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NBA Team to Louisville?
The New Orleans Hornets are looking to be bought by a Louisville attorney. Some say it's gonna happen, some are saying it's not. What do you think? Will it come or not? If not, where will it go?

IMO, I look for it to come. Simply because of the passion that Kentuckians have for the sport. They could easily sell out Freedom Hall with the number of UK and UofL players in the NBA.
This Would Be Awesome
It has been talked about, but never happened. I for one would be stupidly happy because that means my Sacramento Kings would be 2 hours away when they came to play.

What is the closest team? Memphis?

As I have always said, I don't expect it, but it would be a pleasant surprise.
This would be HUGE!
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LWC Wrote:It has been talked about, but never happened. I for one would be stupidly happy because that means my Sacramento Kings would be 2 hours away when they came to play.

What is the closest team? Memphis?

As I have always said, I don't expect it, but it would be a pleasant surprise.

Indianapolis is a little less than two hours away from Louisville.

As far as Louisville getting a team, I will believe it when I see it. I have lived just outside of Louisville for almost 11 years. For 11 years I have heard about Louisville getting an NBA team. They nearly got the Hornets when they moved to New Orleans and they nearly got the Grizzlies when they moved to Memphis. Louisville has too many politics to ever get an NBA team. Nobody in the Metro government will can ever agree to anything, heck they have been trying to build another bridge to Indiana for 20 years now.
Another snag in Louisville getting an NBA team is UofL. UofL is unwilling to share the Chicken Bucket (YUM! Center) with another team. If Louisville would get a team, they would be forced to use Freedom Hall. Freedom Hall is not modern (50-60 years old), has very few Luxury boxes, parking is horrible and is not downtown.
To answer your question, no Louisville will not get an NBA team.
If a pro team came to Louisville they wouldn't outsell either of the college teams.
An NBA team in Kentucky won't work. Mark my words. College runs supreme and the NBA cost structure will never draw enough fans to the luxary boxes and the $500 courtside seats that are a MUST. For those thinking that it would be great. You will only go once per year and pay $250 for the experience. There are 41 games per year. For Kentucky residents, spending $250 once per year will never meet the required attendance needs.
I heard if they got an NBA team they would give them
Freedom Hall. That alone would throw them out of it getting one. They just built the YUM Center and they want to home a NBA team in an older smaller building.
I'm not much for getting a team, but Stardust the NBA does work in North Carolina. There is about 4 college teams there.
HawksRule Wrote:I heard if they got an NBA team they would give them
Freedom Hall. That alone would throw them out of it getting one. They just built the YUM Center and they want to home a NBA team in an older smaller building.
I'm not much for getting a team, but Stardust the NBA does work in North Carolina. There is about 4 college teams there.

Not even comparable HR! Do you know that 365 of the fortune 500 companies are all represented in Charlotte North Carolina? There are many corporate headquarters there. Professional sports franchises don't need you and I who can afford to go once per year. They have to have corporate money. Sorry, NO WAY it works anywhere in the state of Kentucky!
North Carolina is MUCH more populated than KY.
^ For the same reason I just quoted about Wink
College basketball rules Kentucky, pro basketball just won't work here.
Id love to see them try. I would go to see them beat the pacers!
... Louisville could get an NBA team. And then they'll draft players from the University of Kentucky! :biggrin:
Stardust Wrote:Not even comparable HR! Do you know that 365 of the fortune 500 companies are all represented in Charlotte North Carolina? There are many corporate headquarters there. Professional sports franchises don't need you and I who can afford to go once per year. They have to have corporate money. Sorry, NO WAY it works anywhere in the state of Kentucky!

I like name HR kudos on that one :Thumbs: No I really didn't know that you threw me for a whirl wind with that. I guess my point is kind of invalid after hearing that.
HawksRule Wrote:I like name HR kudos on that one :Thumbs: No I really didn't know that you threw me for a whirl wind with that. I guess my point is kind of invalid after hearing that.

Charlotte is LOADED with money. I love NBA, at least at Playoff time. I'd love to see it close by, but I could not afford to attend regularly, and I'm sure that's the way it would be for most all of our state.
I'd catch a few games.
I doubt that this would happen. If anyone would get a team, it would be Las Vegas. U of L's new arena is pretty nice though
vundy33 Wrote:I'd catch a few games.

Me 2 man.
I wish they'd put an NBA team in Cleveland. :/
Well according to new info it looks like Louisville will have to wait to be the next NBA city. Apparently Anaheim is on the move to accuire the Kings from Sacramento. They have been in talks for about a month now to secure the move to the land of Disney and the Mighty Ducks.
Only way a NBA team would be successful in Kentucky is if every player on the team played for UK and/or Louisville.

Also, the NBA team was going to have play in Freedom Hall and not the new Yum! Center.
Belfry0304 Wrote:I wish they'd put an NBA team in Cleveland. :/

Now thats funny:lmao:
I had heard rumors recently about a possible team moving to Pittsburgh. That would flat out shake the existance of my pro sports scale. An NBA team in Pittsburgh? I support all things Pittsburgh, however Ive been a Sixers fan for 30 years. I hope it doesnt happen. Dont think it will, but Im hoping it doesnt.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I had heard rumors recently about a possible team moving to Pittsburgh. That would flat out shake the existance of my pro sports scale. An NBA team in Pittsburgh? I support all things Pittsburgh, however Ive been a Sixers fan for 30 years. I hope it doesnt happen. Dont think it will, but Im hoping it doesnt.

Pittsburgh Pythons, Dr. J will be making his comeback as the "Fish"
Don't really seeing any team moving to Louisville. Too many other cities that would be a better venue

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