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Florida & Billy Donovan in trouble for Recruiting Violations
The Rulebook!

In attempts to keep you up to date with how to respond to ‘holier than thou’ fans from other schools, we bring you recruiting violations at Florida. Nothing too severe, don’t get too excited, but Billy Donovan’s program has self reported three violations the occurred in 2010. One violation in advertising for a basketball camp, one for impermissible contact with a recruit during the dead period in July, and one for multiple former players talking with a recruit via telephone. This has resulted in a loss of two official visits for the 2011-12 season and two evaluation days in July from the SEC.

The violations are reviewable by the NCAA, though it’s unlikely they’ll do anything more to it.

Don’t expect much to come from this story unless Florida makes a final four next year *cough*Goodman*cough*.
Good, I'm glad that the school was at least honorable enough to self-report and I hope the NCAA hits them up. Nothing worse than cheaters!
Gosh! It seems like everyone is in trouble for recruiting violations these days!! What is this world coming to?
leecoukfan Wrote:Gosh! It seems like everyone is in trouble for recruiting violations these days!! What is this world coming to?

Everyone feels like they have to cheat to stay ahead. So Florida has recruiting violations, but a team like Butler had players on their squad that no one wanted. Seems more like the coaches focus more on how they can entice the top players instead of coaching the players up!
I knew it! He looks innocent. But apparently, he's not!
MisterPerfect Wrote:I knew it! He looks innocent. But apparently, he's not!

It's those "Teflon Don" looking guys that are the sneaky buggers!
Stardust Wrote:It's those "Teflon Don" looking guys that are the sneaky buggers!

Isn't that the truth? lol

Stardust Wrote:Good, I'm glad that the school was at least honorable enough to self-report and I hope the NCAA hits them up. Nothing worse than cheaters!

cough - Eddie Sutton - cough
^ Your not telling me anything. It;s why I have a tough time with those who have forgotten about what Pitino did for UK. He completely resurrected a TRAIN-WRECK! He took a program that was left with players that would not have played NAIA ball and turned this program into a National powerhouse again. I've heard that Cal did the same thing, but Cal did not come into a situation that NO ONE even wanted to sniff at UK. Pitino saved UK basketball from turning into a dead program!

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