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I Need Help Please
Alright my friends Im fully aware some of you are very intelligent and very opinionated. I need a couple of paragraphs on how you guys think we can fix the gas problem. Gas prices are obviously too high and my paper is due tomorrow morning so I would appreciate it very very much if u guys could give me a few paragraphs of a plausible solution to lower gas prices. Thank you very much!
I have heard people talking about going on strike and have nobody buy gas all day.
I wish they would find a way to lower it $55 to fill up my Jeep is ridiculous.
By K Mac

I waited until the last minute to finish my paper. LWC and others are trying help me. LWC's advice is get your butt to it and don't procrastinate. Harsh advice, but it will make you a better student and better worker when you graduate.
About the gas prices. You could encourage people to write to their Senators and Representatives, encourage a strike day, talk about the taxes on gas and just how much of the $2.89 (or more) per gallon the big oil companies make from it. Say that exposing the companies for their greed, may help in the long run.
Appreciate the non-help here guys. Btw LWC, I have straight A's. Graduated highschool with a 4.5 and have a 4.0 in college. And was offered a full ride to UK's engineering program, turned it down cause my dad only has 13% of his heart and no way I was leaving him. Its not so much that a procrastinated man, I simply don't have a solution to the problem.
K_Mac Wrote:Appreciate the non-help here guys. Btw LWC, I have straight A's. Graduated highschool with a 4.5 and have a 4.0 in college. And was offered a full ride to UK's engineering program, turned it down cause my dad only has 13% of his heart and no way I was leaving him. Its not so much that a procrastinated man, I simply don't have a solution to the problem.

Hey bro, never said you were not smart. I have seen a lot of people throw away good education because of procrastination. Since you have not procrastinated, just got in a rut, don't worry about it. I was looking out for ya in a "tough-love" kind of way. However, since it doesn't apply to you, let it roll off your back.
Here's to you, LWC.:Thumbs::Clap:
LWC Wrote:Hey bro, never said you were not smart. I have seen a lot of people throw away good education because of procrastination. Since you have not procrastinated, just got in a rut, don't worry about it. I was looking out for ya in a "tough-love" kind of way. However, since it doesn't apply to you, let it roll off your back.

Its no problem bro. You see what had happen was, I wrote about this topic before finding out I also had to extend it later by writing a solution. And I dont see gas prices ever going back down to what they use to be it was a difficult task to accomplish.
I don't think boycotting gas stations for one day will help because you will just have to buy it the next day. I say boycott the biggest oil company's gas stations until they are forced to drop their prices. Then, maybe other coil companies will follow suit.
LWC Wrote:

By K Mac

I waiting until the last minute to finish my paper. LWC and others are trying help me. LWC's advice is get your butt to it and don't procrastinate. Harsh advice, but it will make you a better student and better worker when you graduate.
About the gas prices. You could encourage people to write to their Senators and Representatives, encourage a strike day, talk about the taxes on gas and just how much of the $2.89 (or more) per gallon the big oil companies make from it. Say that exposing the companies for their greed, may help in the long run.

I was thinking the same thing but choose to keep my opinon to my self. Good Luck K Mac
I'm in the same boat as you K Mac. I do not have a suggestion to tell you because I have no plausible solution that would possibly work.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
The only way to lower the price of gasoline is to increase the supply and convince the market that demand will not outstrip supply in the foreseeable future. Currently, the policies of our federal government are keeping prices high by essentially embargoing our own energy supplies.

If you want a lesson on how to combat high gasoline prices, study how Ronald Reagan did it in the 1980s. New tactics are needed today but the strategy then, as it should be now, was to put more oil on the market and let market forces push prices down. It worked then and it would work now.

What absolutely will not work is demonizing oil companies for prices that are beyond their control - and punishing them by imposing new taxes. Taxes on oil companies will be paid for by consumers and will lead to higher prices. Any nitwit should be able to figure this out, yet our president is advocating new taxes as a response to higher gasoline prices. Unbelievable...yet misinformed stooges will vote for this socialist by the millions next year.
I think you nailed it Hoot
Thanks everyone for your help. I actually finished my paper the same day as i posted the thread. I got my grade today and it was an A.
Sweetness! Good job K-Mac!
LWC Wrote:Sweetness! Good job K-Mac!

Appreciate it. I took a radical approach to my solution. To make it short I basic wrote we have to get tough with Saudi Arabia and threaten to quit providing them with protection to entice them to produce more oil. And That we should seize the oil fields in Libya and Iraq. I added that this was only a solution to lower the gas prices for awhile-long enough to allow us to find an alternative fuel.

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