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  • 5 Rules READ THEM!
Here are NEW rules:

Quote: Six Member Rules

1. Don't threaten or personally attack another person on this site.
2. Don't reveal personal identities or other confidential information about anyone.
3. Don't be a racist, homophobic, or sexist.
4. Don't post pornography, links to pornography, and/or any other NSFW content in any images/avatars/signatures.
5. Don't advertise competitor or commercial sites via text or in any images/avatars/signatures.
6. Obey all applicable country, state, and federal laws when using this site.


* Members: If you see anyone violating these rules please help us out by contacting a staff member. Look for an available staff member in the Currently Active Users section located at the bottom of the forum. Please send the staff member a private message with a link to the thread, username, and the post number that the rule violation occurred in.

* Members: If you feel you are being treated unfairly by one of our staff members please contact me(torQQue) or (midee1) immediately. If I am not available on BGR, contact me(torQQue) at and/or (midee1) at

* Members: You are welcomed to freely and openly express yourself as long as you do not violate any of the 6 rules. Violating these rules can result in a suspension and/or permanent banishment from our forums. Any illegal activity will be handed over to the appropriate authorities which could result in you being criminally prosecuted.

Six Staff Rules:

1. Follow the 6 Member Rules.
2. If someone doesn't agree with you, don't take it personal.
3. Don't interfere with discussions or delete/move content simply because you disagree or dislike the subject being discussed.
4. Moderation actions and/or warnings should only be issued if one of the 6 rules are broken.
5. Only ban or suspend someone that blatantly continues to break the rules after you have issued a friendly warning.. Some violations will require instant banishment, see Staff Notes below.
6. Do not edit another member's grammar mistakes. This is not an English class and we are not grammar police. Mobile devices are popular these days and those keypads are really small.

Staff Notes:

* Staff: Treat everyone with respect. You are a member of the community just like anyone else on here. You do not have any authority over this site or any person here. You are entrusted with editing privileges. Don't abuse these privileges. If you abuse these privileges or mistreat a member you will be immediately removed from the staff.

* Staff: All information discussed in any moderator forums or moderator sub forum is to remain confidential.

* Staff: Some violations will require instant banishment without warning. Use good judgement here when making those decisions. If someone is posting pornography, illegal content, being racist, making threats, etc., then ban their *** immediately. We encourage people to freely express themselves, but we will not be associated with that type of behavior.

* Staff: If you feel a members actions warrants banishment please provide a copy of the exact violation that resulted in the banishment. Do this before you edit or remove the rule violation that occurred. Post this information and/or screen captures, along with the members name and a link to the thread in the mod forum.

* Staff: Be helpful to members and encourage them to post. Participate and/or start discussions as often as you can. Greet new members when you can.

* Staff: Check the new members moderation queue and approve posts/threads as often as possible that do not contain any rule violations. If a rule violation occurs in the moderation queue, send the user a warning and do not approve. If it appears to be spam or a severe rule violation send the user to the banned user group. Also, do not manually approve any users in the moderation queue under "Moderate Users". Users will be automatically promoted to a registered user once they have successfully had 5 posts approved by staff members.

Link to rules page
These are the rules, make a point to read them.
That is your one post on this website????? Rolleyes
Updated. New rules.

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