodore_Colonel Wrote:Probably. Three teams got beat, and one of them were by Perry.

Thats why im a fan of REAL rankings not win/loss rankings.
Yea you might have a small 1A school in the mountains that goes 9-1 or 8-2 like a Phelps or something, but if you have a Harlan County, Perry County, or Whitley County not on there just because there 5-5 its not right because everyone knows those three would kill most of the smaller schools, not all, but many.
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