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Pike County vs. Floyd County Middle School All-Star Game
There will be an all star game where the middle school players from Pike/Floyd will go head to head. The dates and players have not been detemined yet but it will be played at Pike Central. There will be a boys and a girls game on the same night. Should be some interesting match-ups. Coach Rowe of Virgie will coach the boys Pike team and Coach Davis will be coaching the girls Pike team. This is supposed to become a yearly event.
How will teams be decided?
Sorry meant how are players decided?
Details of picking players have not been set.
Any more news on this game yet?
Will post rosters a little later. Guidelines were in place for picking the players. The game is just for kids that attend county schools. Some players have declined to play due to baseball.
First game will take place this Friday night at Prestonsburg High School
Pike County Boys Roster:
Andrew Newsome-Virgie
Dalton Richardson-Virgie
Michael Fields-Elkhorn
Zach Huffman-Dorton
Tyler Burnett-Mullins
Chandler Rowe-Virgie
Hunter Swindall-Elkhorn
Cory Hamilton-Virgie
Victor Fouts- Dorton
Dalton Maldanado-Virgie
Jason Casey-Phelps

Players from a few other teams were asked but declined to participate due to prior committments.

The first game will be played Friday at Prestonsburg. The 2nd game will be played next Tuesday at Pike Central.
Can anyone post Floyd's roster?
new o Wrote:Pike County Boys Roster:
Andrew Newsome-Virgie
Dalton Richardson-Virgie
Michael Fields-Elkhorn
Zach Huffman-Dorton
Tyler Burnett-Mullins
Chandler Rowe-Virgie
Hunter Swindall-Elkhorn
Cory Hamilton-Virgie
Victor Fouts- Dorton
Dalton Maldanado-Virgie
Jason Casey-Phelps

Players from a few other teams were asked but declined to participate due to prior committments.

The first game will be played Friday at Prestonsburg. The 2nd game will be played next Tuesday at Pike Central.

Girls' Roster
Taylor Rowe--Dorton
Savannah Honaker--Dorton
Sydney Jones--Dorton
Abby Smallwood--Dorton
Emily Baker--Belfry
Faith Runyon--Belfry
Lakyn Mullins--Virgie
Brittany Coleman--Virgie
Lesli Fleenor--Elkhorn
Alyssa Fraley--Elkhorn
Chelsea Justice--Feds Creek
Nic Brizendine--Phelps/now at Mullins

*8 of the 12 girls have accepted the invitation to play. Still waiting on the other 4 to confirm. Practice will be Wednesday night at Shelby Valley from 5:00-6:45.
Reanimate Wrote:Can anyone post Floyd's roster?

Blake Rose - Betsy Layne
Lako Daniels- Betsy Layne
McKenzie Akers- Betsy Layne
Jarredd Jarrell- Adams
Jarin Hall - Adams
BJ Holliday - Adams
Braxton Tibbs - Allen
Corey Dillon - Allen
Mason Nelson - Allen Central
Dalton Lawson - Allen Central
Andrew Tackett- South Floyd
Matt Kidd - Wesley
Stumbo rep will be named today

Peyton Case and Dalton Frasure were selected but had prior commitments

Practice Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Adams and Thursday at 8:00 p.m. at Prestonsburg High School
Should be a fun game to watch plus the kids should have a good time. Glad to see this get started and hopefully it will be a yearly event.
new o Wrote:Pike County Boys Roster:
Andrew Newsome-Virgie
Dalton Richardson-Virgie
Michael Fields-Elkhorn
Zach Huffman-Dorton
Tyler Burnett-Mullins
Chandler Rowe-Virgie
Hunter Swindall-Elkhorn
Cory Hamilton-Virgie
Victor Fouts- Dorton
Dalton Maldanado-Virgie
Jason Casey-Phelps

Players from a few other teams were asked but declined to participate due to prior committments.

The first game will be played Friday at Prestonsburg. The 2nd game will be played next Tuesday at Pike Central.

Who picked these players? And what kind of guidelines were in place? It looks like there are several talented players that were left out.
Several players were asked and chose not to play.I agree there are some good players that were not chosen but 12 was the limit.
But you made sure your 5 was there, correct?
Did not make sure they were but almost every coach said they should be there, can't argue that. All 5 made the all tournament team this year. Not here to argue because I am sure some good players were left out, just not enough positions.
Oh well, opinions are always different. But in the end, it is your team. Good luck coach, hope we can beat Floyd Co.
Looking forward to seeing the games. Should be fun.
I think this is a great idea just wish it would have been better scheduled around baseball. Good luck coach Rowe and pike co boys.
The all star game has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.Pike County was ready to play but officials from Floyd called today and they could not play.
NOT surprising. And this is why Pike County has represented the 15th region how many times in the past 30 years at the state tournament? Compared to how many Floyd County has? I would say the numbers is laughable. Kudos to Pike County, you guys do it right!! Or atleast you guys get to do something, which is way more than we get to here in Floyd County
Coach Davis and myself are still trying to set something up for the kids, maybe just a county game. Our kids were really disappointed but we will do soemthing for them.
It's a real shame Floyd Co. didn't allow our kids to play. They was so excited. What a let down.
From my understanding the Floyd County Schools are working with Pike County on alternate dates. There were policies and procedures that have to be followed and three days were not enough for the Floyd County schools to work out the details. The second date that Pike County wanted to play was a conflict with another Floyd County district activity. Floyd County didn't want students and parents put in position to chose between activities.
The games between Pike/Floyd are back on. Dates for the games are April 18 at Prestonsburg with the girls starting at 6:00 and the boys play right after, April 22 at Shelby Valley with start times the same as the first game. Rosters will change due to the dates changing. We will go back down the original list of players and ask which kids can/will play.Sorry for any confusion but the info. was just released this morning.
New O ------ just for my information. Where did you find out about the All Star game between Pike/Floyd in March? PM if you like.
new o Wrote:Pike County Boys Roster:
Andrew Newsome-Virgie
Dalton Richardson-Virgie
Michael Fields-Elkhorn
Zach Huffman-Dorton
Tyler Burnett-Mullins
Chandler Rowe-Virgie
Hunter Swindall-Elkhorn
Cory Hamilton-Virgie
Victor Fouts- Dorton
Dalton Maldanado-Virgie
Jason Casey-Phelps

Players from a few other teams were asked but declined to participate due to prior committments.

The first game will be played Friday at Prestonsburg. The 2nd game will be played next Tuesday at Pike Central.

This looks like a list of "Favorites", not the best players in the county.
new o Wrote:Did not make sure they were but almost every coach said they should be there, can't argue that. All 5 made the all tournament team this year. Not here to argue because I am sure some good players were left out, just not enough positions.

3 out your 5 should be in High School.......Not Fair to the kids that are really in Middle School this year.
Everybody's kid is the best.
Never said everybody's kid was the best....But dont keep on about your "Fab 5" being the best when their competition is 12-13 year old kids......

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