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WWE Over The Limit
"I Quit" Match for the WWE Championship:
-John Cena © vs. The Miz

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match:
-Randy Orton © vs. Christian

Kiss My Foot Match:
-Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole. If Cole wins, Jerry Lawler must give him his Hall of Fame ring and induct Cole into the WWE Hall of Fame.

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match:
-Wade Barrett © vs. Ezekiel Jackson

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:
-Big Show and Kane © vs. CM Punk and Mason Ryan

WWE Divas Championship Match:
-Brie Bella © vs. Kelly Kelly

-Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth

-Sin Cara vs. Chavo Guerrero
Lot of titles being defended but still a weak card to me.
Horrible card with minimal stories
WWE Over The Limit PPV Opener:

An "In Memory Of" graphic opens the show in honor of the late "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

Josh Mathews, Jerry Lawler, Booker T and Michael Cole introduce themselves on the four-man commentary team.
WWE Over The Limit PPV Opener:

An "In Memory Of" graphic opens the show in honor of the late "Macho Man" Randy Savage.

Josh Mathews, Jerry Lawler, Booker T and Michael Cole introduce themselves on the four-man commentary team.
R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio

Truth is in control for the first few minutes of the match. Cole and Lawler argue back and forth on commentary during the match. Mysterio hits a bulldog off the top ropes to gain the upper hand in the offense of the match. Mysterio hits Truth with a big kick to the head for a close nearfall attempt. The match continues. Truth hits a big Lie Detector elbow for a close nearfall of his own. Truth goes for his finisher but Mysterio counters it with a huracanrana that sets Truth up for Mysterio's 6-1-9. Truth rolls out of the ring just in time to avoid it. Truth is in control of Mysterio once again at this point. Truth hits his finisher on Mysterio and gets the pinfall victory.

Winner: R-Truth
Backstage: Todd Grisham Interviews The Miz & Alex Riley

Backstage, Todd Grisham is with The Miz and Alex Riley. Miz talks about the fans not thinking he has a shot to win the "I Quit" match. Miz claims he's been proving people who feel that way wrong since he joined the WWE. Miz says he has a plan for tonight and knows exactly how to win. Riley chimes in at the end of the interview to announce that Miz will be the new WWE Champion.
Intercontinental Title: Wade Barrett vs. Ezekiel Jackson

Barrett came out by himself, as opposed to being joined by his ringside stablemates. Near the end of the match, Big Zeke slammed Barrett five times in a row. Zeke had him up in a torture rack but Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel hit the ring and attacked him for the disqualification. Zeke fought them off well early but Barrett ended up catching him with a punch and The Corre beat down their former compadre'.

Winner by DQ: Ezekiel Jackson

Backstage, CM Punk and Mason Ryan were talking as they entered their dressing room. There they find David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty laid out on the floor. Mason Ryan flipped out. Punk tells him it's a good thing because it proves that he's gotten under Kane and Big Show's skin. Punk tells Otunga and McGillicutty to "walk it off."
Sin Cara vs. Chavo Guerrero

They used Sin Cara mood-lighting. First few minutes of this match were awesome. They botched a spot at the mid-point of the match. Nothing major. Sin Cara is getting an offensive showcase in this one. Sin Cara hit a twisting huracanrana for the finish. He got the clean pinfall and the victory at about the 7-minute mark of the match.

Winner: Sin Cara
Backstage: Todd Grisham Interviews Christian & Randy Orton

Backstage, Todd Grisham is with Christian and Randy Orton. Christian said he was going to take back his World Heavyweight Championship and Orton knew it. Orton clearly didn't seem to agree with Christian's sentiments.
WWE Tag-Team Titles: Kane & Big Show vs. CM Punk & Mason Ryan
Show drops Punk with a huge chop and then walks over top of him. Another chop in the corner. Show goes for another but Punk turns his back so Show chops his back. Show charges in the corner and Punk dropkicks his leg out. Ryan is tagged back in. He drops Show and goes to work on him with kicks and an elbow. Punk is tagged again and comes in for a 2 count. Punk goes for a headlock but Show lifts him up and applies a big bear hug. Show tags in Kane and holds Punk while Kane hits a big boot. Kane with a big splash in the corner and another. Kane hits the big sideslam for a 2 count.

Kane goes to the top for a big clothesline and comes down. He goes for a chokeslam. Ryan distracts the referee, allowing Punk to take back control. Kane ends up on the floor and gets decked by Punk, who is on longer the legal man. Ryan comes to the floor and rams Kane back into the apron. Ryan brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Ryan works over Kane and tags back in Punk for some double teaming in the corner. Punk hits the running knee. He goes for the bulldog but Kane pushes him off. Punk dropkicks Kane's knee and gets a 2 count. Ryan is tagged in for some more double teaming, working on Kane's leg. Ryan scoops Kane on his shoulder and rams him back in the corner and then slams him on the mat. 2 count for Ryan. Ryan goes from a headlock to a bear hug. They go at it with shots in the middle of the ring now but Ryan scoops Kane up again. Kane pushes back out and hits a big suplex.

Punk is tagged in and he stops Kane from tagging. Punk goes to work on Kane with kicks now. Punk goes to the top rope but takes too long coming down. Kane takes control for a minute and tags in Show as Ryan comes in. Show runs over Ryan and takes him down with a big shoulder. Show grabs Ryan for a chokeslam. Punk comes off the top and gets grabbed by the throat also. They break the hold but Show clotheslines them. Kane comes in and clotheslines Punk to the floor. Kane and Show chokeslam Mason at the same time and Show covers for the win.

Winners: Kane and Big Show
WWE Divas Title Match: Kelly Kelly vs. Brie Bella

We go to the ring and out first comes WWE Divas Champion Brie Bella with her sister Nikki Bella. Out next comes the challenger Kelly Kelly. The bell rings and Brie strikes first. They go to the corner and Kelly wraps Brie over the ropes in a spider like move. Kelly drops Brie on her face on the apron. Kelly goes to the top and hits a crossbody from the top for a 2 count.
Expect a Kharma showing
Kelly hits a stinkface but ends up down on the floor, allowing Nikki to get a cheap shot in. Brie stomps on Kelly's hand as she tries to get back in the ring. Brie brings Kelly up on the apron and drops her over the ropes. Brie drags Kelly in the ring for a 2 count. Brie works on Kelly's arm and continues the offense. Brie slams Kelly back to the mat and goes back to work on her arm.
No Kharma?
Kelly finally makes a comeback and hits a Thesz Press. Kelly unloads on Brie and slams her face into the mat repeatedly. Kelly with a 2 count. They go at it and the Twins pull the switch out of nowhere. Nikki comes in, lays Kelly out and covers her for the win.

Winner: Brie Bella
LWC Wrote:No Kharma?

Didn't make sense
After the match, The Bellas make their way up the ramp as Cole exits his cube to go get ready for the Kiss My Foot match.
Christian with a HEEL Turn tonight guys, NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP!
Prediction or for sure, Dusty?
I would love it.
^ this feud is ripe to turn Christian. It works to turn him tonight, but, IF WE GO TO OLD SCHOOL story telling. They will have Christian come up short over the next few matches with heartbreaking but close losses before he finally snaps and says screw doing things right.

They need heels, Christian is a better heel than face.
World Heavyweight Title Match: Christian vs. Randy Orton

We go to the ring and out first comes Christian. Out next is the World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton to a nice reaction. We get formal introductions before the bell.

They start the match and the crowd starts chanting. They lock up and Christian rolls Orton up for a 1 count. They lock up again and Orton applies a headlock. Orton takes Christian down with a shoulder and gets a 2 count. Another headlock by Orton now. Orton runs the ropes but Christian takes him down with a forearm. Christian with a dropkick from the second rope for a 2 count. Christian smacks Orton and runs the ropes. Orton drops him with a back elbow. Christian dumps Orton over the top rope and to the floor. Christian runs the ropes and hits a huge dropkick, knocking Orton back into the barrier.
Christian works Orton over on the floor and brings it back in the ring. Dueling chants for Orton and Christian from the crowd. Christian scoop slams Orton and applies a headlock. Orton fights out and ducks a clothesline. Christian connects with a dropkick for a 2 count. Christian takes Orton down and applies a chinlock from behind. Orton comes back with a standing dropkick. Christian slaps Orton coming out of the corner and goes up top. Orton knocks Christian down on the top and they trade right hands. Orton gets the upperhand and climbs up. Orton superplexes Christian back into the ring and gets a 2 count.
Orton goes back to work. Christian counters an uppercut with a backslide for a 2 count. Orton comes back with right hands and a kick to the face. Orton wth two clotheslines. Christian catches him with a big spinebuster for another 2 count. They both get up and trade big right hands in the middle of the ring. Christian with slaps and a big flying forearm. Christian with an inverted DDT for a 2 count. Christian goes to the top rope and comes down but Orton catches his legs for a 2 count. They trade pin attempts. Back to their feet until Orton beats Christian down. Orton goes for the Angle slam but Christian counters. Christian goes to the floor for the right hand but Orton blocks it. Orton goes for the second-rope DDT but it's countered also. Christian knocks Orton back and goes up top. Christian hits a big flying headbutt on Orton for a 2 count.
Crowd is REALLY into this match!
Orton gets up first and hits an uppercut and a backbreaker for another 2 count. Orton starts stomping on Christian and kicks him in the ribs. Orton with a big knee drop and another 2 count. Christian goes for the backslide but Orton tries for an RKO. Both countered. Orton applies a backwards Boston crab, a very different looking move, as Christian tries to make it to the ropes.

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