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Biggest bench press!
Any kid 16 years old bench pressing 500 or close to it is on something powerful as ****. I'd bet the farm that King is on some Dbol-Test Suspension - and maybe some HGH.
Benching a ton of weight is impressive. I could never bench a lot of weight. However, give me guys who can play football. I'd rather have athletes that can play instead of a blown up bench press guy that can't do anything on a football field. Just because you can bench press, doesn't mean you can play football.
Wideleft01 Wrote:Benching a ton of weight is impressive. I could never bench a lot of weight. However, give me guys who can play football. I'd rather have athletes that can play instead of a blown up bench press guy that can't do anything on a football field. Just because you can bench press, doesn't mean you can play football.

My thoughts exactly!
LexCathKnight15 Wrote:Trey Mattingly set LexCath's alltime bench mark at 330 this year

Not taking a jab at lex cath or anything but out of all the good athletes thats come out of there the bench record is only 330?
Ive seen some freshman and sophomores do that.

The whole roid thing is bad. It is a problem around london as well but most of the kids you see playing arent the ones using it although, some of you are right and the kid should be tested.
However, back in the 90s when it seemed kids had full beards and were a lot bigger than they are now i know at Whitley there were A LOT of lineman benching around 400. Some were a lot more than that. That was with lines that were always averaging 6'6 330 all the way across to. They dont seem to get that big anymore but they use to be.
Like some peopel on here are saying just because a kid benches a lot doesn't mean they are taking steroids or have taken them. One of my best friends Jarrod Wolfe from Breathitt County started lifting weights in about 7th grade and has worked his butt off his whole high school career and never once used steroids. He benched 330 as a freshman I believe and finished his senior year benching 415, nothing but hard work. Also Dustin Sumner, he blew he knee out two years ago, he benched the whole season he was out and continued to work this season and now he is benching 350 as a junior. I know for a fact that Sumner has never taken any kind of suppliment, he is all natural. Hard work pays off, quit trying to take away from these kids accomplishments by accusing them of steroids.
Bolt Wrote:Not taking a jab at lex cath or anything but out of all the good athletes thats come out of there the bench record is only 330?
Ive seen some freshman and sophomores do that.

Some teams don't work on bench as much as others. Some coaches believe that the bench press is a useless workout. I know a lot of kids from Greenup that power clean more than they bench. It's just however you look at it. We bench a lot at Lewis County. That's why you see Lightner at 440 and others close to 300 or above. I would say that LexCath's coaching staff emphasizes on other workouts more.
Some schools focus on Squat, Dead lift, and Cleans
LClion4life Wrote:Some teams don't work on bench as much as others. Some coaches believe that the bench press is a useless workout. I know a lot of kids from Greenup that power clean more than they bench. It's just however you look at it. We bench a lot at Lewis County. That's why you see Lightner at 440 and others close to 300 or above. I would say that LexCath's coaching staff emphasizes on other workouts more.

Hit the nail right on the head!!
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The rumor around Laurel Co. is that King benched 475 at the Lynn Camp meet this past Saturday.
He did, ironically he did not even place in his weight class.
I dont care if you bench press every day the rest of your life. Bench Pressing 400 and 500 pounds for a high school kids is CRAZY! I know guys that do steriods and have for years, live in the gym, and are personal trainers. They do the core lifts and their bench presses are barely over 400. They are 25 to 35 years old. I say bring in the PEE Man and see whats up.
Not everyone who gets big does steroids, I mean look at Barry Bonds adn Jose Canseco
former Wrote:Not everyone who gets big does steroids, I mean look at Barry Bonds adn Jose Canseco

Such as A Rod, Clemens, and Manny!!!

As for the statement are you talking about the kid benched 475 lbs and didn't place in his weight class? What other lifts did they have at the competetion.
Is his Knee still messed up? I know he tore his ACL at the end of last season. That could definitely bring down a squat and clean.
SLHSCard Wrote:Is his Knee still messed up? I know he tore his ACL at the end of last season. That could definitely bring down a squat and clean.

Harlan County had two kids who had ACL tears last season and had reconstructive surgery. One squatted 535 and won best overall in the heavy weight divisions. The other finished a close second in his 165 lb class. He squatted 365 I think.
Big upper body weak lower body. Football is a lower body sport IMO!!
400 lbs is definitely achievable without the use of dangerous supplements or steroids but it's usually not done by a kid that only weighs 200 lbs. It's a very rare achievement for a kid 200 lbs or more to double their weight on the bench press. Yes, I believe there are a lot of dangerous supplements out there that are being used by young men who may have no idea of the consequences and that part is truly a concern. However, with hard work, diet, and safer things such as protein drinks, this is achievable and may require more attention to detail in order to achieve than most teenagers have.
Usually short and stubby O and D-linemen will have a higher bench because they dont have to press it as far. for the most part
Pigskinman53 Wrote:Is that the same kid that also reportly ran a 4.4 forty yard dash? Do any of these kids attend any of the state powerlifting meets?

KP Skyles , yes it is, and have never heard of him in any powerlifting meets, although from reports on here, he would do well. 500lb. deadlift, 475lb squat, 300lb. clean, and 400lb bench, impressive from a kid that weighs 185lbs. Curious if he would place in a meet?
LClion4life Wrote:Some teams don't work on bench as much as others. Some coaches believe that the bench press is a useless workout. I know a lot of kids from Greenup that power clean more than they bench. It's just however you look at it. We bench a lot at Lewis County. That's why you see Lightner at 440 and others close to 300 or above. I would say that LexCath's coaching staff emphasizes on other workouts more.

Ah, I see. I always assumed everyone hit the bench hard. I know around here and in the mountains especially, benching is one of the bigger things around.
When i was in school we hit the bench, power clean and squat hard. We never once dead lifted do to it being really bad for your back. I would strill think someone would have came threw lex cath and benched more than 330 though.
Alpha_Male Wrote:Usually short and stubby O and D-linemen will have a higher bench because they dont have to press it as far. for the most part

You couldnt have said it any better.
Its all about how long your arms are in bench and how short your legs are in squat.
I actually competed in the LC weightlifting competetion my junior year and still have the trophy from winning the heavyweight division.
Thing is I squated 485, benched 365, and powercleaned 225(it was all i needed to win on the last lift) and easily won it.
However, my runningback who was all of 5'5 155 only finished 10 pounds behind me and not from roids, he was my best friend and i know for a fact he didnt take them but he was ripped and where he was smaller easily lifted more than most.
Bolt Wrote:You couldnt have said it any better.
Its all about how long your arms are in bench and how short your legs are in squat.
I actually competed in the LC weightlifting competetion my junior year and still have the trophy from winning the heavyweight division.
Thing is I squated 485, benched 365, and powercleaned 225(it was all i needed to win on the last lift) and easily won it.
However, my runningback who was all of 5'5 155 only finished 10 pounds behind me and not from roids, he was my best friend and i know for a fact he didnt take them but he was ripped and where he was smaller easily lifted more than most.

Absolutely! Sometimes being short is an advantage. If you are a body builder.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Bolt Wrote:Ah, I see. I always assumed everyone hit the bench hard. I know around here and in the mountains especially, benching is one of the bigger things around.
When i was in school we hit the bench, power clean and squat hard. We never once dead lifted do to it being really bad for your back. I would strill think someone would have came threw lex cath and benched more than 330 though.

Dead Lift is a great lift. Like any other lift, only dangerous when you do it incorrectly.
Yogibear Wrote:Dead Lift is a great lift. Like any other lift, only dangerous when you do it incorrectly.

Absolutely! Could be potentially dangerous if not done with a straight back.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
I was told the Canady kid from Knox Central could get 300+ on the bench. That is impressive to me becasue he plays RB and probably runs a 4.5 in the forty. How many high school kids in the state can bench 300 and run like he can?
Here is my position on the King kid. It would be hard for an adult to add 145lbs to their bench in a year at that high of a weight . A 15 to 16 yr old kid no way. He benched 315 a year ago. If you break a record then the state should test you.
Yogibear Wrote:Dead Lift is a great lift. Like any other lift, only dangerous when you do it incorrectly.

True, however most kids, especially when tired will do it the wrong way and not use their legs at all. This is the reason for most kids being hurt by doing dead lifting.
joejoe Wrote:Here is my position on the King kid. It would be hard for an adult to add 145lbs to their bench in a year at that high of a weight . A 15 to 16 yr old kid no way. He benched 315 a year ago. If you break a record then the state should test you.

I would believe that a kid could do it long before and adult could. Kids that age have tons of test running through their bodies so therefore it's easier for them to add muscle leading to added strength. We, as males, lose test production year after year.

Ahhhh to have those test loaded younger days again.
Wideleft01 Wrote:Benching a ton of weight is impressive. I could never bench a lot of weight. However, give me guys who can play football. I'd rather have athletes that can play instead of a blown up bench press guy that can't do anything on a football field. Just because you can bench press, doesn't mean you can play football.

very true.

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