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NBA Lockout
NBA Lockout will begin tonight at midnight (6/30/11)
So stupid!!!!
whats the deal with the lockouts anyway? i dont entirely understand whats going on.
^One word.

Who cares
I don't think we'll miss any NBA games next year...

All the big market teams are good right now and the NBA knows that means "money".. (LA, New York, Chicago, Boston, Miami, Dallas)
I think theyll miss some games, There miles apart from anything.
I am with K_Mac on this..
What is exactly happening with this? Can someone explain further?
% of profit dispute. Owners want to resplit the profits. Today the Players get 57%, Owners want to reduce it to the range of 54%.
Ballers Wrote:I am with K_Mac on this..
What is exactly happening with this? Can someone explain further?

I never get tired of this lol.
Stardust Wrote:% of profit dispute. Owners want to resplit the profits. Today the Players get 57%, Owners want to reduce it to the range of 54%.

As ignorant as it sounds, I do not think this is that big of a hurdle IF the two sides will give anything. 3% I am sure if it was reduced to 55% the owners would be happy and the players would probably oblige.
To go from 57% to 54%, the mid-salary and below players will be giving up 34% of their salary.... That's a decent chunk of change.
Stardust Wrote:To go from 57% to 54%, the mid-salary and below players will be giving up 34% of their salary.... That's a decent chunk of change.

Didn't know that part. I knew it was a lot of money, but I didn't know it would hit the small-money-players that hard.
I am kinda with the owners right now. Players like Darko are making bank right now. Samuel Dalmbert stands to make 13 million. Seriously?

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Amun-Ra Wrote:I am kinda with the owners right now. Players like Darko are making bank right now. Samuel Dalmbert stands to make 13 million. Seriously?

That is the huge reason the Kings are not renewing his contract that Philly gave him. They brought him in to teach Thompson and eventually the big they drafted (ended up being Cousins) to be an NBA big, etc...

No need for him and that monster contract anymore.
LWC Wrote:That is the huge reason the Kings are not renewing his contract that Philly gave him. They brought him in to teach Thompson and eventually the big they drafted (ended up being Cousins) to be an NBA big, etc...

No need for him and that monster contract anymore.
Why did he ever have that contract to begin with?

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Amun-Ra Wrote:Why did he ever have that contract to begin with?

I don't know, ask the 76ers. I am 99% sure they gave it to him.
That's my point. He should have never got that high a contract. He isn't the only one.

Darko stands to make $15 million the next three years.

as of 09'10' season
DeSagana Diop had a 4 year $26 million dollar contract!

Anderson Varejao, while is decent, stands to make $35 million the next 4 years. That's ridiculous.

I could go on and on about how absurd some contracts are in the NBA. From top to bottom all contracts need to be restructured.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
To put it in perspective Kobe Bryant is paid highest in the league. He stands to make $83.5 million dollars in the next three years.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
I know this is an NFL salary but Verajo makes between 8-9 million per year. The leading rusher in the NFL last season made $310,000 last season, lol.
NBA contracts are incrediably ridiculous. Shitty players make more than some all-stars.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Amun-Ra Wrote:To put it in perspective Kobe Bryant is paid highest in the league. He stands to make $83.5 million dollars in the next three years.

This is a nice bit of info I like to have lol.
Owners claim that 20 teams are losing money. If that's true, I can see why they want a bigger piece of the pie, and reduced contracts.
Players don't want to give none back and who can blame them. If they give the owners to much, then they'll probably never get it back.
Players want the age limit reduced to 18 again to enter the draft.
Amun-Ra Wrote:I am kinda with the owners right now. Players like Darko are making bank right now. Samuel Dalmbert stands to make 13 million. Seriously?

What "stupid pill" did the owners take to give these guys contracts like this? I think this is 100% greed of the owners. Why wouldn't Dalembert make $13M? If there is an idiot willing to sign his name to pay it, why shouldn't the players take it! If I had two companies willing to seek my services, what do you think I am going to do? I'm going to go with the one willing to give me the most! It's the owners who created this mess!
[quote=Aslan]Owners claim that 20 teams are losing money. If that's true, I can see why they want a bigger piece of the pie, and reduced contracts.
Players don't want to give none back and who can blame them. If they give the owners to much, then they'll probably never get it back.
Players want the age limit reduced to 18 again to enter the draft.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this completely. Now the league needs to following it up by requiring a mandatory three years in college (or three years if you have started college)
It's a bad news!
Stardust Wrote:What "stupid pill" did the owners take to give these guys contracts like this? I think this is 100% greed of the owners. Why wouldn't Dalembert make $13M? If there is an idiot willing to sign his name to pay it, why shouldn't the players take it! If I had two companies willing to seek my services, what do you think I am going to do? I'm going to go with the one willing to give me the most! It's the owners who created this mess!
Oh I agree the owners created the mess.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Stardust Wrote:[quote=Aslan]Owners claim that 20 teams are losing money. If that's true, I can see why they want a bigger piece of the pie, and reduced contracts.
Players don't want to give none back and who can blame them. If they give the owners to much, then they'll probably never get it back.
Players want the age limit reduced to 18 again to enter the draft.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this completely. Now the league needs to following it up by requiring a mandatory three years in college (or three years if you have started college)
I don't. Players entering ealry helped water down the league. I say raise the age limit. Make it two years. That way if a kid does go to college he at least has to stay two years, that is a the equivalent of a assoisiate's degree. I see no harm in that.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
I believe a deal will come before the season starts. There's so much money made at games, they'd be losing it if they didn't play those games

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