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Former official in jail
Heard on the news that long time 14th region official has been arrested. Does anyone know the facts?
A well known high school basketball referee is arrested in Letcher County on drug charges.

60-year old Tommy Hutton is accused of trafficking a controlled substance.

Hutton was a long-time official in the 14th region and most recently called games in the 15th region.

He's also worked many state tournament games.

Hutton is being held in the Letcher County Jail on a $50,000 cash bond.
I want to avoid the corny joke, but I can't:

Definitely, a technical!
He is the best official in this area by far. That sucks.
I know anyone is innocent until proven guilty, but even accused of trafficking the KHSAA should disbar him from officiating. Anyone caught trafficking drugs doesn't need to be calling any sort of games involving high school student athletes.
^ unfortunately may have been dealing drugs to the very students he was officiating.
Certainly hope not. Have known him a long time...No excuses but I do know he has his personal demons. Makes you wonder about the state of officiating. Does the KHSAA drug test officials?
^ I don't know. Coaches are not drug tested.
Depends on the district......In Letcher County all employees are subject to random drug testing. I wonder though if any has ever been tested. It may be time for all officials and coaches to be drug tested. The kids here are tested several times a year.
Hate to hear this..... Tommy is the BEST official in the Mountains..
Hate to see this happen to a good friend and official, but this in no way should put a black mark on officials. These people are human and all have private lives outside of officiating, so these guys shouldn't make all other officials look bad. I wonder if this arrest came in reguards to another Letcher county teacher/ former coach getting arrested last week for the same thing? Heard also that these will not be the only people arrested in that area either, still working on the rest of the ones involved. Not looking good!
Sorry to hear that about Tommy, was a good person from what I know of him. Guess it's hard to tell a lot about people unless you really get to know someone. Hope he can get some help for his problem. Good luck to him.
Wall4president Wrote:Sorry to hear that about Tommy, was a good person from what I know of him. Guess it's hard to tell a lot about people unless you really get to know someone. Hope he can get some help for his problem. Good luck to him.
Which one is he? He's not the one with a bad combover is he?
Tommys the best. I think he holds the record for the most state tournament appearances by an official. I also dont think people should judge all officials based on one arrest. I say arrest not conviction also. Tommy just lost his wife this year also, its been a rough year for him.

I sure hope the other official whos name still hasnt been mentioned so I wont mention it didnt have anything to do with this. They were good friends from what I could tell when I was around them. Nothing worse than seeing someone tell on someone else to try to get themselves out of trouble.

No officials arent drug tested, who would pay for that? The KHSAA? Thats quiet a bit of money to test every single official in every sport. I dont see drugs being such a problem in officiating that mandatory testing needs to be put in place.

Either way this is bad news for everyone. Tommy is a great guy and a great official. I hope nothing but the best for him.
I dont know about the best but he is deff one of them in the Mts. I hate to hear this about Tommy.
csabo17 Wrote:Tommys the best. I think he holds the record for the most state tournament appearances by an official. I also dont think people should judge all officials based on one arrest. I say arrest not conviction also. Tommy just lost his wife this year also, its been a rough year for him.

I sure hope the other official whos name still hasnt been mentioned so I wont mention it didnt have anything to do with this. They were good friends from what I could tell when I was around them. Nothing worse than seeing someone tell on someone else to try to get themselves out of trouble.

No officials arent drug tested, who would pay for that? The KHSAA? Thats quiet a bit of money to test every single official in every sport. I dont see drugs being such a problem in officiating that mandatory testing needs to be put in place.

Either way this is bad news for everyone. Tommy is a great guy and a great official. I hope nothing but the best for him.

Ouch, that is sad. But if these charges are true, it's hard to feel sorry for him unless there is more to the story that we are not hearing. I can't exonerate someone who is trafficking drugs that are ultimately getting into the very hands of the kids that he is reffing. I agree with you, passing judgement for one offense, but this is an offense that is pretty bad.
He has also lost his son recently
I think now days players as well as coaches should be drug tested more.
^ Much agreed

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