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Letcher County Central 2011
To guru, you are so full of crap, all you do on here is trying to keep the kids and the coaches down. No good will ever come from no good and that is all that you are about. First of all if you want to make this team win games you better pray that they stay healthy, they barely got enough kids to start a fight. The kids in this county dont want to play football and let me guess guru that is the coaches fault????? you no nothing. Loook across the mtn Harlan county has 3 times the boys that we got, look at Perry Central all the speed in the world and they will be tough, you cant teach speed or heart and we have very little of that on our team. If Logan gets hurts what are we going to do GURU????? our 2nd and 3rd string QB are moving away because of family and no its not because of the coaches. I have lived here all my life and never herd so much crap about FOOTBALL and how the coaches dont no what is going on. If you are MAN or WOMAN enough go to the field house and tell the coaches that you know more than they do and that you will lead them to VICTORY!!! I wont hold my breath on that one!! This County has never been a FOOTBALL County, 1 regional championship in what a 100 years get a clue GURU. Go to surrounding Counties now there is FOOTBALL TRADITION there BELFRY,BELL, PIKEVILLE AND BEFORE THEY COMBINED CUMBERLAND, EVARTS, CAYWOOD AND NOW HARLAN COUNTY. For us to be in there with them send some more kids over to us. Bottom line support what we have and quit blaming everbody involved with the kids. GO COUGARS I WILL BE THERE THICK OR THIN AND I WILL SUPPORT YOU,COACHES EVERYBODY INVOVED WITH THE PROGRAM. BUT JUST MAYBE GURU HAS A PLAIN FOR YOU GUYS AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OK."BUT LET ME GUESS GURU ITS THE COACHES FAULT AND GET RID OF THEM AND ALL BE WELL"
Hmmm..... go from dressing at least 60 to about 28 last year. No we don't have enough players to start a fight but for 3 straight years we win AT LEAST 10 games and now just 3 wins the past year. Have we lost talent over those years? Of course but there is plenty of talent in the county since our middle school team wins their conference every year. Those kids don't want to play because they know EXACTLY what happens on the hill and want to avoid it. And being a part of that crap for 2 years i cannot blame them at all......
^You are not from this area or you would understand the tradition of football in not only the consolidated schools but even at Jenkins. I have NEVER claimed to be able to coach but I do know how to treat people and what is right and what is wrong. The players need to understand that THEY ARE NOT the reason for the decline of this program it is the adults in charge. So if the demise of the program is not the fault of the players, not the fault of the best coaching staff that money could buy, then yes you must be right it is the parents....guess I just shouldn't have given up so much of my time to work concessions, food booths, trying to make the seniors last year meaningful, so sorry we've let you down.

To the boys who are working so hard in the weight room....keep your heads up....play your hearts out.....enjoy your friends....these years will fly by don't let anyone take them from you. You are winners...you are family...rely on your brothers for support...go to your past mentors for advice...they will not lead you wrong...ultimately YOU are Cougar Football...show class at all times...make us proud!!
Guru you have been there last year with them so you know what they went through. Have any of the kids told you the reason they might leave? I really don't think any one person knows. I just know that politics unfortunately does play a part in high school athletics. To be honest look at the regular success the rest of the athletics in the school are doing. What are they doing that the football team isn't? I wish I knew what could be done, but I have concluded that no one wants to talk about what we have coming back, but what they think if the problem. I am guilty of straddling the fence when it comes to the football program. I am now just going to try to be as positive as I can be. I hope the cougar football team does better than 3-7. I really think a home playoff game is going to be the first goal or maybe have 4 wins before district. I wish nothing but the best from the cougar team, and I really hope Coach Whitaker and his staff does do better this year. Back to Back bad season could really hurt this program.
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3)Cougar Athletics!

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cougarpride08 Wrote:Guru you have been there last year with them so you know what they went through. Have any of the kids told you the reason they might leave? I really don't think any one person knows. I just know that politics unfortunately does play a part in high school athletics. To be honest look at the regular success the rest of the athletics in the school are doing. What are they doing that the football team isn't? I wish I knew what could be done, but I have concluded that no one wants to talk about what we have coming back, but what they think if the problem. I am guilty of straddling the fence when it comes to the football program. I am now just going to try to be as positive as I can be. I hope the cougar football team does better than 3-7. I really think a home playoff game is going to be the first goal or maybe have 4 wins before district. I wish nothing but the best from the cougar team, and I really hope Coach Whitaker and his staff does do better this year. Back to Back bad season could really hurt this program.

Better get ready for back to back bad seasons and a crippled program after this year. But like guru has said there is nothing we as fans, players, parents, boosters, or anybody can do. I applaud every player that manages to finish this season, and every player i personally know who takes the extra time to try and get better and stronger after school when nobody is looking. There is very few of those. If we had more of those players we could be looking at a better season but most boys are heartbroken and its sad to see. Keep your heads held high guys and don't let those coaches steal your heart!
I would like to say to mtntopblue I heard your no heart speech ar every jv game I was at last year and u wonder why those kids wouldn't play for you. Good riddance.

I hope that things can be fixed at lcc for the sake of those boys. those choosing to return will be a very tight group, having gone through so much adversity last year. I actually think we will be okay. The senior and junior groups are A great bunch of young men .

I would love to see this thread turn into something positive.All this belittling of~the coaches and players is doing nothing for our kids. They love to read this stuff.
The boys last year were looking forward to a winning season but soon all the heart left them. I'm afraid the same thing will happen again this year. The story is that the coach was brought here to make the next Tim Couch. What incredible pressure to put on one player who plays his heart out. As far as the rest of the team, they didn't much matter to the coaches or the superintendent. If they did, there would have been some changes made in the coaching staff for this year. The spirit of football that used to be at LCC will have to be rebuilt but I don't think it can be built back as quickly as it was torn down. I will have to say that while the boys were lucky to get a cold sandwich after the games the coaches (and there are LOTS of them) sure looked good in all their "coaching clothes". The superintendent who quit going to games when she considered the boys to be losers also didn't bother to show up at their graduation either.
As you can see from a parents point of view it is very hard to remain positive. I for one was very up front and real with my son, I didn't want him to feel that any of the goings on was due to him or his team mates. These players were treated wonderfully in years b/f the 'best that money can buy' coaching staff. They were fed hot meals before and after games, they were given summer practice and fall practice clothes that they wore with pride. This past year they were not fed out one time, they didn't want them fed before the game and the shorts and tshirt that they got was not permitted to leave the locker room. With all of the booster money going to 7on7 and back camps they had to settle for a 'freebie' banquet depending on community donation for plaques. This years team has had an even harder struggle just trying to find a place to lift, trying to keep enough out to play, spring ball really disheartened a lot of them.

Things will change guys, stick together for each other and make it fun. Give it your all for your team mates. This season will be a rough one, but hard times give us character and make us appreciate the good times, next season will be much better. Us parents understand the battle that you face and have faith that you can make it through this. We are there for YOU.
COUGARMAMA Wrote:The boys last year were looking forward to a winning season but soon all the heart left them. I'm afraid the same thing will happen again this year. The story is that the coach was brought here to make the next Tim Couch. What incredible pressure to put on one player who plays his heart out. As far as the rest of the team, they didn't much matter to the coaches or the superintendent. If they did, there would have been some changes made in the coaching staff for this year. The spirit of football that used to be at LCC will have to be rebuilt but I don't think it can be built back as quickly as it was torn down. I will have to say that while the boys were lucky to get a cold sandwich after the games the coaches (and there are LOTS of them) sure looked good in all their "coaching clothes". The superintendent who quit going to games when she considered the boys to be losers also didn't bother to show up at their graduation either.

Wow, you really come across as bitter. You need to let it go. It's not healthy for you (and I don't think it's healthy for your progran). Upset about cold sandwiches after the game? Heck, up in these parts, kids aren't provided any meal whatsoever after a game. They go home to eat something or stop at a McD's or equivalent. So a cold sandwich is more than my sons received after their games. Upset about coaching clothes? What are they wearing that's unusual for coaching gear? Tuxedos? I mean other than coaching shirts, pants, hats and jackets (which is pretty much standard for every coaching staff at every high school I've ever watched), what other coaching clothes could they have been provided that would upset you to the point you mention it in your post?
To all the people on this web site, what is wrong with you "it will be better next year" "guru" what kind of support are you showing for the players on this years team????
You people know so much football, cold food? better be glad you get to eat. ask the booster pres how much money was made this past year.. Just fire the whole staff and find a better bunch of coaches, I would love and see that happened, and the past years about winning 10 games you better look at the schuedule of those teams they beat, shelby valley , east ridge, knott central and the list goes on.
mtntopblue Wrote:To all the people on this web site, what is wrong with you "it will be better next year" "guru" what kind of support are you showing for the players on this years team????
You people know so much football, cold food? better be glad you get to eat. ask the booster pres how much money was made this past year.. Just fire the whole staff and find a better bunch of coaches, I would love and see that happened, and the past years about winning 10 games you better look at the schuedule of those teams they beat, shelby valley , east ridge, knott central and the list goes on.

The booster prez shut down our blooming onion booth at mountain heritage with a line of 30 people or more because this person wanted to go home. That has always been our big money maker but oh well! BTW the 10 win seasons didnt include KCC or SV so maybe you need to take a look at the schedule buddy. How can it be more obvious? We win district 2 of 3 years in whats been called the "SEC" of high school football its so competitive and all of a sudden our players have no heart and go 3-7.... what does this point out to you people? Im very curious due to obvious facts that nobody cares about what happens to our boys including the superintendent who couldnt even show her face at graduation. If they plan to keep paying this staff then we need to sell our field, scoreboard, fieldhouse, everything because nothing will get better while boys dont want to practice or play because coaches dont help them but belittle them while disgracing their name and family. This situation is impacting young boys lives in such a negative way and people expect it to get better and for what reason? Please show me where you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Cause things have been getting darker since Larry Maggard was forced to leave to make room for these great men who call themselves coaches and now 3 years later its pitch black in this tunnel. Sorry but if you cant accept reality then you my friend have serious issues
So what happened to the young QB LCC had coming? Wasn't he related to The Coach?
No Regrets1 Wrote:The booster prez shut down our blooming onion booth at mountain heritage with a line of 30 people or more because this person wanted to go home. That has always been our big money maker but oh well! BTW the 10 win seasons didnt include KCC or SV so maybe you need to take a look at the schedule buddy. How can it be more obvious? We win district 2 of 3 years in whats been called the "SEC" of high school football its so competitive and all of a sudden our players have no heart and go 3-7.... what does this point out to you people? Im very curious due to obvious facts that nobody cares about what happens to our boys including the superintendent who couldnt even show her face at graduation. If they plan to keep paying this staff then we need to sell our field, scoreboard, fieldhouse, everything because nothing will get better while boys dont want to practice or play because coaches dont help them but belittle them while disgracing their name and family. This situation is impacting young boys lives in such a negative way and people expect it to get better and for what reason? Please show me where you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Cause things have been getting darker since Larry Maggard was forced to leave to make room for these great men who call themselves coaches and now 3 years later its pitch black in this tunnel. Sorry but if you cant accept reality then you my friend have serious issues
It's always refreshing to hear IGNORANT people talk about things they know nothing about. The onion booth was shut down twice, once at Ison Days on friday when nobody would work and once at Mountain Heritage of friday night when, again nobody would work. I guess the booster prez and her husband could have worked it by themselves, huh. These same motivated parents were nowhere to be seen when cleanup was done the next day, other than a couple of people whose help was dearly appreciated. The common excuse heard was "I'm not doing anything for these coaches", well heres a little info for ya, the onion booth and everything else the boosters do is for your child, not the coaches. No good ever comes from downgrading coaches, players or parents, especially those who support the kids regardless of the situation on the hill. Whenever you have new coaches things will be different because all coaches are different. These kids that play football should be playing for themselves and their school, not the coaches or their parents. We have a very good and talented group of kids on the hill and i sincerely hope that all parents and fans will get behind these boys and support them because they are our kids. Support your children and your school and help them to be the best they can be. Stop all the negative comments and lets get ready for another year of Cougar Football. Thank you and have a nice day.
Just to let everyone know, daulton Sizemore is most likely leaving LCC. I just talked to him on Facebook and he said his dad wanted to go to Hazard, but no one has called him back. He said he is most likely going to Corbin.
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3)Cougar Athletics!

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cougarpride08 Wrote:Just to let everyone know, daulton Sizemore is most likely leaving LCC. I just talked to him on Facebook and he said his dad wanted to go to Hazard, but no one has called him back. He said he is most likely going to Corbin.

He told me and a lot of other people he was heading to Corbin
People who seem to support the coach tend to call the rest of us ignorant or full of crap or worse. See any connection there? There were lots of reasons besides the onion booth that money was low last year. The programs were not ready by the first home game where most of them are sold. Crowds continued to go down and there were no play off games. Just lots of reasons.
cougarpride08 Wrote:Just to let everyone know, daulton Sizemore is most likely leaving LCC. I just talked to him on Facebook and he said his dad wanted to go to Hazard, but no one has called him back. He said he is most likely going to Corbin.

if I'm not mistake but isn't he a big part of the Cougar Basketball Team?
Hope things get lined out for the boys at LCC across the mountain. For those of you who support the boys, keep on keeping on. LCC has had phenomonal support and sounds like the kids still need it. Remember when you are working that you are doing it for the boys. Best wishes to the Cougars in the upcoming season.
This is really sad to watch.....So much promise. I remember getting banned from BGP defending LCC before the big game vs. Highlands. Everyone in East KY supported this program.
Still support them, just wish things were a little different. Maybe it will be soon.
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Ignorance simply means not knowing what your talking about. I do support the Coaches at LCC now as I did in the past and I will in the future because this is where my kids go to school. As I said before, all coaches are not the same, but we have the coaching staff and the players to be successful this year. You could take 1 or 2 plays from almost all our losses last year and we possibly would have been 7-3 or 8-2 but it didn't happen so now we move on to this year. Support your kids and your program and we will have success. Can't wait until July and August for practice and them game time. Cougarama will be back so lets get behind the kids and get ready for some FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Sizemore's are leaving Letcher County but it is not a fact they are moving to Hazard or Corbin. Dalton's grandma is sick and his dad and mom are trying to evaluate what they should do. They currently live over an hour away from her. So please do not speculate where they are moving and where so and so wants him to play. And if anyone wants to know he is my first cousin. So this is the truth.
cougarpride08 Wrote:Just to let everyone know, daulton Sizemore is most likely leaving LCC. I just talked to him on Facebook and he said his dad wanted to go to Hazard, but no one has called him back. He said he is most likely going to Corbin.

Jughead07 Wrote:The Sizemore's are leaving Letcher County but it is not a fact they are moving to Hazard or Corbin. Dalton's grandma is sick and his dad and mom are trying to evaluate what they should do. They currently live over an hour away from her. So please do not speculate where they are moving and where so and so wants him to play. And if anyone wants to know he is my first cousin. So this is the truth.

Looks to me like Cougarpride08 communicated with him personally. Cougarpride08 is a highly reguarded longtime member of this site,I don't think he would just lie about the conversation. He knows better. I don't think that's speculation.
Actually ignorance means to not know, to be uninformed. I think stupidity is what you were looking for. So you gonna let KHSAA know that our record should have been 7&3 or 8&2?
cavemanluv Wrote:It's always refreshing to hear IGNORANT people talk about things they know nothing about. The onion booth was shut down twice, once at Ison Days on friday when nobody would work and once at Mountain Heritage of friday night when, again nobody would work. I guess the booster prez and her husband could have worked it by themselves, huh. These same motivated parents were nowhere to be seen when cleanup was done the next day, other than a couple of people whose help was dearly appreciated. The common excuse heard was "I'm not doing anything for these coaches", well heres a little info for ya, the onion booth and everything else the boosters do is for your child, not the coaches. No good ever comes from downgrading coaches, players or parents, especially those who support the kids regardless of the situation on the hill. Whenever you have new coaches things will be different because all coaches are different. These kids that play football should be playing for themselves and their school, not the coaches or their parents. We have a very good and talented group of kids on the hill and i sincerely hope that all parents and fans will get behind these boys and support them because they are our kids. Support your children and your school and help them to be the best they can be. Stop all the negative comments and lets get ready for another year of Cougar Football. Thank you and have a nice day.

I think you have been miss informed.....I think all of the parents realized that they were working for the benefit of their child, not once did I hear a parent say they were not working because of the coaches and I think everybody pulled their weight.

I don't think the Setzer guy managed the funds like he should have, he didn't plan for a banquet, he didn't plan for senior night, spirit packs or meals. It is his job to manage the funds, to make sure that every player is treated equal, and to make sure that the coaches are kept in check. Boosters can only raise the money. He ultimately decides where it goes. He is paid well to do this. Larry took care of his job before and he couldn't even pick it up from there. I do think that most of the ridicule that Whitaker gets is from Setzer's slacking and gossiping. He is Anna's mole.

The boosters did lack a lot of communication with all of the parents. It was ran like a grade school boosters with just a clique of Mom's doing it all, you have to let people know when and what to do, they are not just going to magically appear and it takes a lot more than the clique to get it done at the hs level.

I was never asked to work a clean up, you should have had parents scheduled for that. I worked when I was asked as did a lot of other parents. When you are in charge you have no one to blame but yourself if the work don't get done.
:eyeroll:Thanks for the advice GURU, I contacted khsaa yesterday and they are gonna review our game film from last year and change our record accordingly. If coach will put me in 4th quarter, we'll take state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's the closest LCC has come to winning state? Or any of the old schools? Just wondering. Really thought this group of Jr's and Sr's would contend for it.
They should have a good Qb this year if its that 6,4 dark haired boy.I have seen him at several camps with my son.He also is a very nice young man which is the most important. I may have the schools confused but I think he is at LCC.
LCDAD Wrote:They should have a good Qb this year if its that 6,4 dark haired boy.I have seen him at several camps with my son.He also is a very nice young man which is the most important. I may have the schools confused but I think he is at LCC.

Logan has excellent character, all around great athlete, all around great family. Don't think I've ever heard him complain or say an ill word to anyone, very level headed. Hardest working young man you'll ever meet, always willing to give the extra effort that makes the difference in being 'good' and being 'great'.
I agree GURU, this group of jr's and sr's are very talented and should hopefully have a great season. I'm not sure if we have the program or the system in place to compete for a state title yet but i would love to see these kids make a run this year. Certainly with Highlands moving to a different class things open up a little for all 5a schools and opportunities present themselves, maybe we can turn everthing around and make a run. I think last year we had a very talented team but things didn't work out. Hopefully this years team will use last year as motivation and come out fired up for some football. Can't wait for practice to start and the pads to start popping. GOOD LUCK COUGARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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