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South Floyd @ Allen Central 12-16-05
Will it be a close match up? What do you think?
AC all the
The turn out of the game depends alot on how that lanky inside player, Heather Dean does. Dean needs to step up and lead her team. If she can rebound and distribute the ball to her sharpshooting young guards, Tuttle and Hall, then the game should have a positive outcome for the Lady Raiders. Speaking of the two young girls--if u have not yet watched these two girls play, then u need to get out and do so....they both r rich in talent and have a bright future ahead of themselves...Hopefully, the big girl from AC doesn't eat Dean for supper....
I think Allen Central will win but it will be close. Neither team is very good this year.
I would say the Lady Rebs by 20+, these girls keep getting better every game. Shelby Valley beat the lady rebs by 8 and they beat SF by 30, go figure.
Allen Central
I think this will be a close matchup.. and like Cowboysandindianscanball2 said... the game does depend on if Dean can step up. I don't think she will get eaten up I say sf-53 ac-50.
SF by 2
On second thought, I pick AC by 40---sf has no inside game...just alot of big bodies to take up space....
Allen Central
"CowboysandIndiansCanBall2" Wrote:On second thought, I pick AC by 40---sf has no inside game...just alot of big bodies to take up space....

You might think that now but if u would actually keep watching the inside players then maybe you will see that they actually do have talent..go ahead and say that im sure they will prove u wrong and make u look like a little punk!!!!:Angry07: :ChairHit:
AC by double digits
i hear that sf is young. i also hear that they have a big inside player who is pretty good though dean i think. i predict the rebs by 11
neone have ne guesses on who ac should watch out for? what sf players will do good? just curious. haven't heard too much about those girls.
i like sf but i have to say that ac is gonna kill SF
Good Luck to both teams!
"58thdistrictfan" Wrote:neone have ne guesses on who ac should watch out for? what sf players will do good? just curious. haven't heard too much about those girls.

Yea they have some pretty good guards from what i hear theyre suppose to have a couple good inside players i kno dean is one but the other one i dont rlly kno about they say she is pretty young tho.
:omg: I would have to predict that SF will take this one away from the Lady Rebels. Sorry Rebel fans but although SF is young, they are extremely talented. I think once that Thomas girl graduated that AC lost everything. With the guard play at SF and the inside presence of a few girls SF will be tough to stop by the end of the season.
I think it'll be a close one...I'm not sure yet.

Good luck to both teams!
i believe that sf will beat ac by 5 ...sf will have to come out an show how they rlly can play
good luck sf
It would be nice for the girls and boys to both come out with wins tomorrow night against the Rebs.
Good luck to both teams!
"raiders_basketball" Wrote:i like sf but i have to say that ac is gonna kill SF
What kind of fan are you?

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