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What Each NBA Team Needs
Why don't we start with my Sacramento Kings. What do the Kings need to become a playoff team? (I understand it will probably take more than a year)

They have Tyreke Evans who was Rookie of the Year not too long ago and a 20-5-5 kind of player, when healthy.

They have Marcus Thornton who proved to be a STEAL of a trade averaging 21 PPG in Sacramento.

Demarcus Cousins who showed flashes of brilliance but proved to be the basket-case that everyone thought he was. Averaged 14 ppg 9 rpg and 3apg but also 4 fouls per game.

Quietly they have Beno Udrih, Samuel Dalemert and Jason Thompson. Hasaan Whiteside was a HUGE disappointment, so far.

Feel free to throw the jokes, but I want to do one of these for each NBA team.
Bulls need a shooter and to get rid of Boozer
The Lakers main core are all 31 or older(besides Bynum). They need to get younger, but not the drastic changes that have been in the rumors. I hate the idea of them shopping Gasol. He still has 3-4 all star years left.
Bynum is the youngest player in the core, but he's injury prone and they need to get rid of him while he still holds high value. Going after Dwight would be nice. LA don't absolutely need him, but if you have the opportunity to get a player like him, you can't pass that up.
LA's biggest weakness is point guard. Fisher can no longer get it done on either end. If LA wants to contend for another title, they have to get a productive player to replace Fisher at the point.
Fun thread! Thanks LWC for such a great idea.

Orlando Magic really needs a better point guard and a few more role players.. Take Nelson out of the equation and bring in someone like Tony Parker or CP3. Keep Howard there and also bring in someone like Leandro Barbosa.

With Howard, CP3, and Barbosa paired with Hedo, Peitrus, and J Rich - that is a squad. I know they will not be able to keep some of these role players but a boy can dream.. This is a good squad IMO - They would also want to look to build their bench a little more because they have some terrible bench players.

Daniel Orton - Get him ready for the season and let him play... Noone knows what he's capable of just yet.
The Heat need some youth. And more of an offensive threat at the center position. A PG wouldn't hurt either. Even though I think Chalmers shows at times that he's capable of running that team as long as he knows his limitations.
Spurs need to draft a Center... Someone who can come in and learn under Duncan for a few years and then be ready to be the man.. Good thing is Spurs don't need someone to be a "star" right now..

Would like to see the spurs land - Donatas Motiejunas....

If Spurs move up hope to get - Enes..

Ginobili - Star of the team
Duncan - Captain for 2-3 more years
Blair - future PF
Hill - future PG
James Anderson - future 6th man
ekff Wrote:Spurs need to draft a Center... Someone who can come in and learn under Duncan for a few years and then be ready to be the man.. Good thing is Spurs don't need someone to be a "star" right now..

Would like to see the spurs land - Donatas Motiejunas....

If Spurs move up hope to get - Enes..

Ginobili - Star of the team
Duncan - Captain for 2-3 more years
Blair - future PF
Hill - future PG
James Anderson - future 6th man

Completely 100% agree. Great choices for the Spurs.
Aslan Wrote:If the Spurs somehow get Enes, I'd be so upset/disappointed.

Y would you be upset? He would get to learn how to be a great player on and off the court under Tim Duncan, and play for a good coach, for a respected team... Would be the best thing for him..
MY Bulls need a dominate big man to control the paint on the offensive end as well as at the defensive end. Noah is not a true center. He's a PF.
ekff Wrote:Y would you be upset? He would get to learn how to be a great player on and off the court under Tim Duncan, and play for a good coach, for a respected team... Would be the best thing for him..

Enes is one of my favorite players in this draft and I don't want him going to my most hated team. I mean, I agree it would be great for him to learn under Duncan, but I just don't want him to ever wear that Spurs uniform..
Celtics..Needs a Center.

J Oneal can still play but he is fading and with Shaq retiring and Kristic as a free agent, they dont even have a back up on the team. Also Big baby is a free agent so if Boston dont resign him, or draft a C/PF could be a long season for my Celts.

Sleeper Pick but I'd love to see Boston get Trey Thompkins.

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